After hearing what Loen said, the four supernova captains only felt a chill on the back of their necks, as if they were falling into an ice cave!

The power of the World Government is so terrible! It is so terrible that it is far beyond their imagination!

The Knights of God, the Five Elders, just these strong men are like a natural moat, out of reach!

Don't forget that under the World Government, there are also violent organizations like the Navy Headquarters!

The strength of the Navy should not be underestimated!

Before the Navy was defeated this time, the recognized overlord on the sea was not a pirate, but the Navy!

Just the configuration of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters, plus the Navy Marshal, and the admiral candidate, these forces, no pirate group can compete with any of them!

Add to that the Five Elders and the Knights of God, which are even more powerful than the Navy Headquarters!

The power of the World Government is like a behemoth, a prehistoric monster, almost insurmountable!

Just thinking about it makes people suffocate!

No wonder the World Government has been able to rule the world steadily for more than 800 years!

If they are really a group of powerless piggy celestial dragons, relying on the title of [descendants of the Creator] alone is of no use!

"so...Will we never be able to take revenge?"

"Damn! The world government is too big!"

"Damn it!"

For a moment, the four captains were all discouraged!

After all, the power of the world government is too huge. They really felt the vastness of the sea!

Compared with the world government, they....As tiny as an ant

"Haha, the world government's strength is far more than that. The real highest power in the world government is not those crappy Five Elders, but an old monster who has lived for eight hundred years!"

"His strength is truly unfathomable!"Lorne continued with a smile.

"What?! Aren’t the Five Elders the supreme power in the world?"

"Is what you said true?"

"This is the first time I’ve heard of such a statement!"

"There is actually an old monster who has lived for 800 years!"

The four captains were shocked by Lorne's words again, but they were a little skeptical at this time.

There is another world king above the Five Elder Stars?!

Such a thing is really unheard of and unseen!

"That man is called Im. He is the one who was given the ability of immortality by the Operation Fruit. He holds the true supreme power in the world."

"Do you understand now what a huge monster you will face if you want revenge?"

Lorne didn't care whether they believed it or not, and continued.

After all, believe it or not, as long as you want revenge, you will have to face the Five Elders, the Knights of God, and Im.


"It seems impossible to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons."

"What should I do? I am beginning to doubt my life."

"Could it be that my companions and brothers all died in vain?"

Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John, and the Amazon King, the four supernovas, looked ashen and desperate.

If the world government is really as Loen said, with the Five Elders, the Knights of God, the Navy Headquarters, and a strong man like Im who has lived for 800 years.

How can I succeed in revenge?!

"Haha, it seems I really misjudged you."

"Your brothers, childhood friends and partners have all been killed."

"They are all so domineering and overbearing, yet they are frightened by something like this?"

"That's ridiculous."

"I thought I saw my own childhood in you and saved your life."

"I didn't expect that I was so stupid."

"No matter what, my brother and I must bring down the Celestial Dragons!"

"As for you, just consider it as I saved your life for nothing. You can choose your own way in the future."

Lorne looked at the reactions of the few people and felt a little disappointed, so he turned and left.

These legendary pirates are such cowards? They are actually a little scared when they hear the name of the world government?

If these people are really at this level, then forget it.

In the world of pirates, if you don't even have the spirit, you can't become a real strong man.


Watching Lorne leave, the four captains seemed to have thought of something.

They all had a deep hatred for the World Government!

Why did Lorne and Rocks dare to seek revenge on the World Government? But they were hesitant and frightened just by hearing about the horror of the World Government. Was it because they were not as good as them?...After all, he is a person with domineering aura!

When he went to sea, he was determined to become the king of the sea!

How could he be scared by such a small thing?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the four people suddenly became firm again.

Immediately, one of them shook off the three people, ignored the thick bandages on his body, suddenly came in front of Luo En, knelt on one knee and said:

"Lord Loen, you saved me and my people!"

"If it weren't for you, my people and even myself, we would have definitely become slaves of the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land of Marijoa, and been tortured by them!"

"I have no way to repay such a great kindness!"

"If Lord Loen doesn't mind, I am willing to lead the pirate group to follow the Rocks Pirates!"

The person who came was the current king of Amazon Lily, the captain of the pirate group, and the only female among the four.

"Have you thought about it? The Rocks Pirates will have to face the entire world government in the future!"

Ron did not rush to agree to the other party's request, but asked.

Hearing this, the Amazon Lily King gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and said firmly:

"I've made up my mind! This time, the Kingdom of Women has completely torn its relationship with the world government."

"If this news gets out, the world government will definitely take action against Amazon lilies."

"Instead of waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative!"

"What's more, among the slaves of the holy land Marijoa, there are many citizens of Amazon Lily! As a king, I can't sit idly by!"

The tone of the king of Amazon Lily was very firm, with hatred flashing in his eyes!

That's right, many citizens of Amazon Lily were captured by the Celestial Dragons and became slaves.

After all, Amazon Lily is a country of women, rich in beauties, and therefore is often coveted by Celestial Dragons.

But Amazon Lily is too small to resist, so it can only turn a blind eye.

If the Rocks Pirates hadn't taken action today, the entire pirate group, including himself, would have become slaves of Marijoa!

That would be almost equivalent to the destruction of the country!

If you continue to turn a blind eye and dare not resist, the Rocks Pirates will rescue you this time, but no one will save you next time!

Instead of this, it's better to save yourself!

"very good....I admire your courage, so I agree."

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