One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 142 Enel and the Straw Hats (Part 2)

"Ace is very strong. When we were young, I never won a single fight. I kept getting beaten. But if we meet now, I will definitely be the winner." Luffy raised his arms and said with a proud look on his face. .

"Impossible! X3" Upon hearing Luffy's words, the timid trio waved their hands together.

"And this is not a question of whether you can win the fight. If Luffy, your brother is really that man, you will be killed instantly with your current strength." Nami said with a serious face.

"This woman is right. If you were an enemy right now, you wouldn't even be able to stand in front of Captain Ace." At this time, Enel's figure appeared again and brought Sanji with him. and Robin both.

"Luffy!" Although Sanji and Robin were brought here by Enel, they still remained extremely wary of this dangerous man.

"Nami-chan!~" After Sanji saw Nami, he came to Nami like a gust of wind and circled around. After showing his kindness for a while, he saw Usopp and Chopper, and then waved to them. , said: "Oh, you are here too."

"Are we always together, you bastard! X2" Usopp and Chopper complained together.

Robin on the side covered his mouth and chuckled. However, after seeing their safe companions, the two of them relaxed their vigilance a lot. But even so, Robin and Sanji still maintained their due vigilance towards Enel. After all, , this man's ability is really too dangerous.

Of course, Enel felt that Sanji and Robin were wary of him, but he didn't pay attention. He just glanced at them lightly, then raised his arm, turned into a bolt of thunder again, and disappeared in front of the Straw Hats. before.

"Nami, what were you talking about just now?" Robin came to Nami and asked her.

"We are talking about Luffy's brother." Nami held Robin's arm and said with an incredulous look on her face: "Robin, did you know that Luffy actually has a brother, and he is also the famous Potka?" S. D. Ace, and that man just now is Luffy-nii’s partner.”

"That's it." Hearing Nami's words, Robin suddenly understood. He finally understood why the man suddenly appeared and saved himself from his men. It turned out that she was the partner of his captain brother, so everything made sense. It makes sense.

"Huh? How come you all know Ace, do you also know him?" Wang Lufei asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"You guys, why don't you pay attention to the news? You don't even know the news about your brother." Nami covered her face and said: "Your brother, the man called 'Fire Fist', is now famous. The world's biggest pirate, and his bounty has exceeded 1 billion beli."

"One billion Baileys!" Wang Lufei was so surprised that his eyes almost fell out.

"To be precise, it's 1.45 billion." Robin added.

Since most of the first half of the Grand Line could only occasionally get news about the new world through newspapers or news, Nami's knowledge of Ace was limited to newspaper reports.

But Robin was different. At the time, she was in charge of the intelligence department at Crocodile's Baroque Works. She could follow news from the New World through special channels, so she had far more information about Ace than Nami. Learn more.

Robin found a place to sit down, then held his chin with his hand and said with a smile: "Luffy's brother, the man named 'Fire Fist', has been the most dazzling in the sea in the past year. Not only did the pirates escape from the joint pursuit of the two generals, but they also set up their own flag in a new world full of strong men, and had their own sea area where only the strong could gain a foothold. turf.

Later, he formed a pirate alliance with the most powerful pirate on the sea, the man named Whitebeard, and became a being that even the navy did not dare to provoke easily. "

"Now, his strength should be comparable to the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, the 'Admiral'." Robin said.


This name made everyone in the Straw Hats look solemn, and at the same time they thought of the man they met on the uninhabited island behind Long Chain Island, Admiral Aokiji.

The power shown by Aokiji at that time made several members of the Straw Hats feel what was really powerful. The gap was so huge that it made people despair.

It was after that incident that Luffy studied fighting methods such as second gear and third gear.

"Oh, it turns out that Ace has become so strong!" Luffy smiled, then his expression suddenly turned serious, and he said seriously: "Then I can't fall behind, I must become stronger. That’s all.”

Boom! ~

At this time, a bolt of thunder fell, and Enel's figure appeared again. This time he brought the last member of the Straw Hats, Comrade Three Swordsman Liu Suolong.

"Yoshi, everyone assemble!" After seeing Zoro, Luffy stood up suddenly, his expression became handsome, but a second later, he tilted his head, looked at his companions, and asked: "Continue What are we going to do when we come down?"

"This is the right thing to ask you, idiot captain! X5" Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper said in unison.

"Hehehe!" Robin covered his mouth and chuckled. It was not difficult to see that this woman had not yet fully integrated into the Straw Hats.

"Huh? Ask me?" Luffy thought for a while, and Tan Hou said to Enelu: "Hey, Thunder guy, we met a group of people before, and they said that this island is their hometown. Can you tell me Will the island be returned to them?”

"Are you talking about those Sandians?" Enel looked at Luffy and said, "Okay, I'm about to leave here anyway."

"Really? That's great!" Seeing that Enel agreed to his request, Luffy immediately walked towards him familiarly, hugged Enel enthusiastically, and gave a thumbs up to his companion. , said: "I knew that Ace's partner was definitely a good person."

"..." Everyone was speechless!

"By the way." Luffy thought of another thing, looked at Enelu, and said: "We are also looking for a golden bell. I promised an uncle below that I would let him hear the sound of the golden bell. You Do you know where that thing is?"

"Yeah, I know." Enel pushed Luffy away without leaving a trace, then pointed to the highest point of the giant bean vine in the sky and said, "The golden clock you are looking for is right up there."

"Really? That's great!" Luffy looked at his friends and said, "Everyone, now that we know the location of the golden bell, let's go ring it!"

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