One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 336: Together (4,000 words)

On Cake Island, in a huge battlefield.

In the battle between Charlotte Lingling and Jinbei, Crocodile, Urgi, Odin and Vinsmoke Gaji, the giant king Odin was seriously injured and was the first to leave.

Then there was Vinsmoke Gaji. The stun gun in this guy's hand was broken directly, and then he was punched into the ground by Charlotte Lingling. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The remaining three 'New and Old Shichibukai' are still supporting them, but everyone knows that their defeat is only a matter of time.

At the beginning, even the leaders of the Big Mom Pirates thought that these five people might be able to shake Big Mom together, and if not, they would at least be on par.

Who would have thought that when BIG·MOM got serious, they would have defeated two people one after another in just a few minutes, and the remaining three were just struggling to hold on.

"back to normal!"

At this time, Wang Lufei suddenly raised his arm, with a look of surprise on his face, and his domineering spirit was restored.

"Fourth gear!"

After regaining his domineering power, Wang Lufei immediately activated the fourth gear impatiently, then moved his body and rushed straight towards the battlefield where Charlotte Lingling and the others were.


When the members of the Straw Hats saw Wang Lufei rushing towards the battlefield, they all screamed subconsciously, but Wang Lufei's figure had already rushed into the battlefield.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!"

On the battlefield, Charlotte Lingling slashed out with a sword, directly cutting down Jinbei and Urqui. Only Crocodile escaped the blow with the advantage of his fruit ability.

"This monster!"

Crocodile looked at Jinbei and Urgi who were chopped down, and growled with an unwilling expression.

Although Jinbei and Urgi have not completely lost their combat effectiveness like Odin and Vinsmoke Sanji, they may not be able to hold on for long after enduring the heavy blow from Charlotte Lingling.

At this point, their defeat is irreversible.

"Go to hell, sand crocodile!"

At this time, Charlotte Lingling rushed in front of Crocodile, and punched him fiercely with her armed and domineering fists.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the gap to be so big!" Crocodile looked at the fist that Charlotte Lingling threw at him. Knowing that this punch might be impossible to avoid, his face became extremely ugly, and he raised his arm and put it on his chest. Want to resist.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Ape King Spear!"

At this moment, Wang Lufei, who rushed into the battlefield, suddenly appeared in front of Crocodile. His swollen fist flew out and directly collided with Charlotte Lingling's fist.

boom! ~

The fists of Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling collided, and the huge force directly shattered the ground beneath their feet. The aftermath caused Crocodile, who was standing behind Wang Lufei, to be unable to help but retreat.

"This kid...has become stronger again!"

Crocodile withdrew more than ten meters, then looked at Wang Lufei's back and said silently in his heart.

After Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling's fists collided, there was a stalemate for several seconds, and then they both took a few steps back at the same time.

"Straw Hat, it's you brat again!"

Charlotte Lingling, who steadied her body, looked at Wang Lufei who appeared in front of her again, her angry eyes almost bursting with fire.

"straw hat!"

"Luffy bro!"

At this time, Jinbei and Ulki also came over, and Crocodile also stepped forward. They came to Wang Lufei and wanted to fight side by side with Wang Lufei.

Wang Lufei, however, had no intention of joining forces with them. Instead, he turned his head, glanced at the two of them, and then said to them: "Jinbei, Sand Crocodile, and... leave this place to me. You can take care of Sanji's boss." Dad, please step back."

"Brother Luffy, do you want to fight Big Mom alone?" Jinbe asked in surprise after hearing Wang Luffy's words.

"That's right!" Wang Lufei looked at Charlotte Lingling and said, "Leave it to me alone!"

"Hahahaha, he is indeed Ace's younger brother, come on!" Ulki laughed, then turned around happily and walked towards the location of Vinsmoke Gaji.

"Then... be careful, brother Luffy." Jinbe hesitated for a moment, but seeing Wang Luffy's confident look, he didn't force it. After warning him, he followed Urki and joined him. , dug out the fainted Vinsmoke Gaji from the ground, and then took him away from the battlefield.

