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Jin Yi had been focusing on Tina, and didn't care about the detection of people with special abilities around him.

The system's warnings were divided into many levels, and only a preliminary warning was given, indicating that the opponent's strength was not strong enough to threaten them.

It would take at least ten minutes to get here at a distance of thirty nautical miles. It was more important to completely capture his woman.


Tina's punch came close to Jin Yi.

Jin Yi did not dodge, but raised his elbow to block the blow without hurting Tina.

After losing the power of the fruit, Tina's fighting ability was much worse than before. In terms of simple and not too powerful physical skills, it was like tickling Jin Yi.




Tina seemed to be deliberately venting her emotions, punching and kicking continuously.

High-intensity physical combat was not Tina's forte. Within two minutes, sweat started pouring down her forehead, and her movements gradually slowed down.


After Tina threw another chaotic punch, Jin Yi tapped Tina's wrist twice with his arm, then stepped forward and grabbed Tina's waist.


Tina wanted to shout angrily, but when she saw Jin Yi's serious eyes exuding a strong majesty, the shouting voice was choked in her throat.

"Have you had enough of the trouble?"

Jin Yi asked in a deep voice, his tone seemed to be giving Tina a chance to vent her emotions, but also seemed to be criticizing her irrational behavior.


Feeling Jin Yi close at hand, Tina's nervous breathing speeded up, and she completely entered the other party's emotional rhythm. Seeing that the time was ripe, Jin Yi looked experienced, leaned his head closer, and said,"I was the one who killed this time. If it was our daughter Luo Luo who fought with Smoker that day, what would you hope for the final result?"

"Luo Luo...Tina won't let this happen!"

After hearing Jin Yi's hypothesis, Tina kept shaking her head.

Jin Yi increased the strength of his embrace and started another round of questioning.

"What can you stop? How many years have you been in the Navy?"

"The vice admiral defeated by Luo Luo should also be your former comrade-in-arms, right?"

"Why don't you go to Luo Luo to report? I killed a man who wanted to take my life, and I have to face the accusations of my daughter's biological mother!"

After Jin Yi finished speaking, he loosened his hand and turned around to walk to the edge of the beach again.

Originally, he just wanted to say the most simple truth in the atmosphere.

But because the facts were too obvious, Jin Yi's mood was also affected a little as he spoke.

There is no right or wrong between the enemies, only who is strong and who is weak. This is the law of survival on the sea.

Even at the moment of the final emotional outburst, Jin Yi still said"my own woman" and did not push Tina away.

"Damn it… Damn it……"

Tina slowly collapsed, her two powerless fists hammering on the beach.

"Tomorrow a new pirate group will be born here"

"If you stay, I will be your castle for life."

"If you leave, and if anyone dares to bully you in the future, I will kill them even to the ends of the earth!"


As Jin Yi spoke, a sudden loud noise exploded on the sea.


Tina exclaimed with tears on her face, looking at the sea behind her.

A pirate ship comparable to a small cruise ship was parked steadily on the sea. The pirate flag swaying with the wind, through the bright moonlight, the pattern engraved on it could be clearly seen.

An arc-shaped logo like a devil fruit was hollowed out in the middle, and the bright red skull was shining, which looked very eye-catching.

What about the navy?

What about pirates?

They are nothing more than people fighting on the sea in different forms.

Jin Yi looked at the spectacular Nuohai Pirates in front of him, turned around with satisfaction and walked towards the camp.

"It seems that an uninvited guest is coming to the island, let's go back."

When passing by Tina, he spread his palm in front of her.

In a trance, Tina seemed to be facing a choice that belonged to her alone.

One second... five seconds... ten seconds... a full thirty seconds, just when Jin Yi thought he still couldn't impress Tina, Chan's light hand fell into Jin Yi's palm.

Jin Yi deliberately took a look in the system, and Tina's favorability directly increased from 25 to 55!


In the waters ten nautical miles from the island

"Captain Foxy? Are we sure we're going to land on that island tonight?"

"There seemed to be some movement just now, but it was too dark over there and I couldn't see clearly!"

A man with a strange appearance looked at the source of the loud noise and said to Foxy on the deck behind him.

Silver Fox Foxy, captain of the Foxy Pirates, and the user of the Slow-Moon Fruit!

In the area in the first half of the Grand Line where the strength was not too strong, Foxy, with a bounty of 24 million Baileys, was not a dominant figure, but he was also well-known and often mentioned.

Foxy's appearance was even more unpredictable, with a split-browed red nose, inverted splayed eyebrows, triangular eyes, and a purple fur coat. He looked particularly ugly no matter how you looked at him.

He swung the red wine glass in the air, and the red wine glass, which was supposed to fall at a high speed, seemed to be affected by some external energy and fell into Foxy's hand as lightly as a feather.

"There is still fire on the island, which means there must be someone there."

"No matter which unlucky pirate group it is, I will leave them with some sad memories tonight."

""Pei, peei, peei!"

Foxy laughed in a strange voice.

In this small sea area, passers-by who have come into contact with Foxy know that this guy's fighting ability is not strong, but the natural properties of the devil fruit are very frightening!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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