Now is the best time to win people's hearts.

You know, after this battle, the crew members of the three supernovas, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John, were all killed by the Celestial Dragons and CP0.

The members of Amazon Lily were almost all sent to the holy land of Marijoa to become slaves.

This treatment may be worse than killing them.

Therefore, the hatred of these four people towards the world government and the Celestial Dragons has reached its peak. At this time, they need Loen to help them ignite the anger in their hearts and clarify their future goals.

Sure enough, after hearing Loen's order, the four captains Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John and King all looked incredible.

They couldn't understand why Loen wanted to save them?

Speaking of it, everyone is a pirate. Although there is a huge gap in strength, they are also"competitors."

If you encounter this situation, it would be good not to add insult to injury. How can you save people?

Soon, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe, and Amazon Lily King were rescued by the medical members of the Rocks Pirates.

Everyone was wrapped in thick bandages, but at least they could move.

"Lorne Jibek, a pirate with a bounty of over 2 billion berries, why did he save us?"

As soon as he could act, Wang Zhi asked Lorne.

John, Silver Axe, and Amazon Lily King were also staring at Lorne. They were also very curious. Why?

"Why did I save you? Because I saw my past self."A faint smile appeared on Luo En's lips, and he continued to talk without waiting for the other party to answer.

"Sixteen years ago, my parents were slaves in the Holy Land, fell in love, and gave birth to my brother Rox and me."

"In order to prevent us from becoming slaves, my parents created chaos in the Holy Land and tried to escape, but they were discovered by the Celestial Dragons and brutally killed."

"All of your crew members were killed by CP0 and the Celestial Dragons today. Your expressions of pain are exactly the same as mine, so I see my shadow in you."

Lorne's tone was very calm, but the four of them could hear that there was an irrepressible sadness in his calm tone.

"That's right...CP0 killed all my crew members, I must get revenge on them!"

"Yes, all the officers and crew members under my command died, and even my younger brother who went to sea with me died in this battle!"

"My childhood friend, the one who went to sea with me, was also killed by CP0!"

"My crew and I almost became slaves of the Celestial Dragons. If that had really happened, it would have been a fate worse than death!"

Sure enough, after hearing what Loen said, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe, and the Amazon Lily King all gnashed their teeth.

In fact, their fate has changed because of Loen's travel.

If it weren't for Loen's travel, the navy would have been defeated so early, most of the navy's warships would have been destroyed, and the navy would not have been able to guard the Heavenly Gold, and these supernovas would not have coveted the Heavenly Gold. If they hadn't coveted the Heavenly Gold, they wouldn't have met the Knights of God here, and there wouldn't have been today's tragedy.

If Loen hadn't traveled through time, perhaps the supernovas would still be continuing their voyage, and then be"summoned" by Rocks, and then defeated in the Valley of God.

But all this has changed because of Loen's travel, and everyone's fate has also changed subtly!

It can't even be said to be a change in fate, but a huge change in fate!

The current four supernovas, except for the Amazon Lily King, Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe are already veritable commanders without troops.

Hearing this, Loen nodded slightly with satisfaction and continued:

"So my brother and I have only one goal in going out to sea. In order to avenge the murder of our parents, we must destroy the Celestial Dragons!"

After saying that, Luo En looked at the four people in front of him.

"That's right, if it weren't for this damn Knights of God, how could all my crew members die? The Celestial Dragons must pay the price!"

"I also want to avenge my brother and comfort his soul in heaven!"

"My partner is the same. He is my brother who I grew up with! How can I feel at ease if I don't make the Tianlong people pay the price?"

After Luo En finished speaking, Wang Zhi, Yin Fu, John and others were filled with righteous indignation and almost broke the bandages!

After all, among the partners who went to sea with them, there were brothers who grew up with them and brothers.

With their personalities, they would never give up until the Tianlong people paid the price.

"But the Celestial Dragons are not so easy to deal with, as you have seen today."

"The reason why the Celestial Dragons are called the"World Nobles"】,【Descendants of the Creator】,【Descendants of God] It's not because they are descendants of 20 kings, but because there are also very powerful guys among the Celestial Dragons!"

As he said this, the force under his feet could not help but increase.

Feigaland Terry had lost too much blood and fainted at this moment.

"The Knights of God? There must be more than one guy like this among the Celestial Dragons."

Wang Zhi looked at the unconscious Feigaland Terry, and recalled the strength of the opponent when he fought with him just now. He couldn't help but feel daunted.

In such an elite Celestial Dragon, he had no power to fight back!

"That's right, the Knights of God, there are nine of them, all of them are elite Celestial Dragons!" Lorne said with a smile

"Nine people?"

"In other words, are all nine of them so strong?"

After hearing what Loen said, the four supernova captains' eyes almost popped out!

Loen's words completely overturned their inner concept that the Celestial Dragons were all trash!

Originally, they thought that the Celestial Dragons were a bunch of fat pigs who just ate and waited to die.

But there were actually nine such strong guys like Fergaland Terry!

This was simply going to overturn the three of the four.���

If there are nine such powerful guys, then it is impossible to make the Tianlong people pay the price with my own strength! Does n't that mean there is no way to make the Tianlong people pay the price?

There was even despair in everyone's eyes!

"It's not just these nine people! Don't forget, the Five Elders are also Celestial Dragons. Those five old men are not weaklings. Their strength is even comparable to that of the Knights of God!"

Lorne couldn't help but smile at the desperate look of the crowd.

This is the effect he wanted.

"Five Elder Stars.....Is it that powerful too?"

"No way, the Five Elders and the Knights of God are on par with each other?"

"Doesn't that mean that the power of the Celestial Dragons might be even stronger than that of the Navy?!"

""It's too scary!"

The four supernova captains couldn't believe their ears, and the despair on their faces deepened again!

The Knights of God alone made them feel very desperate, and revenge was almost impossible. Now there was a Five Elders who were comparable to the Knights of God!

This made them feel like they were falling into the abyss!

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