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"How can it be?"

"How is it possible!"

Enelu was on the throne, his eyes shone as he murmured.

Ever since he ruled Arpaiado, the ability of the mind network has always been his exclusive.

The priests under him also mastered the basic ability of the mind network through his trials.

And the children who were just born on the island were born with the ability to"listen", which made it difficult for him to tolerate such a thing.

""Haha, how is it impossible?"

At a distance of nearly 100 miles, Huahua's childish voice began a long-distance conversation with Eneel.

The ability to"listen" at a very long distance in the mind net is something that Eneel can do with the characteristics of the Thunder Fruit. Those who have mastered the mind net ability can only foresee the opponent's next move in battle. However,

Huahua broke the convention and directly possessed the ability to listen at a very long distance!

"I originally wanted to slow down the game, but now it seems there is no need at all!"

"You damned little brat...and those people from Qinghai around you, you will all pay the price!"

"hiss hiss……"

Aini raised his head with a gloomy look, and the lightning on his body flickered irregularly.


"The Lord God is completely angry!"

"Stay away, get out of the way!"

"What happened? Didn't you just say forget it?"

"God knows what happened! The most important thing is to escape!"

The divine guards and maids around Enelu retreated several dozen meters, and the square of the Shrine of God was in a state of restlessness.

Every time Enelu got angry, it would affect the people around him.

In their eyes, the god with a weird temper had the ability to destroy anything at will!


Inside the Arpaio Forest

"Who is this little kid from Qinghai named Huahua talking to?"

"Do I need to explain more? No matter how you look at it, it's... Enelu!"

"Could it be that he is also born with the ability of telepathy, just like Aisha?"

"Hey, hey, hey, Asia can’t talk to Enel through the air!"

"This is incredible, I've never seen this before!"

Webber, who wanted to take action, was shocked by Huahua's conversation, and for a moment it was difficult to order a general attack on the Shrine of God.


"Boom boom boom……"

In the sky above everyone's head, the sunlight was originally blocked by dark clouds, and there was a strong energy of thunder and lightning gathering faintly.

Tiantian, who had experience in dealing with things, looked up at the sky and said with a smile:"Is that fun thunder ball going to appear again?"

"Well, it's the same no matter how many times you come."

"Tsk tsk tsk, why don't we play the game again?"

Lolo and Qiqi looked at each other.

Huahua raised her little hand, with petals faintly fluttering on it, and said expectantly:"Is this the ability of that person just now... Duluo, it looks very interesting"

"Sisters, take me with you when you want to play something!"

With just a few words, the newborn little guy quickly became friends with the little girls, and the playful mood was perfectly shared by them.









Jin Yi slowly stood up from the ground and knocked on each of the four little girls' heads.

"You have played enough, let your dad take over next!" As he spoke, Jin Yi waved his hand and asked all his daughters to step back.

Dad stepped forward on his own initiative, and the little girls stepped back, looking at each other, not knowing what their dad was going to do.

Among the four daughters, except for Chichi who had seen Jin Yi take action, the other three had not seen Jin Yi's true combat ability. With the birth of so many daughters in a row and new daughters to sow the seeds, Jin Yi's basic physical qualities are already very different from before Alabasta.

Even without relying on special alien skills, Jin Yi can challenge any of the Seven Warlords of the Sea with pure physical skills and physical fitness.

"hiss hiss……"

Enelu's Thunder target locked onto the direction of the little daughter, and the energy gathered by the black cloud was compressed in a chain.

As a natural type, the Thunder Fruit is a terrible fruit with super destructive power. It is also the most underestimated devil fruit in the early days of the construction of the pirate world!

If it weren't for the limitation of Sky Island's strength, if Enelu's physical skills were enhanced to the level of a vice admiral of the navy, he would be a powerful BOSS!

"Enelu has completely set his murderous intentions on him. No matter how many times I see him, I always feel helpless."

Gan Fowl looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky.

Six years ago, as the god of Sky Island, he was also supported by thousands of people. The appearance of Enelu completely split the lives of the people of Sky Island!


Weber clenched his fists and roared in a low voice with hatred and heroic spirit.

In the past few years, countless Shandians have died in the battle with Enelu.

Faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Weber even found the ancient relic shells and was ready to risk his life to avenge his people.

In the face of the threat of heavenly thunder, the ability of ordinary humans seems so insignificant.


A deafening roar pierced through the sky, and a blue ball of lightning fell fiercely towards Jin Yi and his little daughter. The terrifying momentum was so breathtaking that Hancock and Tina, who had not seen the first thunder with their own eyes, perked up and stared at Jin Yi in a slightly stunned manner.


When the green lightning ball fell in front of Jin Yi, a sound like thin ice breaking was heard.

In an instant, the lightning and energy seemed to touch the black hole in the abyss, turning into scattered airflows and disappearing without a trace!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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