Snap, Snap.

Heavy footsteps sounded, giving people a suffocating feeling as if a heavy object had fallen.


Many members of the Rocks Pirates swallowed their saliva.

"Get ready for battle!"

Rocks entered combat mode and immediately gave the order.

Soon the owner of the footsteps appeared in front of the Rocks Pirates.

The man was about 4 meters tall, tall and strong, with his upper body naked, revealing perfect muscles.

His muscles were like molten iron, every inch of muscle was perfect, giving people a feeling of indestructibility.

The whole person also exuded a strong aura, his eyes were bright and his gaze was as sharp as an eagle.

People who were not particularly determined did not even have the courage to look him in the eye.

"This is....A great pirate with a bounty of 550 million berries!"

"【"Rock of Stone" Gede!"

The members of the Rocks Pirates immediately recognized the newcomer.

A pirate with a bounty of over 500 million, the famous"Rock of Stone" Gede in this sea!

You know, in this era, pirates with a bounty of over 500 million are really rare.

"It turned out to be a pirate with a bounty of 500 million. No wonder he has such a strong momentum."

Newgate and Lorne obviously knew the name of [Rock].

You know, the bounty is over 500 million, and the reputation in this sea can definitely be described as thunderous.

It would be strange if Lorne and Newgate hadn't heard of it.

At the same time, the pirates of the Rock also discovered the Rocks Pirates at the same time.

"It turned out to be a new monster in the sea! Gibek Rocks!"

"I didn’t expect to meet you here!"

"A super supernova who quickly became famous in the ocean and whose bounty had reached 430 million in just a few months!"

"Beside him, there are Gibek Loane and Edward Newgate, who are capable of becoming supernovas if they form a separate pirate group!"

The Rock Pirates also exclaimed after seeing the Rocks Pirates.

After all, although this pirate group is a new pirate group, its configuration is really embarrassing for many old pirate groups that have been formed for many years.

On this ship, there are three supernova powerhouses with bounties exceeding 100 million.

And these three legends all have the qualifications of [King].

This configuration is even better than many old pirate groups!

After all, people with the qualifications of [King] are rarely willing to be inferior to others. God knows why this ship can have three men with domineering domineering colors.

"It seems like everyone is here for the same goal."

【Rock] Gad said in a voice like a bell

"In that case, stop talking nonsense."

"Winner...You can eat all.....Isn't it?"

Rocks showed a sinister smile on his face, and his aura burst out instantly! The domineering aura of the king surged out like a typhoon, and the originally peaceful island was instantly undercurrent.


【[Rock] Gede also burst out with a powerful Conqueror Haki.

The Conqueror Haki of the two began to clash, and dizzying black and red lightning appeared in the air.

"He can actually match Captain Gede's Domineering Haki!"

The members of the Rock Pirates were surprised at the strength of this newcomer, Rocks.

"He can actually match his brother's Conqueror Haki, he is worthy of being a pirate worth 500 million."

Lorne was also secretly surprised. The bounty for pirates in this era is really real, without any water.

After all, a pirate with a bounty of 500 million in the future is just the level of a supernova two years later, which is far worse than the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Seeing that the Conqueror Haki could not determine the winner, [Rock] Gede took the lead.

Hula, hula!

Gede activated his ability, and a large number of stones gathered together to form a towering hand, which slapped all the members of the Rocks Pirates fiercely.


With a powerful punch attached to it, the huge stone hand was smashed to pieces by Rocks.

Sand and stones rolled down from the sky, as if it was raining heavily.

"Someone with the ability to control stones?"

"Stone-Stone Fruit?"

Rocks showed a devilish smile, and leaped towards Gede with both feet.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gede sneered and stretched out his fingers, controlling the stone to deform at will.

Suddenly, many stone spikes appeared on the ground and stabbed at Rocks.

"Is that all you can do?"

Rocks said disdainfully, not even trying to dodge, letting the rubble hit his body.

"What a strong physical strength!"

Seeing this scene, Gad opened his eyes and condensed a stone wall.

But the next moment, Gad's eyes widened slightly, as if he had sensed the future, and suddenly changed his actions. The whole person disappeared into the ground and merged with the stone!

"interesting...Have you foreseen the short future?"

Rocks smiled.

"Wow, that Gede can actually foresee the future."

Lorn also saw it.

As expected of a great pirate from the old days, with a bounty of"only" 500 million, he has already mastered the top level of observation Haki - foreseeing the future.

"What a powerful character, he is worthy of being a new monster whose bounty has skyrocketed to 430 million in a short period of time!"

Gade's voice came from the ground, and a sharp stone spike suddenly formed under Rocks' feet.

It turned out that Gad used the future-foresight Haki just now and realized that the stone wall could not stop Rocks at all.

If he stood there, he would definitely be injured.

So he changed his action and escaped into the ground and merged with the stone.

"Don't think that you are the only one who can foresee the future."

Locks sneered, having already seen through Gad's next move.

He stepped on the ground more than ten times in a row and instantly appeared dozens of meters away.

"My brother can actually foresee the future."

Lorne was shocked by Rocks again.

How terrifying is his brother's talent? He is really at the 999th level.


Gede appeared from the ground and turned into a stone giant tens of meters tall.


Rocks rushed towards Gede without fear, and the two wrestled madly together.

"Rocks Pirates, let's go too!"

Lorne waved his hand and rushed into the enemy camp.


A six-style kick infused with Armament Haki·Ryusakura knocked a cadre on the opposite side to the point where he lost his fighting consciousness.

"The man with a bounty of 170 million! Gibek Lorne!"

"Be careful with this guy, he is also a supernova level man!"

"Don't fight him alone, come together!"

After seeing Loen, several members of the Rock Pirates also joined forces to deal with Loen. To be honest, as a veteran pirate group, except for the captain , no one in the Rock Pirates camp has a bounty of more than 500 million. After all, in this era, those who have a bounty of more than 100 million are all tough guys.

"You dare to hurt my brother-in-law? You are courting death!"

Seeing this, Newgate behind him jumped high, raised the naginata he had just bought, and activated the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. With a bang!

Several members of the Rock Pirates were instantly knocked down by the destructive power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit mixed with sword energy.

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