"Right, that's more like it."

After hearing this, Luo En nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

It's really a good deal to have such a brother-in-law for free.

Based on Luo En's understanding of Whitebeard, this is definitely a big bargain!

Whitebeard can still love and care for his adopted son who has no blood relationship with him.

Facing his brother-in-law, Whitebeard will definitely treat him as a real relative!

If anything happens to him, Whitebeard will definitely take the lead and rush to the front.

Isn't this equivalent to picking up a king-level combat power for free? She is worthy of being an S-level woman with a lucky husband value.

She is really amazing.

"Brother-in-law, do you think I need to do anything?"

After making such a scene, Newgate felt a little embarrassed and wanted to do something for the Rocks Pirates.

"Forget it, go and catch up with your sister. We haven't seen each other for so many years."

"Also, your pirate group seems to have been beaten badly by our pirate group members, you'd better go and have a look."

Lorne said with a smile.

The current members of Newgate's pirate group are very young, and they are not as good as the carefully selected warriors of Rocks Pirates.

This also proves that the test when they went to sea was very correct.

"oh...Right, right, right, how could I have forgotten!"

Newgate slapped his head and then he remembered what happened to his pirate group.

After all, Newgate was so angry at that time that he wanted to know the whereabouts of his sister. He rushed to the island alone and had no time to take care of the members of the pirate group.

Fortunately, the members of the Newgate Pirates were relatively tough and no one was killed.

With the average physique in the world of pirates, as long as they did not die on the spot, no matter how serious the injury was, they would recover after a period of rest.

Even if they were shot in the head by the world's strongest creature with Conqueror's Haki·Entanglement, they would still survive in a few days. Full of energy.

After a busy afternoon, it was soon evening.

At the suggestion of Ron, the Rocks Pirates and Edward Pirates held a grand banquet.

After all, they had picked up such a king-level brother-in-law for free, so of course they had to celebrate.

After three rounds of drinks, everyone's faces were flushed, and they were obviously drunk.

Ron and Newgate hit it off and had a deep conversation at the table.

Both sides also talked about their own life experiences.

When they talked deeply, Newgate couldn't help hearing that Ron and Rocks had witnessed their parents being brutally killed by the Celestial Dragons when they were young.

"Damn the Celestial Dragons, they actually want to treat such a young child as a slave!"

"They killed their biological parents in front of their children. Are they still human?"

Newgate cursed. It was obvious that his family was his Achilles' heel.

Even when he heard Ron's story, he could empathize with him.

"They are certainly not human....They are gods high above!"

"He is the creator god who created the world in the eyes of the world!"

"But what about God?"

"No one is born a god. Before becoming a god, God was just a mortal like you and me."

"We went out to sea to overthrow the Celestial Dragons and avenge our parents!"

Lorne said with gritted teeth. He would never forget what happened that night.

Rocks on the side also tensed up, and the domineering aura he leaked out even made a hole in the ground.

"That’s right! My brother-in-law is right, they are not shit gods at all!"

"They are scum, parasites, and beasts!"

"These people all deserve to die!"

Newgate also cursed.

It is obvious that the whole world knows what kind of character the Tianlong people are.

"They really deserve to die!"

"Don't forget, Newgate, the reason why our hometown suffered such a fate was because it could not pay the"heavenly gold" and was abandoned by the navy and the world government."

"What justice? It's all lies!"

Jasmine, who was standing by, knew very well that the reason her hometown, Sphinx Place, became a lawless place was because she didn't pay the money!

"Sister, you are right!"

"I always knew that it wasn't the criminals who killed my family."

"But it’s the navy and world government that treat us like pigs, dogs and grass!"

"If it weren't for my brother-in-law's help, I believe you would be...."

Touched by the words of Lorne and Jasmine, Newgate's emotions were also aroused.

"How about it, Newgate, do you want to join us?"

"Let's go overthrow the Celestial Dragons together and avenge our families and our hometown folks!"

Lorne also struck while the iron was hot and directly extended an olive branch to Newgate.

"Newgate, stay here, stay with your sister and your brother-in-law!"

"Don't forget how your father and mother died!"

"The fleet and navy of the world government were clearly nearby at the time, but they simply turned a blind eye to the murder of their father and mother by criminals!"

Moli also lit a fire nearby.

"I understand, sister, brother-in-law!"

"I originally went to sea to have a family, and now my family is with me!"

"I am willing to overthrow the Celestial Dragons with my brother-in-law and my brother-in-law!"

Seeing the repeated bombings from his brother-in-law and sister Jasmine, Newgate also made up his mind!

He was ready to follow Lorne and Rocks!

As Jasmine said, when her family was killed, the navy and the world government's fleet were where they could see the Sphinx.

He also tried his best to call for help from the other party!

But he was completely ignored!

From that moment on, Newgate's good impression of the navy and the world government completely disappeared!

So he chose to go to sea at the age of 10 and became a pirate!

"good very good!"

"To celebrate the joining of the Newgate brothers, cheers, guys!"

Locks raised his glass, and everyone raised their glasses too!


"Cheers to overthrowing the Celestial Dragons!"

That night, the sound of cups colliding was not the breaking of dreams.

Instead, it made the dream stronger!

With the addition of Newgate, Lorne was more determined to take the path he wanted to take!

That is to rely on blood ties to win over the strong!

The Rocks Pirates will never repeat the failure in the original work!

With the addition of Newgate, the potential of the Rocks Pirates has skyrocketed again!

The next day, the overjoyed Rocks led all the crew to seize a wealthy world government member country!

"There are pirates invading!"

Soon the World Government member countries found the traces of the Rocks Pirates.

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of cannons fired at the Rocks Pirates.

However, these things have no killing power against the Rocks Pirates now, and they were all intercepted directly.


Soon the allied countries organized a thousand elite soldiers to shoot arrows at the port.

The dense arrows were more useful than cannons to some extent.

"Shock the air!"


"Armament Haki·Ryusakura!"

Rocks, Lorne, and Whitebeard each exerted their strength to successfully defend against the attack of this elite force.

The Rocks Pirates successfully landed.

""Go ahead, guys. Let them see the power of the Rocks Pirates!"

After landing on the shore, Rocks grinned like a devil.

The members of the Rocks Pirates behind him were all eager to try.

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