One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 143 The goal is Qinghai—Let’s go!

clang! ~

In the sky, the clear and loud bells resounded throughout the sky, and all residents of the entire Kingdom of God heard the melodious bells clearly.

Somewhere on the empty island, an old man wearing knight armor heard the sound of the golden bell. He looked up and looked in the direction where the bell was coming from. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"That's... Sandora's lamp!"

In Yunyin Village, when War Ghost Webb heard the dreamy bell, he looked blankly at the sky where the bell sounded, and tears flowed down unconsciously. Behind him, all the Sandians were excited. Look in the direction where the voices are coming from.

"Great warrior Kalgara, did you hear it? The sound of Sandora's lamp echoing in the sky!" the Sandian tribe leader said silently in his heart.

"Wenbrand Nolando, I have kept you waiting for a long time. This bell is 400 years late. I hope this bell can be heard by your descendants." Weber said silently in his heart.

For 400 years, they have been stubbornly trying to take back their hometown from the residents of the empty island, just to ring the lights of this mountain Dora again. Now this sound that has been absent for 400 years has sounded again, even if it is not by their own hands. Ringing, Weber and others also sincerely hope that this sound can reach the ears of those who are waiting for it.

On the Island of Gods, in the huge forest, the sleeping giant snake Sky Lord Nolan suddenly raised his huge body and twisted continuously, as if dancing excitedly, after hearing the bell of the golden clock, with a pair of snake eyes. There were still tears left, and his eyes seemed to be missing something.

Suddenly, the Lord of the Sky seemed to see the man who named himself "Nolan" smiling at himself.

On the huge bean vine, Robin stood in front of the stone tablet with historical texts engraved on it, and looked at the words on the stone tablet seriously.

"Do you recognize the words on this?" Anilu came over and asked.

"Well, I'm a historian." Robin nodded and replied.

"Historian?" Enelu glanced at Robin, then reached out and touched the stone tablet with the historical text, and asked, "What is written on it?"

Robin pondered for a while, and then replied: "It's some blank history, very important history."

"History?" Upon hearing this, Enelu glanced at Robin, then turned and left.

At the golden bell, Luffy and Zoro were ringing the golden bell, getting louder and louder. They hoped that the sound of these bells could reach the sea 10,000 meters below, so that the man could hear it. .

Under the sky island, Gaya Island.

Wen Bran Kulik was taking a nap when he suddenly heard a vague sound of bells in the sky. He stood up suddenly, then closed his eyes and listened carefully. Sure enough, the bells in the sky became louder and louder. The clearer.

"The sound of this bell is unmistakable. Only that bell can make such a sound!"

"Straw Hat Boy, have you really found the legendary Sandora?" Hearing the bell that was 400 years late, Wen Bran Kulik had tears in his eyes, and then he looked at the sky, na na Said: "With this bell, you want to tell me that the Golden Land is real, it is in the sky, and my ancestors are not liars, is that right?"

"This is really... so romantic!"

"Thank you, Straw Hat Boy, I have indeed received the voice you conveyed!" Wenblan Couric shouted at the sky at the top of his lungs.

In the sky, the golden clock continued to ring for several minutes. During these minutes, the sky and the earth echoed this dreamlike sound.

Sky Island, the shrine of God.

"Okay, our adventure on Sky Island has ended successfully. Let's go back." Luffy, who had rang the golden bell dozens of times, said to his friends.

"Oh, is this the end? There are still many places I haven't been to yet!" Usopp said.

"Me too, there are many unknown herbs on this island that I haven't had time to pick yet!" Chopper said aggrievedly.

"Yes, yes, I have a lot of things that I haven't had time to clean up." Nami also raised her hand and said.

"I also want to collect some ingredients from Sky Island." Sanji said.

"There are many ancient ruins on this island, and I want to visit them again," Robin said.

"I don't care." Zoro said nonchalantly.

"That's it, then let's stay one more day." Luffy thought for a while and said.

In this way, the Straw Hats stayed on Sky Island for one more day.

The next day, all members of the Straw Hats returned to the Meili with satisfaction and prepared to embark on the voyage back to Qinghai.

Although this trip to the Sky Island was a little hasty, almost all of their goals were achieved. Even Chengruo, who helped the Sandians regain their hometown, said that he would leave immediately. Anyone who wants it can take it.

"Thunder guy, do you want to come down with us?" Luffy suddenly asked Enel just before setting sail.

"No need." Enel decisively rejected Luffy's invitation to go with him. His 'motto' will be built in a few days, and he will go to Qinghai on his dream ship.

"Okay then." Luffy had no emotion about Enel's rejection of his invitation, and said with an idiotic smile: "Then let's look forward to seeing you again on the sea below, the guy who can thunder."

"I don't look forward to seeing you again at all. Also, my name is Enelu. Remember it, you rubber monkey." Enelu said angrily.

"Hahahaha." Luffy said carelessly: "We will definitely meet again, the guy who can make thunder."

"It's Enelu. How many times do I have to say it before you can remember it, you bastard rubber monkey!" Enelu said frantically.

"Well, don't worry about it." The Merry began to move. Luffy waved to Anilu on the ship and said loudly: "Goodbye, Ai... the guy who can make thunder."

Enel was too lazy to correct himself. He turned around, waved with his back to the Mellie, and then disappeared into a bolt of thunder.

A few days later, a gorgeous golden spaceship slowly rose from somewhere on the empty island. This spaceship was the dream ship that Enel spent several years building - Proverbs.

Different from the original plot, the current spaceship can not only use Enero's thunder and lightning as kinetic energy to sail, it is also equipped with many air-breathing shells unique to Sky Island as power, and can even sail in the sea. It is a A true dream boat.

At this moment, Anilu will take four priests and dozens of members of the God's Guard to drive this dream ship to Qinghai to meet Ace.

Eniru put his hands on his hands, released his ability to input a large amount of lightning into the core of the spacecraft, and then shouted to his subordinates who were controlling the direction: "The target is Qinghai, let's go!"

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