One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 115 Superman: Stress Fruit (Please subscribe)

"You guys, how dare you take action against my family, it's simply unforgivable!" Baby-5, who was standing on the back of Buffalo, raised the two medium-sized artillery pieces in his hands and directed a burst of wild bombardment at them, forcing him to retreat. those who were besieging Torrepol.

"Torebol, catch it." Dellinger threw down two gas masks at Torebol.

Torrebol saw the gas mask thrown down by Delinger and immediately knew what they were going to do. After catching the mask, he immediately put the gas mask on his and Sugar's faces.

After seeing Torebol and Sugar put on gas masks, Delinger stamped on Baffaro's back and said with a evil smile: "Bafaro, do it!"

"Understood!" Upon hearing this, Buffalo took out a bomb with the word 'KORO' printed on it from his clothes. It was a gas bomb developed by Caesar.

"Anyone who dares to resist us, die!" Buffalo said loudly, and then threw the gas bomb directly downwards.

boom! ~

The poison gas bomb exploded, and dark purple poisonous gas poured out immediately, spreading quickly towards the entire arena, and those who were exposed to the poisonous gas immediately lost consciousness.

"Oops, it's a poison gas bomb!" When Wores and others saw the poison gas being vented everywhere, their faces became ugly.

"Skaar!" Wores looked at the poisonous gas that was spreading towards them quickly, and suddenly turned to look at Skaar, as if he thought that Skaar was capable of handling the poisonous gas.

"Leave it to me!" Skar stepped forward and stood in front of everyone, then raised his hands with his palms facing forward.

Among Ace's Spade Pirates, there are not many people with abilities who have eaten Devil Fruits. Apart from Ace, only Skaar in this group has eaten Devil Fruits, and Skaar has eaten a superhuman type. The Stress Fruit is a stress person who can freely control various types of stress.

When Skaar introduced his abilities to his companions, Connalia, a navigator, felt envious and jealous of Skaar.

"Air pressure swirling wall!"

Skaar let out a low roar, and an invisible pressure surged out from his palm. This pressure seemed to form an invisible barrier around everyone, causing the surrounding poisonous gas to circulate several meters away from them but unable to get close.

"Wind pressure tornado!"

As soon as Skar's gesture changed, the invisible pressure barrier surrounding everyone changed shape, changing from air pressure to wind pressure, changing the flow trajectory of the surrounding air, and a tornado swept all the surrounding poisonous gas high into the sky.

The group of them also followed the tornado and left the interior of the arena and came to the arena.

"All those guys from the Don Quixote family are gone." Yaqi looked around and found that Torrebol and Baffaro were all gone.

"Ace said that there is a secret space below this arena. The research laboratory of Caesar Coulant we are looking for is there. I think those people from the Don Quixote family must have escaped there." Wo said. Reis said.

"Is it down here?" Yaqi looked at the ground, stamped his feet, then raised his modified arm and said, "Leave it to me!" After saying that, he punched the ground directly, powerful The strange force directly blasted a huge hole out of the thick ground.

"Yaki, you bastard, who asked you to do this!"

In a burst of roaring, everyone fell into the hollow underground as the ground shattered.

Under the ground of the bullfighting arena, after Wores and others fell down, they found the cadres of the Don Quixote family who had disappeared before. In addition to Sugar, Torrebol and Dellinger, Baffaro and Baby-5 were standing there. There, it seems to be waiting for their arrival.

Behind them, there was a strange man with long dark purple-blue hair and an ornament on his head that looked like a goat's horn. This man was Caesar. It turned out that after they fell, they landed directly in Caesar's laboratory.

Wores took out a reward order, compared the photo above with Caesar standing behind the cadres of the Don Quixote family, and said: "That weirdo is Caesar Courant that Ace mentioned. This time I will capture him alive!"

"Oh, there is a bounty of 300 million beli. In this case, it will be very difficult to capture him alive." Skar said.

"Just do your best," Yaki said.

"Hey, can I fight this time?" Carols looked at her companions and asked expectantly.

In the Spade Pirates, Carolus is equivalent to the group's pet. The members generally will not let her participate in dangerous battles. This is also the reason why Carolus's bounty is only 3 million Baileys so far. .

"Of course, this time is a war for all members of the Spade Pirates. How can we be without you!" Vores, Aki and Skar said in one voice.

"Damn it, you're making me look like I'm not one of you." Qiao Ellie Bonny said unhappily.

Wores and others looked at each other and smiled. Strictly speaking, Qiao Ellie Bonny, who has formed her own pirate group, is indeed not a member of their group now.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Caesar suddenly laughed and said, "I seem to hear someone saying they want to capture me alive? Am I hallucinating something?"

"You heard it right, Caesar Coulan." Torebol turned to look at Caesar and said, "They did say that they would capture you alive."

"Who the hell do you think you are, you actually want to capture me alive." Caesar smiled wildly, then took out what looked like a button on some device from his clothes, and said loudly: "You shameless guy. Guys, let me show you the terrifying research results I have accomplished this year!" After saying that, Caesar pressed the button in his hand, and the entire research room suddenly began to shake violently.

Ouch! ~~

Roar! ~~~

Amidst deafening roars and howls, several huge monsters appeared in front of everyone. Each of these monsters was much taller than the giants.

"Oh, what a huge monster." Seeing those huge monsters that suddenly appeared, several members of the Don Quixote family were shocked, and then asked Caesar: "Is this the legendary ancient giant? You Did you really resurrect them? Caesar!"

"Wow, wow, wow, yes, this is the result of my research on human gigantism. How about it, it's amazing!" Caesar smiled proudly, and then said: "These were originally going to be sold to Kaido. Goods, now it’s time to use these people to test their strength.”

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