One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 114 Bonnie’s worries (please subscribe)

"Hahahaha, Joker, I didn't expect that you would have such an ability to turn people into toys." In the King's Heights, in the palace, Jack, who was watching the live broadcast, suddenly laughed when he saw what happened in the arena. He stood up and said to Doflamingo, who was sitting opposite him: "But if you do this, your reputation in this country will be completely ruined."

"It doesn't matter." Doflamingo said with a stern face: "They are just some stupid people. As long as we win this war, I can turn them all into toys."

"All?" Jack was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then laughed: "As expected of you, Joker, but if that happens, this country will completely become a country of toys."

"Hey, as long as we can win this war, these are all irrelevant things." Doflamingo smiled ferociously, and suddenly his expression changed. Then he stood up, looked outside the palace, and said in a deep voice: "Has that brat from Fire Fist finally arrived here?"

"Oh? Are you here already?" Upon hearing this, Jack stood up, twisted his neck, and said, "I'm tired of waiting."

Bullfighting arena!

"The villains of Don Quixote's family will not let you escape!"

"That's right. They turned us into toys. That's too abominable. Kill them."

At this moment, the people present were extremely angry, and then they rushed towards Torebol in a swarm.

"Sticky chains, snot grabbing white blades, dancing wildly!"

Torebol threw out a large amount of mucus, which turned into slime chains with blades on top. Under the control of Torebol, they danced chaotically among those who rushed over, and dozens of people were eliminated in an instant, leaving only All the people also stopped.

"You guys, have you forgotten our terror?" Torebol looked at those people with a gloomy face and shouted in a low voice.

After seeing Torrebol's strength, these people finally remembered that this wretched man in front of them was the top cadre of the Don Quixote family and a powerful pirate who once had a bounty of more than 200 million.

However, in addition to the original residents of Dressrosa, many of these people were pirates who were once hostile to the Don Quixote family. There were many ruthless people among these people.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how strong he is, there is only one person, but we have thousands of people here!"

"Yes, in terms of numbers, we have an absolute advantage. Even if we use the human sea tactic, we can kill him."

"Yes, if we just retreat like this, we might be turned into toys again. I don't want to experience that kind of life anymore."

Under the instigation of some "careful people", those who had planned to retreat in the face of the battle after seeing the strength of Torebol were again inspired to fight. They raised their weapons and surrounded Torebol, and then A swarm of swarms attacked him.

Although Torrebol was powerful, he still had to take care of the unconscious Sugar, and those people used long-range attack weapons, so Torrebol was suppressed by them for a while and could only use his own abilities to defend himself. .

"Vores, what should we do now?" Yaqi looked at the besieged Torebol, hesitated, and asked.

Wores pondered for a while and said in a deep voice: "That little girl's ability is too dangerous, we can't let her leave."

"Do you want to take action?" When Scar heard this, he immediately squeezed his palms and stepped forward with a look of eagerness. He did not forget his previous embarrassment.

However, just when the three of them were about to take action and join in the siege of Torebol, they were stopped by Qiao Ellie Bonny.

"Don't take action for the time being." After Qiao Ellie Bonny stopped the three Wares, she turned to the Dongdada warriors beside her and said: "Leave this to us, you go help those who are blocking the 'underground world' Companions of the coalition forces must not let them enter here."

Leo, the soldier captain of the Dongtada tribe, glanced at Qiao Ellie Boni, nodded, and said seriously: "Leave it to us, the Dongtada tribe's warriors will never let a villain from the underground world enter the arena. ." After saying that, he followed the Dongdada warriors and ran towards the outside of the arena.

After sending away the Dongdada warriors, Qiao Ailiboni looked at the three Wares and said in a deep voice: "When we came from Greenbit just now, we met many villains from the 'underground world' , and Doflamingo is the intermediary of the 'underworld', so those villains coming to Dressrosa at this time are definitely not for sightseeing. In other words, we are likely to face an unknown number of potential enemies. .”

"So now we must try to avoid unnecessary battles and conserve our strength to deal with the enemies hiding in the dark." Bonnie said, then looked at those who were besieging Torebol, and said with a sneer: "Moreover, In the eyes of these people, we are not necessarily friendly forces on one side. You must know that most of them are residents and troops of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, but we are pirates and invaders."

"Perhaps, after they resolve the threat from the Don Quixote family, we may not be the next target."

Joelle Bonnie's worry is not impossible. After all, in the eyes of most people, they are no different from the Don Quixote family. They are also heinous pirates, and they are the same as the Straw Hats in the original plot. It’s different. Saving this country will not be the first goal. Therefore, if the threat from the Don Quixote family is resolved, as long as these people are instigated by certain people, the target of the crusade will probably become them. Guys, even the Dongdada clan who have just formed an alliance may defect and become enemies.

After listening to Qiao Ellie Bonny's words, the three Wores realized the seriousness of the matter, and at the same time gave up the idea of ​​helping those people.

Chug tug tug! ! ~~~

Suddenly, there was a sound of something rotating rapidly in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a guy with hair rotating rapidly around his neck like a propeller flying from a distance. This person was wrapped in thick chains and wore heavy clothing. The long coat with the pirate group logo on the teeth makes the whole person look like a helicopter.

On his back stood a woman wearing a maid outfit and holding a heavy weapon in her hand, and a young murloc with horns on his head like a Dressrosa fighting fish, fins on his back, and a peaked cap on his head.

The young fish-man is Delinger, a cadre of the Don Quixote family, the helicopter-like guy is Buffalo, a combatant of the Don Quixote family, and the woman dressed as a maid with a heavy weapon is Buffalo's partner, Baby-5.

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