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TảDate: 0.856s Scan: 0.025sIn the East China Sea, in Kekeyaxi Village

"No one is here today, why is the devil Nokiko always missing recently?"

A girl with short orange hair and cool clothes was walking towards the back in a golden orange grove with a large package on her back.

Little thief... Nami! She was also a well-known female thief near her hometown.

Every time she went out, Nami would choose a suitable target group, use her disguise skills to blend into them, and after successfully getting familiar with them, she would seize the other party's property.

The little thief was not a bottom-line stealer who would steal everything. Every time she chose the extravagant nobles and the heinous pirates.

For Nami, she had no guilt at all for attacking these people.


After reaching the end of the orange grove, Nami used a shovel to dig up the soil on the open space and took out a large box half the width of a person from the ground.


"That’s great, adding these up it’s 92 million Baileys!"

"We are only a little bit away from 100 million Baileys!"

The box was full of gold coins and treasures, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Nami took off her backpack, poured the large sums of money into the box, and clapped her hands in satisfaction.

After doing all this, Nami carefully looked around the orange grove, and after making sure there was no one, she buried the box again.

"let me go!"

"I have said it many times, I haven't seen Nami these days!"

Walking through the orange grove and passing by the houses nearby, Nokigo's familiar voice came out.

However, listening to Nokigo's speech at this moment, it was obvious that someone was deliberately making things difficult for him, and the target was still him!

""Oh no!"

Nami's heart trembled, and she quickened her pace and went around to the main entrance.


At the entrance of the wooden house, a pretty girl with short blue hair and a solid figure stood on the wooden steps and stopped two strange-looking fishmen who tried to rush in.

"Brother Dragon said... Nami has been missing for a week. If she doesn't show up again, she will know how powerful we are... Haha!"

A fat fishman pointed at Nokigo and said, staggeringly, obviously drunk.


Another tall and thin fishman clapped exaggeratedly, and agreed with a drunken voice:"You are right... Nami must come out today... We, we know she is here, get out of here!"

In the East China Sea, which is the weakest, the dragon, which is not considered to be very powerful, notified the surrounding villages and towns and became the local tyrant of this generation. Naturally, his subordinates followed suit and abused their power.

If ordinary villagers encountered the fishmen of the Dragon Paradise, the only result would be that they would obey orders submissively. But Nokigo, with his stubborn personality, would not pay any attention to the ordinary fish. In order to take advantage of Nami's ability to draw nautical charts, the dragon asked his subordinates to take special care of Nokigo's family and not make things too difficult for them.

Of course, the fact of special care is only based on doing things well.

Nokigo listened to the questioning of the two drunk fish and rolled his eyes with disdain,"Do you want me to say it again? If it's not here, it's not here."

""Hey... let's go over and take a look."

Fat Drunk Fish reached out his hand and tried to pull Gao aside.

Speaking rudely to the fish people was already a special treatment. Trying to stop their actions would only put Noki Gao in greater trouble.

Noki Gao took a step to the side in disgust, trying to avoid Fat Drunk Fish's hand.

At this moment, a black breath quickly sank into Noki Gao's abdomen without anyone noticing.


Suddenly, a strong cramp came from Nokigo's abdomen, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Nami was hiding behind an orange tree not far away. She only saw the moment when Fat Drunk Fish raised his hand, and then Nokigo fell down. She had no idea what caused her to fall.

"You damn stupid fishmen!"

"Thump thump thump……"

In Kokoa West Village, Nami and Nokigo were orphans who were adopted by their foster mother.

In order to protect the two little girls, the foster mother chose to sacrifice her own life. This incident has always been a hurdle in Nami's heart.

Seeing Nokigo was suspected of being hurt by the fishman, Nami's emotions instantly lost control, and she grabbed the wooden stick while running.

"Huh? How can you, a woman, fall down just like that? I, I haven't touched you yet."

"What's that sound... Oh, there's no need to look for her now, Nami is right here……"

"Go to hell, idiot!"


Nami used all her strength and swung the stick fiercely on Fat Drunk Fish's head. As she smashed down, the stick broke.

"It hurts!"

"Nami, are you crazy?"

The physique of fishmen is much stronger than that of humans. Nami's full-strength attack only made Fat Drunk Fish feel pain, and did not cause more serious damage at all.

" girl……"

Nojigo looked up with a pale face.

""Nokigo! Are you okay?"

Nami took a step forward and was about to get close to Nokigo, but was pulled back by the tall and thin fishman.

"You still have such a bad temper... But, I finally caught you, hahaha."

The tall and thin fish laughed unscrupulously.

Just when Nami wanted to struggle hard, another stream of green air quickly bypassed the fishman and hit Nami's abdomen.


"what happened?"

"My stomach hurts so much!"

Nami and Nokiko felt the same pain and fell to the ground helplessly.

The tall and thin fish man looked at Nami who was about to fall to the ground and increased the strength of his hands in dissatisfaction.���He wanted to grab her arm and pull her up forcefully.

In an instant, a strange scene happened!



"Uh ah……"


Two blue lightning bolts automatically flashed out from Nami's body, as if they had intelligence, and accurately hit the two drunk fish.

With two screams, it was not Nami who fell first, but the two drunk fish with black smoke above their heads.


Nami's heart was pounding, and she sat on the ground helplessly, unable to describe what she had just done.

"What's going on? Nami...your belly!"

Nojigao climbed up from behind with difficulty, and shouted in surprise at Nami's rapidly bulging belly.


"So what?"

"What went into my stomach?"

Nami moved back in shock, and her hand accidentally rested on Nokigo's stomach. The similar swelling feeling made Nami look over there!

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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