One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 337 Terror Comes (4,000 words)

On Cake Island, the battle between Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling became more and more intense, and the aftermath of the battle was more destructive than when Jinping and others were five against one.

However, although Wang Lufei's armed domineering realm has advanced further and has reached the point where he can break the defense of the [Four Emperors], it has not been trained after all, so it does not work every time. Coupled with the gap in physical strength, so After the battle between the two lasted for nearly an hour, Wang Lufei began to fall into a disadvantage.

"Newcomers are still newcomers after all. Even if they have reached the level of the [Four Emperors], they will not be able to compete with monsters like the [Four Emperors] without being tempered by blood and fire."

When Xi Liu, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw Wang Lufei's physical strength begin to decline, he shook his head in disappointment and said: "The current Straw Hats are at most on par with the [Fire Emperor] two years ago, but they are not as strong as the [Fire Emperor]. The power that had just touched the level of the [Four Emperors] had been dormant for two years before it began to challenge the [Four Emperors]."

Katakuri said nothing. Although he agreed with Shiliu's judgment, he cared more about what Ace said to him.

Two years ago, Ace told him that the power of the new generation would challenge the kings of the old era, and the kings of the old era would definitely be pulled down.

Katakuri didn't really believe it at the time, because in his opinion, the only newcomer who had the potential to challenge the [Yonko] was Ace himself, and the others were too young.

But after meeting Wang Lufei, especially after seeing that guy's growth rate, Katakuri began to believe what Ace told him two years ago.

Just like now, Wang Lufei may not be Big Mom yet, but with the potential he has shown now, it may not be a joke to defeat a certain [Four Emperors], and with his growth rate, it may not be necessary to achieve this goal. for how long.

Looking at Wang Luffy, Katakuri could always see Ace's figure in him, and what made him more concerned was, two years later, how strong was Ace now?

"Perhaps, I should consider the plan he mentioned." Katakuri whispered to himself.

"What's the plan?" Shiliu asked doubtfully after hearing Katakuri's muttering to himself.

"Nothing." Katakuri shook his head, then looked at the battlefield between Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling, his eyes flashed with a captivating light, and then smiled slightly and said: "Interesting, it seems that this battle The result will be very unexpected!”

"Unexpected?" Shiliu looked at Katakuri and asked, "What did you see?"

"It's a very interesting scene, you will see it soon." Katakuri said calmly.

"Really? Then I'll wait and see." Xiliu nodded, and then continued to look at the battlefield between Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling.

clang! clang! clang! ~

In the battlefield between Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling, their figures kept colliding. Wang Lufei used his powerful domineering force to constantly clash with the blade in Charlotte Lingling's hand, causing a dull sound of gold and iron clashing.

Although Wang Lufei's domineering power can already shake Charlotte Lingling's defense, that is only when his attack can fall on Charlotte Lingling, and Charlotte Lingling realizes that Wang Lufei's domineering power can break her. After her defense, she no longer collided with Wang Lufei with her physical body, and Wang Lufei's attacks never landed on her easily.

"Wei Guo!"

"Red Lotus Rocket Launcher!"


Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling exchanged big moves again, and then the two of them retreated at the same time, opening a distance and confronting each other.


Wang Lufei gasped violently, looked at Charlotte Lingling not far away, and thought to himself: "My domineering energy is about to be exhausted again, and the next battle must be quick."

"Well, well, little brat, are you running out of domineering energy again?" Charlotte Lingling looked at the panting Wang Lufei, laughed loudly, and said, "This time, I won't restore it to you. The opportunity, when your domineering power is completely exhausted, is the day of your death, Straw Hat!"

"Then I will defeat you before I run out of domineering energy!" Wang Lufei said in a deep voice.

"Well, well, you brat!" Charlotte Lingling laughed and said, "If you can do it, come and give it a try!"

