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After Enel was defeated, there was jubilation in the White Sea.

Jin Yi and his group, who were originally regarded as infiltrators, were completely praised to the sky.

With Jin Yi's two words of mediation, the battle between the Sky People and Shandia, which had been deadlocked for 400 years, came to an end.

Jin Yi did not covet the position of God, and handed over the future management rights of Sky Island to Gan Fuer and Shandia Chief to manage together.

In order to thank Jin Yi and his little daughters for what they did, Gan Fuer voluntarily gave up the position of God and became the head of the God Guard. The position of"God" was left to Jin Yi forever.

Similarly, the little daughters followed Jin Yi and were worshipped as the"Four Little Goddesses" by the entire Sky Island. In the future, statues will be specially built for the little goddesses in the palace of the God Shrine.

In the huge square, a group of bonfires several times larger than the one in the jungle last night was raised.

The four little girls gathered together and interacted enthusiastically with the people who dared to come to celebrate, which was the most eye-catching scenery on the scene.

Jin Yi held a wine glass and clinked it with Webber who came to toast politely, and said,"Don't forget to move all the gold you collected to the temple tomorrow."

Now Jin Yi's image in Webber's heart is no less than that of the great warrior Calgara who he has always admired.

When the Shandians needed help the most, he stepped forward to help the Shandians return to Arpaiado and lit the lost lights of Shandora.

This series of actions was not only regarded as a hero by Webber, but all the warriors of Shandia and Webber had the same feeling.

The lively crowd infected all the people from Qinghai, and even Tina, who usually maintained a cool attitude, joined the carnival team under the leadership of her daughter Luoluo.

Robin and Weiwei were beautiful and elegant. They played games with the little girls by the bonfire, and the scene was a pleasing sight.

In such a harmonious scene, there was only one person who was absent-minded and occasionally looked at Jin Yi... Hancock!

In the woods last night, Jin Yi's words really affected Hancock's mood.

Even the queen of Nine Snake Island had a past that she couldn't bear to look back on, and she also left a mark of humiliation on her back.

If there was really a way to permanently remove the marks on her back, Hancock would try it at any cost.


Night at the Shrine of God.

According to the strong request of the daughters and mothers, eight mothers and daughters lived together in a large palace that could accommodate more than a dozen people.

In order to make things lively, the four little girls all lay on one bed, fighting and making noises for a long time.

Children are children after all, and they soon fell asleep after a whole day of enthusiasm.

The mothers were left with their own thoughts and were reluctant to leave. Hancock was the most sleepless among them.

After about three hours, when they were sure that everyone around them had fallen asleep, Hancock jumped out of the window quietly without making any sound.


The lights in the main palace were bright.

Jin Yi shook off his tiredness, changed into his bedroom pajamas early, and waited for Hancock to arrive in the room.

When he felt the breath approaching from the window, Jin Yi smiled and said without turning his head,"Aren't you going to come in now?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Hancock pushed open the door of the palace. Hancock was still wearing a decent purple cheongsam, standing at the door with dignity, looking at Jin Yi who was leaning leisurely on the sofa.

"What are you doing standing there? Come here."

Jin Yi said with a smile.

Hancock had already lost momentum when she came to Jin Yi as requested.

Now, even if she put on a hundred cool poses, it would be difficult to save her disadvantage.


Hancock secretly breathed a sigh of relief, trying to keep herself calm, and slowly walked towards Jin Yi.

Jin Yi grabbed two toothpicks on the table and threw them towards the door.



The gilded wooden door was closed by the impact of the toothpick, leaving the two of them alone.

Hancock glanced at one place unconsciously, without looking directly into Jin Yi's eyes, and said,"Who are you, why... why do you know what's going on behind me?"

Jin Yi scratched the side of his face and answered frivolously,"Who can I be? I'm your daughter's father."


Hancock was speechless for a moment after what Jin Yi said, and clenched her fists with anger.

Jin Yi, who was thought to be even more shameless, suddenly stood up from the sofa with nimble strength, and landed less than half a meter in front of Hancock.

The sudden move made Hancock panic, and she hurriedly wanted to step back to avoid it.

Jin Yi, who had expected Hancock's move, supported Hancock's back with one hand, and before she got angry and fought back, he took the initiative to say:"Don't you want to remove the 'Dragon's Hoof'? Sit on the sofa."

Hancock's expression froze, and with her eyes dodged, she still quickly broke away from Jin Yi, and questioned vigilantly:"What is the price? If you want to hit on Tiantian, I would rather bear this stigma forever!"

Let's not talk about whether Jin Yi has the ability to erase the mark of the flying dragon's hoof. From a purely feasible point of view, Tiantian is still Hancock's last bottom line.

As long as it harms the interests of her daughter, she will never do it.

Jin Yi shook his head in surprise,"Don't worry, I haven't stooped to the point of using my own daughter as a bargaining chip."

Hancock secretly glanced at Jin Yi, pretended to be calm and pulled her collar, and added:"If you still want to do it……���I will not agree to do anything else."

The small action of pulling the collar did not escape Jin Yi's eyes. He hit Hancock on the shoulder with his backhand, and cleverly exerted force to push her smoothly on the sofa.

"Jin Yi Ni……"

"What about me? If I really want to do...something else, do you think you can resist it now?"

Jin Yi said with a deliberate evil smile, which made Hancock even more nervous.

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