One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 157 Enemy attack? Just one person?

With the return of the hammer, the chilling atmosphere surrounding the navy headquarters disappeared in an instant.

The repair work of the Warhammer is proceeding step by step.

Iron Hammer took Tina and entered the arsenal again.

Tina, stop making the Black Hammer. Make your abilities into separate metal bars, reserve them, and then have people move them to the Warhammer.

The repaired material can be blended with some black hammer materials, and the hardness is good.

Tina nodded and began to prepare the materials.

Looking at Tina's hard work, Tie Zhui nodded with satisfaction.

Although Tina is still young, under his training, she is now very proficient in using the fruit's abilities.

She has also developed many new moves. In terms of physical skills, Lance and Shirley also trained her, and she has developed very comprehensively.

On the contrary, Iron Hammer himself improved very slowly in terms of strength.

Both the two-color domineering and fruit development have reached a bottleneck.

But he didn't care at all and still focused on making iron.

With air plasticity, he is even more comfortable with blacksmithing.

Weapons of various shapes emerge in endlessly.

He even built a large naginata that was exactly the same as Cong Yunqi, but it didn't reach the level of the supreme great sword.

As for the creation of exclusive weapons, Iron Hammer has not yet started. After all, the jade iceberg has not yet been solved and cannot be forged, let alone the light stone.

Polo Polo...

Lance, how long will it take for the Warhammer to be repaired?

Hmm...a month? Why so long?

Uh, okay, let's give it a month. I have asked Tina to make the corresponding materials, and I will send them to you one after another.

By the way, Lance, you should give up the fruit that Brother Dog sent you earlier. I think the animal type, mouse, and porcupine form is not suitable for you at all.

Lance: Porcupine? Is it a mouse? Hey, today is another day of learning!

A month later, it seems that he can take a good vacation.



New world, an island.

A damaged warship was docked on the coast, and next to the warship was a pirate ship, the Al Jackson.

Hahahaha, if you want to arrest me, you have to at least send Garp or Sengoku.

You marines are still far behind!

Gol D. Roger, the captain of the Roger Pirates, grabbed a sailor by the collar arrogantly and spoke in a very casual tone.

Suddenly his eyes flashed red and he looked in one direction.

This aura, it's Whitebeard, hahahaha!

At the same time, the Whitebeard Pirates also landed on this island.

Kozuki Oden took the lead and charged towards the location of the Roger Pirates.

Whitebeard followed.

The battle between the two sides began immediately, and the battle lasted for three days and three nights.

The last two pirate groups at the top started the banquet on the spot.

Hey! Whitebeard, I heard that you were having a bad time some time ago!

Roger drank and mocked Whitebeard.

The white beard's eyebrows were beating in anger.

Humph, you have the nerve to talk to me? I heard that someone was struck by lightning and the parts on his body were not charged!

The two people looked at each other for a moment, and laughed the next second.

Hahaha, I heard that Zephyr has come to the new world. What's going on? Huh? Whitebeard.

Faced with Roger's inquiry, Whitebeard showed a hint of irritation.

The face of a bastard kid couldn't help but appear in his mind, it was Hammer.

He's not a new naval star named Iron Hammer. Who knew he was so popular? Not only Zefa, but also Sengoku and Garp came to seek revenge on me.

Zefa, in particular, used a very powerful gauntlet. Even I couldn't get enough of it for a while. That bastard didn't care about getting hurt at all and kept beating me despite my attacks.

Thinking of those days, Whitebeard showed a hint of helplessness. Even if he had extraordinary strength, an evil tiger could not hold down a pack of wolves, and these wolves were all about the same size as him, which made him speechless to the extreme.

Roger laughed heartlessly, and a red-nosed kid not far away from him shuddered when he heard the word hammer.

Hey, Bucky, what's wrong with you?

Go away, Shanks, I just thought of something bad.

What happened? Was it the last time you were struck by lightning? I have to say, Bucky, you have been completely different since you were struck by lightning.


The kid named Bucky still has a somewhat immature look on his face. He has a piece of blue hair missing from the top and is a little bald. Anyone who knows him well knows that it was struck by lightning.



One month later, in the sea area of ​​​​the Grand Line, near the Upside Down Mountain.

Hey, Kuzan, why is there an iceberg behind your ship?

Iron Hammer arrived as promised on the repaired Warhammer.

But the first thing I saw was an iceberg pulled behind Kuzan's warship.

There seemed to be many invisible figures in the iceberg.

Hahaha, those are the prisoners I arrested. The space on our warship is limited, so in order not to take up space, I sealed them all in ice. As a result, the more I arrested, the more they became icebergs!

Facing Iron Hammer's inquiry, Kuzan looked very proud.

As everyone knows, Tie Zhui and others silently took a few steps back.

I'm afraid you don't have some weird quirks. Although you are a frozen person, you turn people into ice sculptures and carry them around with you. Tsk, tsk, dig inside.

Kuzan: ....

Okay, Kuzan, while we are sailing, I will tell you about the Baoyu Iceberg.

As soon as he heard about Baoyu Iceberg, Kuzan became excited and quickly ran to Iron Hammer.

The Baoyu Iceberg is also known as the ice that does not melt. After exploration by Dr. Begapunk and I, we finally found a way to change it.

That is, use ice against ice to assimilate it.

Tie Chui told Kuzan the situation of Baoyu Bingshan bit by bit.

Kuzan was very fascinated by what he heard. When he heard that the jade iceberg would never change for thousands of years, it was definitely a good material for forging weapons, and his frozen fruit could well assimilate it into forgeable materials. He had already decided to pay for it. With his own efforts, this precious jade iceberg will definitely be able to create an exclusive weapon for him.

So, Kuzan, I will leave this jade iceberg to you. When can you use your freezing power to change it, let me know and I will come and receive the goods.

I saw Iron Hammer placing a special iron box in front of Kuzan, which contained the ice from the Baoyu Iceberg.

Kuzan was a little confused and didn't understand what Iron Hammer was doing at all.

Why are you looking like this, brother, I don't have time to wait for you to complete the assimilation work. I just came here to give you this ice cube.

As for when you can get him done, it all depends on your ability.



Along with Iron Hammer's laughter, Warhammer suddenly trembled, and the next second, Shirley's voice came.

Enemy attack!

It's the swordsman's slash!

Eleven o'clock position! One enemy!

Iron Hammer and Kuzan looked at each other, enemy? one person? What the hell?



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