"Ha!~" Wang Lufei looked at Charlotte Lingling, took a deep breath, then raised his right hand and bit it hard, and then blew the air from his chest and abdomen into his arm, making the whole right hand look like The arms of the giants are equally huge.

Kick! ~

Wang Lufei jumped up, dragging his huge arms into the air, and then made a fist with his huge hands. Finally, he concentrated all his domineering energy on the huge fist.

The powerful armed haki rippled on Wang Lufei's fist, and the friction with the air actually made his fist look like burning red flames.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Guren·Great Ape King Spear!"

Wang Lufei roared, then swung his right arm fiercely, and the huge fist that was like burning red flames hit Charlotte Lingling below.

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

Faced with Wang Lufei's powerful blow, Charlotte Lingling did not dare to be careless and directly used her most powerful attack move to slash Wang Lufei's fist with a knife.

Bang! ~

Wang Lufei's fist collided with Charlotte Lingling's slash, and the force exploded so that countless electric currents seemed to surge in the surrounding atmosphere, and then turned into a terrifying hurricane that raged.

Kaka...boom! ~

Wang Lufei's fist and Charlotte Lingling's slash were in a stalemate for several seconds, and then Charlotte Lingling's slash was shattered and shattered by Wang Lufei's fist. Then Wang Lufei's fist continued to attack Charlotte with unabated force. Lingling smashed it down.

"Prometheus, Zeus!"

Charlotte Lingling glared, and then shouted loudly. Zeus the Thunder Cloud and Prometheus the Sun immediately released flames and thunder to wrap around the Napoleon-turned-sword in his hand, and then faced Wang Lufei's fist slashed directly.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

Boom! ~

Charlotte Lingling struck Wang Lufei's fist with a knife. Before the blade collided with Wang Lufei's fist, the thunder and flames attached to the knife were the first to collide with the armed haki wrapped around Wang Lufei's fist, and burst out. There was a heavy sound like thunder.



Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling also roared and screamed respectively, and the domineering energy on their fists and the thunder and flames on the blades continued to squeeze.

In the end, the armed domineering energy on Wang Lufei's fist, which was like red lotus fire, powerfully suppressed the thunder and flames on the blade in Charlotte Lingling's hand, then shattered it, and finally, with an irresistible momentum, he fiercely bombarded her. On the blade in Charlotte Lingling's hand.

Boom! ~

With a crisp sound, the blade in Charlotte Lingling's hand transformed from the bicorn hat that she had injected with her soul was directly broken by the power of Wang Lufei's fist.

" could it be!"

Charlotte Lingling understood that the blade in her hand was interrupted, and she was stunned for a moment. At this moment, Wang Lufei's huge fist had fallen heavily on her body.

"Give me, fly deep underground, BIG·MOM!"

Bang! ~

Along with Wang Lufei's roar, his huge fist that seemed to be burning with red lotus fire landed heavily on Charlotte Lingling, directly blasting her huge body into the ground.

Boom! ~

Charlotte Lingling's body collided with the ground, causing huge spider web cracks to appear on the entire ground, and then completely collapsed, leaving a bottomless giant pit on the ground.

In the distance, the officers of the Big Mom Pirates saw Charlotte Lingling being punched deep into the ground by Wang Lufei. She remained motionless for a long time, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"Hahahaha, as expected of Ace's younger brother, he actually defeated the [Four Emperors]!" Ulki laughed loudly and said loudly.


Everyone in the Straw Hats looked at Wang Lufei punching Charlotte Lingling into the ground, and they all showed shocked expressions, and then started to get mad.

"What a pity!" Zoro shook the saber at his waist and said with a smile, "It seems I can only wait to kill Kaido!"

"Stop talking nonsense, green algae head!" Sanji glanced at Zoro with disdain, then twisted his legs and said, "Kaido will be kicked away by me!"

"Good job, Luffy!" Nami shouted, giving Wang Luffy her summer thumbs up.

"Luffy won, we really defeated the [Yonko]!" Chopper shouted with tears streaming down his face.

