
At first it was just a slight sound of electricity.

Then, rumble~boom~boom~!

"100 million volts - Thunder General!"

A loud noise was heard, and thick lightning burst out directly from the ground!

While smashing the floor under Rocks' feet, the terrifying lightning column also swallowed Rocks whole! The huge lightning column continued to release terrifying energy, causing everyone to completely lose sight of Rocks' figure.

"This is....General Thunder Dragon!"

"Mr. Lei Long!"

"Very good...You are fine!"

As the thunder and lightning poured out, the tall figure of Thunder Dragon also appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the familiar figure, the navy soldiers turned from sadness to joy.

"I didn't expect to get injured.....It's a real headache"

"I came here with a relaxed mood."

The head attacked by Rocks felt like liquid was flowing.

Lei Long touched the blood on his forehead and sighed deeply.

The amount of bleeding was so large, it seemed that the injury was not light.

After being an admiral for so many years, this was the first time he was injured so seriously.��

"I didn't expect that General Leilong would be injured!"

"This is also the first time I have seen Mr. Lei Long bleed.

The navy soldiers also noticed the injuries on Lei Long's body and became serious.

"Brother (brother-in-law)..."

On the other side, seeing Rocks being engulfed by lightning, Lorne and Newgate could not help but feel a little worried.


Soon the lightning dissipated, and Rocks appeared in front of everyone.

His clothes were slightly burnt, and black scars appeared on the exposed parts of his body.

It was obvious that the blow just now made Rocks feel uncomfortable.

"He is indeed a navy admiral....."

Rocks wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

It was the first time for him to experience pain and injury.

It seemed that the admiral of the navy was still quite capable and not just in name.

"Brother...Are you okay?"

Seeing that Rocks was injured, Lorne asked with some concern.

The old man could have used the power of the Dark-Dark Fruit to absorb the attack just now.

Although the Dark-Dark Fruit cannot dodge the attack, the old man would not bleed or get injured.

But the old man did not do that, but relied on his body to resist!

What does this mean?

Lorne, who knows Rocks, knows it very well.

The old man does not want to expose his fruit ability too early, so as not to let the Thunder Dragon be on guard.

After all, the Navy did not know that Rocks had obtained the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Even when Rocks defeated Gede, the Navy only regarded it as a rumor.

"Don't worry, Lorne, I'm fine now!"

Noticing his brother's worry, Rocks turned around and smiled at Lorne.

"Surprisingly...Just a minor injury!"

"how come...What kind of monster is this guy!"

"That's 100 million volts of General Lei Long!"

The navy soldiers were shocked to see that Rocks was only slightly injured by General Lei Long's sneak attack.

The navy soldiers knew best how powerful General Lei Long was.

The attack power of the Thunder Fruit is definitely one of the best in the natural system.

The reward of 400 million is indeed too low.

"It looks like it will be an interesting battle."

Lei Long smiled when he saw this. He didn't expect that this pirate with a bounty of over 400 million would have such strength....You have to show some real skills.

"You guys go rescue the Tianlong people, leave this to me"

"After rescuing the Celestial Dragons, leave here as soon as possible, the farther away the better, otherwise I won't be able to perform."

Lei Long said to the navy soldiers beside him.

The Celestial Dragons here really affected Lei Long's performance.

If the Celestial Dragons were not here, Lei Long could even destroy Fishman Island with the people and the island.

The Thunder Fruit is so domineering.


The rest of the navy nodded and immediately took action.

Along with Lei Long, there were about 400 navy soldiers.

In addition to the logistics soldiers, medical soldiers, and power soldiers, about 300 navy soldiers were capable of combat.

These 300 soldiers were all elite, including Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane, who were clearly much stronger than ordinary navy soldiers.

"Lorne, Newgate, leave the Admiral to me."

"Before all the fishmen retreat, they must not be allowed to rescue the Celestial Dragons."

Locks also told Lorne and Newgate at this time.

"Don't worry, bro....."

""Brother-in-law, leave this to me and my brother-in-law, there will be absolutely no problem!"

Newgate and Lorne took out their weapons.

Newgate's was a large naginata, while Lorne's was the Ame-no-Habesaki, one of the twenty-one large swords seized from Wano Country!

As soon as the two finished speaking.

Boom boom boom~ sizzle~

Rocks and Lei Long began to fight.

The terrifying domineering aura and super-strong fruit ability continued to splash fierce sparks in the air!

The air waves from the battle between the two continued to leak out, causing the entire Jilong Court Square to shake violently.

The ground of the square collapsed, and gravel continued to rise.

After these rising gravel touched the air waves that overflowed when the two fought, they were crushed into powder.

The terrifying air wave was like a bulldozer, directly razing all the buildings on the square to the ground!

This is the proof of the battle between the emperor-level powerhouses.

""Go! Rescue the Celestial Dragons and destroy the Rocks Pirates!"

Just as Rocks and Thunder Dragon were fighting fiercely, someone shouted, and hundreds of navy soldiers began to move.

"If I can't deal with the general, can I deal with you?"

Looking at the navy soldiers attacking the Tianlong people, Luo En said slowly.

He quickly glanced at the system panel.

【Host: Lorne】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Speed: Top, Current Progress: 1.34%】

【Strength: Top, Current Progress: 1.53%】

【Physical strength: Top level, current progress: 1.97%】

【Swordsmanship: Advanced, Current Progress: 97.4%】

【Armament Haki: Top level, awakening Ryusakura, progress: 2.31%】

【Observation Haki: Advanced, Progress: 44.54%】

【Conqueror Haki: Advanced, Progress: 23.98%】

【Devil Fruit: None】

【Other abilities: never tired, golden eyes, free training, no side effects of devil fruit]

After so many days of free training, the three-dimensional points of strength, speed, and physical strength have finally been successfully promoted to the top!

Armament Haki is also at the top! Swordsmanship is just a little short of being promoted to the top.

With so many abilities making staged leaps, Luo En's strength has now reached a new level.

I'm afraid he is already at the middle level of the top cadres of the imperial group!

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