"Brother-in-law...Are you okay?"

Newgate landed steadily beside Lorne and asked with concern.

"Newgate, you underestimate your brother-in-law too much."

Lorn's tone was slightly reproachful, but his expression was smiling.

It feels really good to have such a powerful brother-in-law.

""Follow Lord Lorne and Lord Newgate and charge!"

Following Lorne and Newgate, the Rocks Pirates also launched a charge.

Unfortunately, the members of the Rocks Pirates were not as talented as Lorne and Newgate.

They were even newcomers, and they looked quite immature when they met the old pirate groups.

Fortunately, with the two supernovas Lorne and Newgate in the front, the two sides were evenly matched for a while, and the Rocks Pirates even had the advantage on the scene.

"Who will deal with Lorne and Newgate?"

"These two people are really monsters!"

"Why does a rookie pirate group have so many monsters!"

The members of the Rock Pirates cried out in despair.

That's right.

The Rock Pirates have no cadres at all.���To deal with two men with bounties of over 100 million, Lorne and Newgate.

Therefore, the Rock Pirates were defeated.

At the same time, the captain of the Rock Pirates, [Rock] Gad, did not get any advantage in the fight with Rocks.

He was even a little embarrassed.

After all, Rocks has learned the Conqueror's Haki: Entanglement, a trick that only the emperor-level powerhouses of later generations can use.

Although Gad has a bounty of 500 million, it is still not enough compared to the emperor-level powerhouses of later generations.

He can only rely on the observation Haki that can foresee the future to predict Rocks' actions.

And then with the mobility of the Stone-Stone Fruit, he kept dodging Rocks' attacks.

It seems that the two are evenly matched, but in fact, Gad has been fleeing in an embarrassing manner.

If it weren't for the strong mobility of the Stone-Stone Fruit, Gad would probably have lost to Rocks long ago.

"Damn it! Looks like I have to use that trick, even though it's a little troublesome."

Ged realized that he was going to be defeated if he continued like this, so he decided to give it a try.

Crash, crash!

In an instant, Gede turned all the objects on the scene into stone.

This is the ability of the fruit awakening.

"Is the fruit awakening?"

""Lorn, Newgate, be careful."

Seeing the other party use the fruit awakening ability, Rocks hurriedly reminded.

Sure enough, the next moment, the ground under the feet of Lorn, Newgate and the members of the Rocks Pirates turned into stone and began to shake.

"Hide to the sky!"

Swish, swish!

Ron, Newgate and other members of the Rocks Pirates reacted and jumped up to the sky.

"You want to run away now? How naive!"

"Dancing Stones!"

Soon, Gede also manipulated the stones to form spikes that stabbed into the sky.

""Lan Jiao Liu Ying!"

Luo En kicked and smashed the spikes in front of him into pieces.

""Shock the air!"

Newgate on the side smashed all the stones with one slash.

However, these spikes still continued to attack Ron, Newgate and the members of the Rocks Pirates.

After the fruit awakened, most of the island turned into stone, which also allowed Gad to shoot thorns at will.

""Go to hell! Overlord attack!"

Seeing that Loen and others were being targeted by Gad, Rocks was a little impatient at this time. He punched Gad when he noticed his real body.

However, Gad also predicted Rocks' attack and hid in other places through the stone.

"A despicable bastard who can only run away!"

"I must find your true form and tear you into pieces!"

Rocks roared angrily.

In fact, Rocks was not at the highest level as Loen imagined when he first went out to sea.

The current Rocks is still a long way from his peak.

Apart from anything else, Rocks' most fatal weakness is actually the same as Loen's - lack of a killer move that can cause large-scale destruction.

Faced with Gede's fruit awakening ability and his extreme tactics, Rocks really couldn't crack it for a while.

"Hahaha, then come on!"

Gad's sinister voice came from the stone, and he seemed quite proud of himself.

""A million stone spikes!"

After a pause, hundreds of stone spikes flew into the sky again.

"Damn it! If I had the Dark-Dark Fruit, I could have easily dealt with this kind of person in just one minute!"

Locks was a little annoyed. He had no choice but to jump up into the sky to help Lorn and Newgate dissolve Gad's stone attack.

If he wanted to defeat Gad, he could only keep consuming his physical strength.

When his physical strength was exhausted, he would have a chance to defeat him.

"Brother, don't worry about us, we can still hold on, go kill his crew!"

"If he had the guts, he would just watch his crew members being killed."

At this time, Lorne spoke up to remind him.

""Yeah, brother, how could I forget this?"

Hearing this, the angry Rocks regained his sanity and reacted.


Rocks fell from the sky like a falling meteor and came to the side of the members of the Rock Pirates.

""Basic Strike!"

Basically, one punch can take out a member of the Rock Pirates!

"hateful...Stop him quickly!"

"root...It's impossible to stop it!"

The members of the Rock Pirates wanted to attack Rocks.

But they couldn't even resist Lorne and Newgate, so how could they resist Rocks?

This was a one-sided massacre!

"Damn you, Rocks! You actually attacked my subordinates! You have no moral principles!"

""Stones shatter!"

Gad also noticed this, and the sound of the stones became extremely sharp. It was obvious that he was angry! He manipulated two large stones to sandwich Rocks in the middle.

Gad tried to crush Rocks into a meat pie.

However, it was obvious that Rocks could completely resist this level of moves with his physical strength alone.

In desperation, Gad used the stones to open a big palm, lifted up all his crew members, and transported them to a safe area.

"Hehe, the flaw is revealed!"

Rocks finally smiled brightly.

The Stone-Stone Fruit is not a natural fruit. When the ability user uses the form change, the body must be hidden in it.

Now, Gede's body is hidden in the huge palm.


Locks cut the palm in half with one punch, and the huge stone palm flew high in the air.

This time, it directly cut off the possibility of Gad escaping to the ground again!

"It's over!"

Ged also felt Rocks's intention at this moment, but it was too late.

"Hehe, you guys who only know how to run away, may this be your doom!"

""Domineering Split·Destruction!"

Rocks charged a punch and used his strongest attack on the giant palm!

The terrifying power was condensed into a point and then burst out like a flood!

The fist force expanded into a huge shock wave.

The surrounding area was even more shocked by the unique black lightning of the Domineering Color·Entanglement!


The shock wave swept past and instantly smashed the stone-shaped palm into pieces!

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