"Our captain is so awesome when he's unhappy!" Franky said loudly, assuming his signature pose.

"Hohohoho, well done, Luffy-san!" Brooke played the violin and laughed.

"Haha, good job, Luffy!" Usopp said loudly with a proud look on his face: "Sure enough, under my wise leadership, defeating the [Four Emperors] is not a problem at all."

"Hehe, Luffy is indeed the strongest." Robin covered his mouth and smiled.

"Hey!" Hearing his friends' embarrassed words, Wang Lufei also had a proud smile on his face. Then he released the fourth gear and fell from the air.

"How could it be that mom... mom was actually beaten?"

"Impossible, mom is invincible and cannot be defeated by anyone!"

"Mom, come out quickly and kill the Straw Hat boy with your own hands to show everyone that you have not been defeated!"

The officers of the Big Mom Pirates stepped forward one after another, came to the bottomless pit on the ground that was made by Charlotte Lingling, and shouted loudly.

However, there was no response from the pit.

"Asshole, Straw Hat!"

The officers of the Big Mom Pirates who received no response turned their attention to Wang Lufei, and their angry gazes seemed to devour Wang Lufei.

"kill him!"

"That's right, we must not let this bastard who brings shame to our mother live!"

The officers of the BIG·MOM Pirates roared in unison, then displayed their weapons one after another and charged towards Wang Lufei. At this time, Wang Lufei was almost exhausted and was about to be attacked by the angry attack of the officers of the BIG·MOM Pirates. Legion' drowned.

"Oops, Luffy is in danger!~"

Only then did the members of the Straw Hats react and rushed towards Wang Lufei, but someone had already beaten them one step ahead.

Jinbei and Crocodile suddenly appeared, protecting Wang Luffy on the left and right, and then simultaneously launched an attack on the besieging Big Mom Pirates.


"Crescent-shaped dunes!"

The flying water jets and the crescent-shaped sand blades fell on the leaders of the Big Mom Pirates who were rushing at the front.

Bang bang bang! ~

The water jet sent by Jinbe hit three cadres of the Big Mom Pirates, sending them flying and then crashing into the crowd behind them.

Crocodile's sand blade is even more terrifying. People who are penetrated by the sand blade are directly drained of water and turned into human corpses like mummies.

Jinbe and Crocodile took action at the same time, killing several cadres of the Big Mom Pirates in an instant. This kind of deterrence also made everyone under them stop in their tracks.

"As long as I'm here, I will never let you hurt Luffy!" Jinbei stood in front of Wang Luffy and said loudly.

Crocodile held a cigar in his mouth and stood in front of Wang Lufei. Although he did not speak, this action already showed his attitude.


"And sand crocodiles!"

"You two bastards!"

The officers of the Big Mom Pirates glared at Jinbei and Crocodile, as if they wanted to kill them with their eyes.

"Thanks, Jinbe, and you, Crocodile!"

At this time, the members of the Straw Hats also came to Wang Lufei and surrounded him, and then thanked Jinbei and Crocodile for protecting their captain.

"It's nothing." Jinbei waved his hand and said, "I'm ashamed, I came in a hurry, but I couldn't help much."

"Hey!~" Crocodile didn't say anything. He just glanced at the Straw Hats with disdain, then turned around proudly and prepared to leave.

Giggle! ~

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the deep pit on the side, and the next moment, a terrifying breath burst out from the deep pit in vain, straight into the sky.

" can't be!"

Feeling this breath, the smile on Urki's face that was guarding the unconscious Vinsmoke Gaji froze, and then he saw a ghost-like figure slowly emerging from the pit. Rising up, it was Charlotte Lingling with disheveled hair and red eyes.

Moreover, although Charlotte Lingling looked very embarrassed at this time, the aura emanating from her body was far more terrifying than before. Her blood-red eyes and scarlet sight made people feel trembling all over.

"Look, something is flying over in the sky!"

At this time, a leader of the Big Mom Pirates suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

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