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"hiss hiss……"

There were rustling sounds coming from the door of the intact cloud house, and a unique purple flower quietly bloomed from the door, forming a circular wreath with several sections on its face.

A short little girl wearing the clothes prepared by Jin Yi accurately put the wreath on her little head and put it on a small-sized western hat.

"Toooo... there are so many people here, haha!"

With a delicate white complexion, elegant long hair, and a closer look at her eyebrows, she has a rare beauty temperament that Robin rarely sees.

"How come the baby who was just born is so big! Conis... am I dazzled?"

""Father, you are not mistaken... She is really just born!"

Conis and his daughter were completely stunned. No one expected to see such a scene.

Gan Forle and the Shandians did not notice the appearance of the fifth daughter Huahua before she was born. Although they were also frightened by the strange phenomena around them, they did not show the same reaction as Conis and his daughter.

Huahua touched the wreath on her head, looked around, and stopped her eyes on Jin Yi.

The birth of another little daughter made Jin Yi very happy. He looked at the fifth daughter Huahua with a very friendly look and slowly squatted down.

"Huahua, right? Come here."

Jin Yi said, waving at Huahua.

Huahua blinked, put her hands behind her back and tilted her head. The worldview and interpersonal relationships in her mind were rapidly constructed.

"This''s Dad!"

"Six rounds of flowers blooming!"

"Toot... Toot……"

Huahua, who sensed the relationship between them, stretched out her little hand in a hurry and waved it in the direction of Jinyi.

Behind her, an inexplicable fruit energy was gradually absorbing her.

Jinyi blocked his father's special skills to prevent the fruit ability from being directly wiped out, and let Huahua use the devil fruit ability on him.

The two extended arms, each with six sections, were only carried on Huahua's little arms.

Huahua didn't need to exert any strength at all, and the automatic contraction of the arms easily brought Huahua directly to Jinyi's arms. He gently embraced Huahua's small body, and a full sense of accomplishment rose in Jinyi's heart.

"Hahahaha... Daddy's arms are so warm"

"It’s warmer than mom’s belly!"

"I really want my mother to come out and hug my father……"

Huahua rubbed against Jinyi and said in a very cute way:

"Your mother Robin has worked hard, let her have a good rest."

Jin Yi reminded him.

The warm moment between the father and daughter did not last even a minute. The three little girls listened to their father very much, kept covering their mouths, and gathered around Jin Yi.

"Dad can't be partial, Tiantian also wants a hug, a warm hug"

"Hey, where is the warmest place? Let Luo Luo squeeze in too"

""Oh, dad has probably held me the longest."

The three little girls surrounded Huahua from the left, right and front directions, and all six of them looked at her.




Huahua sniffed through the crowd one by one, and with shining eyes, she gently moved the wreath twice.



""Duo Luo!"

Three little arms appeared out of thin air from the wreath, and like a magic trick, they perfectly copied the other three wreaths and lightly put them on the heads of the other three little girls.

"Three sisters, I am Huahua, the youngest among you"

"Hehe, everyone should love this little sister in the future!"

Huahua spoke freely and generously, without any restraint at all.

Although she is not as outgoing as Yaya, she is very decent and elegant, with Robin's external temperament.

"Wow! What a beautiful wreath!"

"Look, is this Sister Huahua’s ability?"

""Oh! Qiqi has one too, so happy!"

As daughters of Jin Yi, the little ones have a natural bond of affection, and they can understand each other without saying anything.

Watching the warm scene of the family from afar, Weber in the Shandia camp even gradually forgot the fear of Jin Yi's coercion just now.

"What’s going on with these weird people from Qinghai?"

"Damn it, I can’t waste any more time here!"

"No matter what... This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to take back our homeland!"

Weber's fists were clenched while he spoke, and he looked extremely excited, as if he had automatically blocked out the fear just now.

For the Shandians, the Qinghai people who came from unknown places killed all the priests. Now only Enelu and the God Guards are left in the God's Shrine, and their strength has been greatly weakened.

In the nearly six years of fighting against Enelu, there has never been such a great opportunity!


In the shrine of God dozens of miles away

""Hiss... Bang, bang, bang!"

A strong electric light flashed in front of the people, blasting all the wine barrels at the nearest distance into pieces. The full wine gave off a burnt smell.


"My Lord God...what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you suddenly angry?"

The maids around him knelt on the ground in fear, not daring to look up at Enelu.


"Forget it, if you are defeated, it means that your cultivation is still poor."

"Such a person is a burden to keep around."

Enelu let out a long breath, and continued to lie lazily on the golden throne.

The trembling guards around heard such words and asked anxiously:"My God, are you saying...the priests were defeated?"

"How could there be such a person on the island?"

"Even if Shandia and Gan Fol came, they couldn't be the opponents of the priests, right?"

Enelu locked his eyes with the guards who were discussing, and frightened them so much that they immediately shut up.

"This is good... Now that all three parties are together, it's easier for me to eliminate them all at once!"


Inside the Arpaiodo Forest


Among the girls who were being intimate, Huahua's eyes flashed, and she turned to look at Jin Yi suspiciously.

""Dad, are the people from Qinghai talking about us?"

Huahua asked directly.

Jinyi nodded, touched Huahua's little head and said,"Yes, did you hear those weirdos in strange clothes say that?"

Huahua scratched his face and shook his head,"It's not them, it's a guy who calls himself God, who wants to eliminate us!"




As soon as the words came out, not only did everyone present show a look of horror.

Even Enelu in the God's Shrine, after hearing such words, instantly sat up straight.

Heart Net!

Huahua's innate observation Haki!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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