Tashigi noticed Rayleigh's eyes and instinctively pulled the Shadow Sword to her side.

A strong man of this level really wanted to take her weapon.

She had no way to stop him.

But if she was asked to hand over the Shadow Sword,

Tashigi would never agree easily even if she was willing to be killed.

The relationship between the sword and the sword master is what swordsmen value most.

A qualified swordsman would not easily give up his sword.


"Don't be nervous, little girl. I'm old."

"If I were a few decades younger, I would have paid any price for your sword."

Rayleigh kept smiling while speaking.

But this smile always made people feel terrified.

Sure enough, no matter how kind a person looks, as long as he is a pirate, he will have the bandit spirit of the sea in his bones.

The most common way is to use fists to make the final decision.

"Pluto Rayleigh, why did you try to stop us from fighting?"

"Do you want to fight the navy?"

Tashiki shouted boldly, based on her status. Rayleigh was not angry at being questioned so loudly by Tashiki. He looked around the surrounding environment and said:

"I'm just used to the scenery here and don't want it to be destroyed."

If Rayleigh hadn't said it, Tashigi herself wouldn't have realized that her battle with Cavendish had indeed caused serious damage to the surroundings.

The entire Sabaody Archipelago is built on a huge tree.

Many buildings are built on the thick trunk.

Once damaged, it would be very difficult to restore it to its original state.

"by the way"

"Little girl, you can't bring out the true power of this sword at your current level."

"Controlling one's own sword is something every swordsman needs to do."

"Your sword has special abilities, providing you with powerful assistance."

"But... this makes you even more insignificant."

Rayleigh said it without mercy.

He didn't care whether Tashiki could accept it or not.

He said it directly, whether it was good or bad.

Lu Feng heard it carefully and couldn't find any words to refute it.

It was true.


, Tashiki was still relatively backward in the field of swordsmanship.

Rayleigh's words made Tashiki's heart tighten.

She was the one who used the shadow sword.

Of course, she knew best what problems she had at the moment.


"That’s right, this is exactly what the intelligence said!"

"Hurry up! Follow up!"


Listening to the bustling sounds outside,

Rayleigh did not stay for long. He looked at Shadow Sword meaningfully and then disappeared.

"I really admire you!"

"In front of such a strong man, he can still speak like this"

""I'm sorry, I underestimated you before."

Zhan Taowan looked at Dashiqi and couldn't help but admire her.

The strength that Dashiqi showed today was simply the rising star of the navy.

But in Dashiqi's eyes, she was not satisfied at all!


A few days later, at noon, in the training ground of the Navy Headquarters, the sun was scorching hot in the sky.

Many non-commissioned officers and recruits who had finished their morning training all started their lunch and rest time.

In a corner of the training ground,

Tashigi continued her sword swinging practice with lead blocks hanging on her arms and ankles.

At the fence on the other side,

Taotu stood in the shade, observing Tashigi's training performance.

From early morning till now,

Tashigi had hardly any rest except for eating and drinking water.

"Is this level of training really possible?"

"Even if it was a male soldier, I'm afraid it would be too much for him."

"If you count it up, today is the fifth day she has persisted, right?"

The slightly short Crane stood beside Taotu and asked.

After returning from the Sabaody Archipelago,

Taotu took Tashigi to meet Staff Officer Crane.

Regarding the conflict between Tashigi and Cavendish in the Sabaody Archipelago,

Tashigi herself and her subordinates reconstructed the process at that time very clearly.

Staff Officer Crane was praising Tashigi in her heart, but she didn't expect that she was not satisfied with her performance at all.

Physical strength... mental strength is not strong... attack speed is not sharp enough...

Only when fighting with a real swordsman can you see so many clear problems.

With the advantage of the shadow sword, she was able to hold on.

In Dashigi's opinion, it was a miracle.

Whether she can have such good luck next time is completely uncertain.

Taotu looked at Dashigi meticulously and repeatedly training.

She couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Don't worry, she took the initiative to find me to make a training plan"

"Said he wanted to be a swordsman as strong as me"

"This girl, hahaha, she has big ambitions."

He watched Taotu talking and couldn't help laughing.

She can treat a subordinate so attentively.

It can also be seen that Dashiqi is extraordinary.

"You are really strict. You have formulated such a strict training plan for such a passionate girl."

Staff Officer Crane put his hands behind his back.

She could naturally feel that Taotu had no room for mercy.

Taotu put away her smile and her face suddenly became serious.

Looking at Dashiqi's back, she said:

"This is her own choice. There is no shortcut to glory!"

On the training ground


【Congratulations to the host, you have gained +1 sword master training experience!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have gained +1 sword master training experience!】


A series of experience value reminders, faster than before.

Judging from the normal training speed of a swordsman,

Dashiqi's self-requirements are very high.

At the same time, she has also put in several times more effort than others.


Tashigi was panting and exhausted.

Even though she was tortured mentally and physically, she still did not stop her movements.

Cavendish... Vice Admiral Taotu... Pluto Rayleigh...

There were too many swordsmen stronger than herself on this sea.

One minute less of effort would result in one minute more of difference.

"It’s not enough…it’s not enough!"

"Shadow Sword, I...I will never let you be in disgrace!"

"On the path of a swordsman, I want to prove... I am worthy of your strength, and I am also enough to make you famous and shine!"

Dashiqi didn't care whether the long sword in her hand could understand or not.

She just wanted to show her determination at the moment.

After she finished speaking, the sword body trembled slightly.

It seemed to be responding to the sword master's intention.


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