"It turns out this guy really defeated the great pirate Gede, whose bounty was over 500 million!"

"Judging from the fact that he was able to block Admiral Lei Long's attack head-on, the rumors are very likely to be true."

The navy was also stunned when they heard Admiral Lei Long's words. They originally thought that this time the opponent was just a pirate with a bounty of 400 million, which would be very easy.

Now it seems that the difficulty of the mission is likely to exceed the navy's expectations.

"It turns out that the rumors are true."

Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane were also shocked.

Rocks in front of them, who looked only 20 years old, actually had such strength!

The four of them seemed a little far behind.

"Haha, is a guy like Gad worth a 500 million bounty?"

"The reward you set for the navy is too low."

"Or even a piece of shit like Gad has to pay 500 million berries for it, is your navy too incompetent?"

After hearing Lei Long's words, Rocks sneered.

This is not because Rocks is arrogant.

It's just that the battle with Gad is still fresh in Rocks' memory, and it's very disgusting.

The other party is completely���It was with the power of the Stone-Stone Fruit that he was able to fight Rocks.

Rocks was not injured in the entire battle.

Unfortunately, Rocks did not have the means to kill people on a large scale at that time, so he let Gede escape.

Now that Rocks has eaten the Dark-Dark Fruit, if he encounters Gede again, it is not a problem for him to kill him within 5 minutes, not to mention killing him instantly.

"Extremely arrogant!"

"How dare pirates be so arrogant?"

"How abominable! A mere pirate dares to mock the navy?"

The navy was also enraged by Rocks' arrogance!

"Did I say something wrong?"

Facing the angry navy, Rocks grinned and said

"Haha, it turns out that pirates are just a bunch of guys who can only practice their talking skills."

"You seem quite proud of defeating a fellow like Gede?"

Lei Long remained quite rational at this time and said sarcastically to Rocks.

Although Gede was a pirate with a bounty of 500 million, he was not even worth mentioning in front of the admiral of the navy.



Rocks, who was ridiculed, laughed instead, with a strange smile on his face.

At this moment, Rocks was very excited, and his body was shaking slightly due to excessive excitement.

Admiral of the Navy, this is the first time he has encountered a strong enemy in the true sense since he went to sea!

What Garou, what Gede, and the World Government Allied Countries, as well as Wano Country!

They are far less powerful than the opponent in front of him!

He...I can finally give it my all and test my ability!

"Brother, Newgate, you two step back for now, I will be his opponent."

Locks took a step forward and stood in front of Lorne and Newgate.

Admiral, Lorne and Newgate are no match for him at this stage.

"Brother (brother-in-law)..."

Lorne and Newgate looked at Rocks' back, and then they also consciously retreated.

Although Lorne and Newgate are very confident in their own strength, they are not arrogant enough to think that they can fight against the admirals now.

Don't look at it as the plot of One Piece deepens, one after another strong people slowly surfaced.

One after another novel settings slowly unfold.

It seems that the admirals who rely on the power of the fruit seem to be out of the mainstream. No matter what, the admirals of the navy are the highest combat power in the navy headquarters!

Encountering a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors, not to mention being able to defeat the opponent, at least the Four Emperors have to go through a fierce battle to determine the winner.

And when encountering combat power below the Four Emperors, the admirals are fully confident of winning.

The principle that all those below the emperor are ants still works!

"Brother, you have to be careful....."Lorne also instructed

"Hahaha, don't worry, Lorne"

"How could I die here before I even see my nephew being born?"

"And didn't you say you wanted the Thunder Fruit? As an older brother, of course I have the obligation to help my younger brother realize his dream!"

Rocks laughed, looking confident.

"Hahaha, Rocks, you are too arrogant."

"I have been in the navy for more than 20 years, and I have seen too many supernovas like you who are fearless just after going to sea!"

"I advise you three to come together, otherwise I'm afraid you won't last more than five minutes!"

"As for your so-called little nephew, after I deal with you, I will deal with your brother and crew members together!"

"I will let you...Reunion in the underworld..."

"Rocks, don't forget to thank me when the time comes....."Hahahaha!"

Hearing Rocks' words, Lei Long laughed even louder.

In Lei Long's opinion, a guy like Rocks who only knows how to talk big is easier to deal with.

"Hehe, Lei Long, I advise you not to talk about my nephew."

"otherwise...You will die miserably!"

After hearing what Lei Long said, Rocks shouted angrily, and his figure suddenly jumped up!

After disappearing from the spot in an instant, in just a blink of an eye, he came directly in front of Lei Long!

""So fast!"

Even a strong admiral like the Navy could not react to Rocks' speed for a while!

Rocks stretched out his hand and grabbed the Thunder Dragon's head.

The terrifying domineering aura spread out, and the bright red domineering aura wave was like a blooming flower, exuding the breath of death!


""Die! Tyrant Split!"

Rocks used his Armament Haki to grab the head of Thunder Dragon, preventing him from transforming into an element.

Just like the moment when Garp grabbed Aokiji in the original work, Rocks smashed Thunder Dragon directly to the ground!

The set of actions was as fast as lightning, not giving Thunder Dragon any reaction time at all.

Crash, crash!

The huge impact force smashed the ground into pieces, and Thunder Dragon was also smashed directly into the depths of the ground!

"Mr. Lei Long!"

"how come..."

"He actually knocked Mr. Lei Long into the ground!"

"Are you okay?..."Mr. Lei Long!"

Seeing this, the navy members were extremely worried and shouted towards the gap in the floor.

It was the first time they saw Admiral Lei Long being preempted by the pirates!

"Haha, what are you worried about? You will go down to accompany him later."

Locks looked up at the navy soldiers in front of him, grinning like a devil from hell.


Just being stared at by Rocks, the navy soldiers retreated unconsciously!

The aura on his body was too terrifying!

"As a navy...We must never retreat!"

"do not forget.....We have reinforcements! We must hold out for them to arrive!"

"Even if we die here, we must hold him back!"

At this moment, Garp, Sengoku, and Zefa stepped forward and faced Rocks directly!

"Haha, a new recruit without even a military rank?"

""You are so brave."

Looking at the empty shoulders of the three people, Rocks said with a little appreciation.

At this moment,

Zila La~ Zila La~

The next moment, a dazzling lightning suddenly appeared on the ground.

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