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Yi and Tina, who had just returned from the beach, walked straight to the little girls in front of the bonfire.

The little girls were drinking from a big coconut and happily talking about adult matters, not paying any attention to the approach of Jin Yi and Tina behind them.

"Oh, Dad and Aunt Tina have been out for a long time. Have they found a more fun place?"

The third daughter, Qiqi, raised the coconut to the same height as her face, looking like she wanted to go out and play too.

"Wow, dads and moms, can they play games like Huahua and the sisters?"

Huahua rested his hands leisurely on the cushion, and several small arms automatically appeared around him, constantly putting food into his mouth.

The children knew nothing about the adult world and could only guess based on their natural like-mindedness.

Tiantian sat in the center of the four little ones, supporting her chin with one hand, showing an expression of serious thinking.

Suddenly, she raised her index finger and said seriously:"The games of dads and moms...have you all forgotten them?"




The three little ones all looked at Tiantian, looking completely confused and expecting her answer.

Tiantian gently unbuttoned a button of her cheongsam, exposing her fair shoulders, and imitated Hancock's standard movements.

"Is it still the day when we saw mom and dad spending the night together?"

"The games played by adults... can only be played without clothes on!"

Such a nonsensical statement made the three little ones open their eyes wide, obviously being completely fooled.

The scene that night was witnessed by all the little girls.

After hearing what Tiantian said, Luo Luo also learned to untie his uniform a little, and said puzzledly:"Did mommy Tina also play this kind of game with daddy?"


"Oh ah!"


"Ah here!"





Four blows suddenly came from behind, hitting the little guys on the head one after another.

"You little brats... what the hell are you talking about here!"

Tina clenched her fists with anger on her face. If she hadn't been worried about hurting the little ones, it would have been her fists that went down.

Jin Yi also spread his hands in confusion. When the little girls were not under his attention, they would have been so stupid and cute to talk about such topics.

As a father, Jin Yi couldn't bear to teach them a lesson, so he could only leave the task to their mothers.

"Aunt Tina, Dad!"

"Dad, Tina's mom!"

The little kids looked like they were caught doing something bad. They stood up from the ground in unison, stepped back three steps in unison, and put their hands behind their backs.

Anyone who saw such a scene would be warmed by the performance of the little cute kids.

Tina also groaned and put down her fist, and continued:"Children are not allowed to discuss adult matters in the future. Do you hear me?"

"heard it"

"heard it"

"heard it"

""I heard it."

The four little ones replied honestly, without any of their mischievous attitude just now.

"Humph! Tiantian, what did your mother teach you on a daily basis?"

"Qiqi, have you forgotten that I lost my temper and scared you to tears?"

"Huahua, I should have said a lot of trouble, right?"

The four mothers not far away heard the conversation here and gathered around.

Hancock, Vivi, and Robin spoke in turn, reminding the little troublemakers one step at a time.

Conis held her big belly, which already had a prototype, and looked at it with a little worry, fearing that she would give birth to a little devil in the future.

Whenever they talked about educating children, the opinions of the women were particularly unified.

Obviously, there was no communication about raising daughters on weekdays, but if any of the women came out to discipline the little girls, the other mothers had no objection. The four little ones looked at Jin Yi for help. When it came to doting, I was afraid that only Jin Yi could do it.


"The little girls still have important tasks to do, so mothers should say less."

"Come here everyone!"

Jin Yi waved, and the little girls put on smug smiles on their pretty faces again, and ran to Jin Yi excitedly.

Hancock wanted to add a few more words on behalf of the mothers as the eldest daughter's mother.

After seeing Jin Yi's actions, she scolded him harshly:"You can come up with such excuses later. What important task can there be tonight? I will not agree to an overly indulgent education method."

Jin Yi tapped the noses of several little girls in succession, and continued:"I was right this time. Some annoying guys are coming towards us."

"Sob, sob, sob!"


As they were talking, there was a sound of grass rustling in the dark bushes a few dozen meters away. It seemed that more than one person was approaching.

But the sound disappeared in the darkness in an instant. It was obvious...the other party had also discovered everyone!


Foxy, who was hiding in the darkness, brought about a dozen crew members with him. They stood in a row and watched Jin Yi and the beauties by the bonfire.

"Wow! Boss, who is this man? There are so many beautiful women around him!"

"It’s really enviable, the appearance is good, and they all have different styles!"

"Especially the woman at the innermost part, it makes it hard to breathe... ugh!"

""Hey, hey, hey, why did you turn into stone? Who are you looking at? Let me see... Uh!"

Before Foxy and his men could take action, five male crew members had already turned into stone after seeing Hancock's face.

""What a nasty thing!"

Pochi, the only female in the team, spat with disdain when she saw the reactions of her companions.

Hamburger, the fighter wearing a weird blue hat, was a guy with flawed emotional and IQ. He didn't pay attention to the women at all, but instead stared at the leftover roasted meat by the campfire.

"Boss Foxy, is our goal this time to snatch the delicious grilled meat?"

Hamburger drooled as he looked at Foxy beside him.

Foxy rubbed his hands with shining eyes and shook his head dumbly,"Grilled meat what... so many cute little girls, we must catch them and use them as child laborers!"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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