"Bang!~" Crocodile, who was about to step forward to fight alongside Wang Lufei, heard this. He was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly, and turned his head. However, he took a few steps, stopped again, and said : "Boy, don't die!" After saying that, he strode away and left the battlefield to me, Wang Luffy.

Charlotte Lingling did not stop Crocodile and the others from leaving. Instead, after they walked away, she looked at Wang Lufei and said, "Kid, you still want to challenge me to a duel?!"

"That's right!" After Crocodile and others left, Wang Lufei looked at Charlotte Lingling, posed seriously, and said, "Then, let's start the second round."

"This time, I will definitely defeat you, Big Mom!" Wang Lufei said loudly.

"Huh? Defeat me, stop talking in your sleep, you brat!" Charlotte Lingling shouted angrily, then raised the blade in her hand and slashed at Wang Lufei.

"go to hell!"

Wang Lufei's eyes narrowed, he concentrated his armed haki on his right fist, and then blasted out at the blade that Charlotte Lingling had cut off at him.


Boom! ~

Wang Lufei's fist hit the blade in Charlotte Lingling's hand, and the huge blade flew away.

Charlotte Lingling's huge body was also driven back a few steps by the force on the blade in her hand. Then she looked at Wang Lufei in surprise and said, "You little brat!"

"Hey!" Wang Lufei understood the surprise in Charlotte Lingling's eyes, grinned, and then rushed forward and appeared in front of Charlotte Lingling, but his arms remained where they were.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Red Lotus Rocket Launcher!"

Facing Wang Lufei's menacing attack, Charlotte Lingling's eyes became solemn. She raised her arm, released the armed domineering wind, and then punched Wang Lufei's attack.

boom! ~

Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling's attacks collided. What was unexpected was that Wang Lufei's attack not only suppressed Charlotte Lingling's strange power, but also blew her huge body away. go out.

"How could it be possible? Mom was actually beaten away!"

On the dilapidated cake castle, Charlotte Perospero and others were extremely surprised when they saw Charlotte Lingling being knocked away by Wang Lufei.

Not only Charlotte Perospero, but in the memory of the entire Big Mom Pirates cadre, it seems that Charlotte Lingling has never been seen being repelled head-on.

"It's not over yet!"

Wang Lufei jumped up and instantly jumped directly above Charlotte Lingling who was knocked away. He aimed his right fist at the retreating Charlotte Lingling and punched out.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Jet Red Lotus Ape King Spear!"

"Armed!" Faced with Wang Lufei's blow, Charlotte Lingling instinctively felt the danger, and immediately released her armed Haki, covering the area where Wang Lufei's fist was aimed.

boom! ~

Wang Lufei's contracted fist suddenly shot out, and the armed haki wrapped around the fist was like a layer of flames. When it bombarded Charlotte Lingling, it not only directly broke through her armed haki, but also broke through it. It opened her monster-tough skin and left a sunken, hot fist mark directly on her abdomen.


Charlotte Lingling, who was hit by Wang Lufei's punch, couldn't help but leave a hot punch mark on her abdomen, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

"Well done, brother Luffy!" Jinbe said excitedly.

"He actually defeated Big Mom head-on. He is worthy of being Ace's younger brother." Ulki laughed.

"... Straw Hat, that kid has become stronger again!" Crocodile looked at Wang Lufei's figure and said with a serious look.

"That boy has indeed become stronger again!"

Somewhere in Dessert City, Katakuri was shocked when he saw Wang Lufei defeating Big Mom head-on.

Although he had long expected that Wang Lufei would definitely become stronger after fighting against Big Mom, what he did not expect was that Wang Lufei would become stronger to such a great extent. 】The degree of defense!


Charlotte Lingling lowered her head and looked at the dented fist mark that was still smoking on her abdomen. Her eyes immediately turned red, then she looked at Wang Lufei and said loudly: "You little brat, you actually hurt my body! "

"I said, I will definitely defeat you this time!" Wang Lufei said seriously.

