One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 156 Warring States Linen was stunned!

Hehehe, Sengoku-san, it seems you have prepared quite a lot. Do you want exclusive weapons?

After experiencing the eye contact, Iron Hammer instantly entered a state of iron-clad skin. His tone, tsk tsk, was an absolute black-hearted businessman.

Warring States' heart trembled, but the temptation of exclusive weapons was very great for him.

Who can resist a cool and powerful weapon?

do my best! Isn’t it going to cause massive bleeding? He is the Warring States Period, the future Admiral of the Navy! Be magnanimous!

Hmph! That's right, I found many rare gems, one of which has a very strong light element. As a person with the ability of Renren Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Giant Buddha Form, I can feel the energy in it through my own abilities.

Iron hammer, I can give you all the ores, in exchange, build me an exclusive weapon.

Sengoku's attitude surprised Iron Hammer.

Equally surprised was Porusalino.

The two looked at each other, and instantly saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes.

It was obvious that neither of them expected that Warring States Period would do such a thing.

You must know that the Warring States Period has always been the representative of the iron rooster. It is a nightmare to beat the workers and make him bleed, unless he is plotted against.

Today he was so unusual and generous in handing over everything to Hammer.

Tie Zhui couldn't help but feel a little frightened, wondering if Lao Deng was plotting against him again.

Even Porusalino was a little unsure of Sengoku's situation for a while.

He was ready to sing a double act with Iron Hammer, cheating and deceiving Sengoku Sang.

What? Hammer, don't you dare to accept it? Be bold and show your courage to fight against Whitebeard!

Warring States finally regained a sense of superiority in the way he looked at Iron Hammer, and he rose up in an instant.

He was very grateful to Ms. He for enlightening him.

Sure enough, to deal with someone like Iron Hammer, you must first give him a big sweet date!

Moreover, this method of stimulating generals can have a very obvious effect!

Hmph! Why don't you dare? It's just an exclusive weapon!

Take out all the ores and let me take a look. If they fit, I'll pack your weapons!

The iron hammer couldn't stand the provocation of the Warring States Period, and it instantly hit its head.

Anyway, the ore will be handed over to him. Will he still have the final say on what materials will be used to forge the Warring States Period?

The two bad guys just have their own plans.

But when he heard that Iron Hammer agreed to build exclusive weapons, Warring States was instantly overjoyed.

Wait! I'll get it for you right now!

The whole person rushed out of the marshal's office like a tornado. ,

Everyone who saw it was stunned.

Exclusive weapons are indeed very attractive. I'm afraid this bastard Seng Guo has forgotten me!

Old Man Kong was unhappy. Warring States had always respected him, but this was the first time he ignored him and rushed out of his office.

Kuzan, do you have any tasks next? I have some ideas and need your help with experiments.

Iron Hammer didn't care what Old Man Kong and Old Man Warring States thought, he set his sights on Kuzan.

He has not yet tried the method of fighting fire with poison without melting the ice. If successful, the ice of Baoyu Iceberg will definitely become a very powerful forging material.

Oh! My dear friend, my mission is to patrol the world. If you want, you can come with me!

After your Warhammer is repaired, of course.

Of course Kuzan welcomes the hammer to come to him, it is his exclusive weapon.

Iron Hammer nodded, having already made a decision in his heart. Once the Warhammer was repaired, he would follow Kuzan on a patrol around the world.

Rely on Kuzan's frozen fruit to improve the non-melting ice.

Hammer! Hammer!

Let's see if these materials are enough to buy me an exclusive weapon!

Arriving before anyone else, Seng Guo's excited voice resounded throughout the Marshal's office.

He was immediately woken up by the snoring Garp.

Warring States, what are you talking about? You woke me up from my sweet dream!

But no one paid any attention to Garp's complaints. Everyone's eyes were on the big box Sengoku was holding.

The box was opened, and colorful ores were instantly displayed.

Tie Zhui's eyes were instantly attracted, and he rushed to the box with a face full of obsession and murmured:

Holy shit, old man Warring States, you can do it. Can you do this kind of thing?

Is this colorful ammonite? Such a big piece? Darling...

This is? Topaz? This transparency is worthy of being comparable to diamond.

Huh? It glows golden and has a soft temperature. This... crystal of light? Stone of light? What Vegapunk said is actually true. There really is such a crystal that can host light!

What can make a blacksmith crazy or even crazy are undoubtedly various rare ores and forging materials.

At this time, the hammer had fallen into madness.

The box of ore in front of him was definitely a treasure worth a thousand dollars. Even he had to admire Warring States' ability to find so many rare ores.

But Seng Guo's face turned dark.

Being ignorant, he thought that except for the golden stone, the other stones were just slightly rarer stones.

After the series of shocking sounds from the hammer, he realized that he seemed to have thought wrong.

The value of these things is quite high! Thinking about the conditions he gave Iron Hammer, he felt that he had missed hundreds of billions.

But Warring States is a general after all, and he still needs to have the courage he deserves.

How about it, Hammer, are these enough to replace me with a special weapon?

Enough! Absolutely enough!

Iron Hammer replied without raising his head.

Sengoku was instantly overjoyed when he heard the answer he wanted, but Tie Hammer's next words shattered his wish.

But old man from the Warring States Period, don't be too happy. Except for Gouzi's nest of Q, all other materials are zero-based. Look at the Baoyu Iceberg. I haven't found a good way to forge it until now.

Although you have provided a lot of materials, it is still unknown how to combine them for forging, so I cannot guarantee you the progress of the exclusive weapons.

Warring States was stunned for a moment.

There's something wrong with this script. Doesn't it mean that when things and people are already there, his exclusive weapons will be there?

Why is it so troublesome! ! !

Hahahaha, Warring States Period, I'd like to say that you have a great idea! Exclusive weapons can't be so easy to forge.

I'm laughing so hard! Cough cough cough!

Zefa and Garp looked at each other, laughing and mocking their old friend, not paying any attention to Sengoku's dark face.

Perhaps because he was laughing too hard, Zefa started coughing violently again.

Iron Hammer quickly rushed to his side to support him, and urged Zefa to take medicine quickly.

Hey Zefa, what's wrong with you?

Seeing Zefa coughing violently and taking medicine, everyone in the office showed a trace of confusion.

Hey... I'm getting old and my body is weak. It just happened after the battle with Whitebeard.

It's asthma...the medicine is also a specific medicine for asthma.

Unlike Zefa's calmness, Iron Hammer told Zefa's condition very seriously.

Are you asthmatic... You are the same, Zefa. You must take good care of yourself when you are sick. Your health is important.

As Zefa's leader, Old Man Kong looked at Zefa, who was a little stooped due to coughing, with a flash of distress in his eyes.

Hahaha, don't worry, there is medicine. I don't go to the front line every day, so it will be fine.

Hey, okay, Hammer, since you're fine, then everything remains as usual, Sakaski, you continue to patrol the new world.

Porusalino, Punk Hassard.

Kuzan, the first half of the Grand Line.

Garp, Roger Pirates.

Iron Hammer, you stay at the headquarters for the time being.

The meeting finally ended with Old Man Kong's summary, and all naval departments returned to normal life.



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