"The pirate with a bounty of 200 million, Gibek Rocks!"

"There is also a bounty of 80 million for Gibek Loen!"

After the Rocks Pirates landed, the soldiers realized that the newcomers were actually the Rocks Pirates who have been in the limelight recently.

However, the names of Rocks and Loen were hidden. It seems that the World Government cares a lot about them.

"No, there is also the supernova Edward Newgate with a bounty of 110 million Baileys!"

After seeing Edward Newgate, the soldiers were even more shocked.

When did the Rocks Pirates have another supernova pirate with a bounty of over 100 million Baileys!

"Pirate! Stop it!"

"This is a member of the World Government! You pirates are so blatantly invading, you will be hunted down by the Navy and the World Government in the future!"

The leading commander shouted to the landing Rocks Pirates, hoping to persuade them to retreat.

"Then you can let them come and hunt me down....."

Rocks sneered, not wanting to waste time talking to him, and directly released his domineering aura.

The surging air waves rose from the ground like a tornado, which was very spectacular.

"Newgate, together"

"good...I understand."

At the same time, Lorne and Whitebeard also released their domineering aura.

Waves of air swept over one after another, and the momentum was extremely fierce.

The three domineering auras burst out at the same time, and thousands of soldiers could not resist.

In an instant, only a few scattered soldiers with firm wills were left standing!

"Damn it! Quickly inform the world's governments and navies!"

"Let them send troops to support!"

"Hurry up and inform the king and the nobles to hide! Don't let the Rocks Pirates find you!"

"The pirates actually dared to attack the allied countries. They are completely crazy!"

I didn't expect that the other side would actually take action. The leading commander quickly gave orders and then turned around and ran away.

I don't want to die here!

"The leader actually wants to run away? How shameless."

Locks said with great contempt, and came to the commander at a very fast speed.

"What a fast speed! Finger gun!"

The commander was not a pushover either, and he fired a finger gun backhand.


The gun hit Rocks's flesh, but it was like hitting a steel plate, and it didn't move at all.

""Go to hell... waste!" Rocks grinned.

He punched out and pierced through the chest. The scene was quite bloody.

Seeing the commander being killed so easily, the soldiers who came to support from the rear collapsed without a fight and fled in all directions.

"Hahahaha, what a bunch of trash!"

"Brothers, charge into the city!"

"Our goal is treasure, there is no need to waste time on ordinary people!"

"Loot this country!"

Rocks laughed and turned to give the order.

After all, they were born in a poor family. Lorne and Rocks had set a rule in the Rocks Pirates that they could not attack ordinary civilians and poor people.

After all, there was nothing to be gained from the poor and ordinary people.

Of course, that was the general situation.

If some ordinary people with abnormal brains insisted on blocking the Rocks Pirates' path forward, then don't blame Lorne and Rocks for being ruthless.

"Go ahead, brothers!"

"Let's loot this country!"

The Rocks Pirates and the newly joined Edward Pirates were full of energy and rushed into the city.

"As expected of a member country of the world government, it is really rich."

"That's right...There must be a lot of good treasures."

As soon as they entered the city, they were shocked by the wealth of the member countries of the World Government.

There were tall buildings everywhere, big trees and wide roads.

It was nothing like their hometown, which was full of rows of country houses and farmland.

At this moment, Lorne, Lockes and Newgate rushed straight into the palace.

As expected, they bumped into the princes and nobles who were fleeing in a hurry.

"I knew that once something happened, you nobles would flee immediately."

"Tell me the location of the treasure immediately! I can consider sparing your lives."

Lorne knew the behavior of this group of nobles very well, so he rushed to the palace as soon as possible.

As expected, he ran into them.

"Come and protect the emperor!

Hundreds of soldiers rushed out from inside the palace to protect the emperor.

"Get out of here, you useless bastards!"

Newgate used one punch to knock back all the soldiers who came to protect him, killing some and injuring others.

"Damn it! These lunatics actually dared to rush in and attack!"

"quick...Protect the King!"

At this time, several more soldiers from the kingdom came out, among whom there were actually domineering users and fruit ability users.

After all, it is a member of the World Government, so it is normal to have such strong people.

"Brother, Newgate, let me take care of these guys."

Locke showed a devilish smile, and stopped the kingdom soldiers by himself!

"The pirate with a bounty of 200 million, Jibek Rocks!"

After recognizing the man and knowing how powerful he was, several soldiers also used their full strength. Those who used swords, axes, and guns were all attached with domineering.

There were also animal-type ability users who began to transform.

"Die, ants."

However, these things were just like children's play in front of Rocks.

Puff, puff!

At the first moment of the battle, someone died in Rocks' hands!


"how...how come....how so..."

Seeing that the soldiers and the best generals of the kingdom could not stop the pirates, the king, his concubine, and his children were so frightened that they turned pale, trembled all over, and could not speak.

"I'll give you one second to tell me where the treasure is."

"Time is up."

Lorne picked up a steel knife and chopped the king's concubine with one blow.

Blood gushed out instantly, splashing all over the faces of the people around him.

"Ah~~Father, my mother was killed!"

A scream suddenly sounded.

"It's really noisy, be quiet for me."

Newgate also vibrated through the air and���Several noisy princesses were stunned and their lives were unknown.

The fortunes of these women were all in the E and D levels, so even if they died, it would not be a pity.

Lorne and Newgate had no good feelings towards these nobles, so they would show no mercy.

"I said...I said..."

Stimulated by this, the king immediately handed over the location and key of the vault with trembling hands.

"You are sensible, so I will leave you with an intact body."

Luo En sneered. The moment they broke into the palace, these princes and nobles would not be able to survive.

"You bastard!...You are not trustworthy!"

The king was furious.

"Humph, what is credit to a pirate?" Lorne said disdainfully, raising his butcher knife.

"How dare you attack the allied countries? What an arrogant pirate!"

At this moment, several men in masks and uniforms suddenly appeared!

These people should be the secret intelligence agency of the world government.——CP!

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Seeing the arrival of CP, the king and other nobles also showed a glimmer of hope.

Sure enough, such expensive heavenly gold is not paid in vain.

"Haha, has the government’s running dog finally arrived?"

"The support speed is quite fast. It seems that the treatment after paying the sky gold is different."

I didn't expect that the CP's lackeys would be dispatched so quickly. Newgate couldn't help but sneered.

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