"Very good!" Charlotte Lingling wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at Wang Lufei with cold eyes. She hadn't felt this kind of anger for a long time. The last time she was so angry was when Roger was in her. When the rubbings of [Road Sign·History Text] were stolen here.

"Boy, I will let you know right away what will happen if you make me angry!" Charlotte Lingling held the knife and walked towards Wang Lufei step by step.

"Go to hell!" Charlotte Lingling raised the blade in her hand high, terrifying power gathered on the blade in her hand, and then slashed it down at Wang Lufei.

"Elbaf's Spear·Powerful Country!"

Buzz! ~

Charlotte Lingling swung the blade in her hand, and the terrifying power turned into an indestructible slash, attacking Wang Lufei fiercely!

"Ka!~" Faced with Charlotte Lingling's fierce slash, Wang Lufei also focused his eyes, bit his right arm, and then blew hard, causing the right arm to expand like a giant's arm, and then armed Color domineering wrapped around the huge fist, and hit Charlotte Lingling's slash head-on.

"GOMOGOMONUO·Guren·Great Ape King Spear!"

The powerful armed domination was like red lotus fire, wrapped around Wang Lufei's huge fist, and then collided fiercely with Charlotte Lingling's slash.

Boom! ~

The moment Wang Lufei's huge fist collided with Charlotte Lingling's slash, the roar erupted like a muffled thunder explosion. The ground was instantly shaken to pieces by the huge force, and the terrifying aftermath stirred up the clouds in the sky. .

"Ah!~ (screaming)"


Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling roared at the same time, then rushed towards each other, and finally started fighting fiercely.

Moreover, as the battle between the two became more and more intense, the dark clouds in the sky that had gathered due to Charlotte Lingling's anger were torn apart by the battle between the two, creating a long crack. That kind of scene , looking from below, it was as if the sky was torn apart by the momentum of the two of them fighting.

"Everyone, look at the sky!"

Where the Straw Hats were, Nami suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked up and saw the sky above the battlefield between Wang Lufei and Charlotte Lingling. The sky was torn apart by the momentum of their confrontation. They were full of shock.

"The battle between the two of them actually tore the sky apart. What a shocking sight it was!" Brooke said with a trembling voice.

"This is..." Charlotte Perospero and others looked at the torn sky, and suddenly thought of the scene when Ace and Big Mom fought two years ago.

"Straw Hat Boy, is it possible that he, like that man, has reached the level of power of the [Four Emperors]?" Charlotte Perospero looked at Wang Luffy who was fighting Charlotte Lingling with a look on his face. said in disbelief.

"Is this the [celestial phenomenon] that will only occur when the strongest men at the [Four Emperors] level fight with all their strength!" Shiliu looked at the shocking scene in the sky and said in shock: "It's really amazing."

Katakuri looked at the torn dark clouds in the sky, with a solemn expression on his face, and then said: "No, this is not yet a [celestial phenomenon] caused by the collision between the Straw Hat boy and his mother, because now they are The torn [sky] is just a [vision] brought together by mother's anger. The real [celestial phenomenon] is a supernatural scene brought about by the collision of overlords and domineering spirits that have also reached the extreme. That kind of [celestial phenomenon] is far away. It’s much more shocking than what I see now.”

The reason why the [celestial phenomenon] caused by the collision of the four emperors is rare is because there are so few strong people in the sea who can cultivate the overlord's domineering spirit to the extreme.

Although admirals are strong, most of them do not have the domineering aura of a king, so even if their strength reaches the level of the [Four Emperors], they will not produce such supernatural phenomena as [celestial phenomena] when they fight. When Rayleigh was at his peak, his overlord-colored domineering energy was not enough to attract [Celestial Phenomenon].

Although he said so, Katakuri knew that Wang Luffy at this time had truly reached the level of the [Yonko], which meant that he would become a strong [Yonko] sooner or later.

At this time, when everyone was shocked by the strange phenomenon in the sky, a huge black shadow was approaching Cake Island.

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