Listening to the prompt sound in the system,

Lu Feng felt a surge of heat in his heart.

Armament Haki!

He could absorb it so easily without any effort!

There is a huge difference between the two of them when they use Armament Haki and when they don't use it.

In terms of combat power, they are not at the same level at all.

Being able to share it with the sword master has invisibly raised the combat level.

For Tashigi, it is also a good thing.

The appearance of Pluto Rayleigh was both unexpected and expected.

When he felt the presence of the master before,

Lu Feng had a few suitable candidates in mind.

Among them,

Pluto Rayleigh is one of the main candidates.

What Lu Feng didn't expect was that

Rayleigh would choose to take action at this time!

"So strong! He actually neutralized the attacking moves of me and the female swordsman with just one strike?"

"How did he do that? Who is he?

Cavendish was stunned.

Not knowing if he was a friend or foe, Dashiqi pulled away. She looked at Rayleigh in amazement, and her bloodthirsty attack was lifted.

"Who is this? He only used one sword.……"

Tashigi was also in a state of confusion.

When facing Cavendish, no matter how powerful the opponent was,

Tashigi felt that she still had a chance to fight.

But facing such an old man,

Tashigi couldn't even imagine the scene of herself being an enemy of him.

As soon as she saw the old man appear, Zhan Taomaru immediately rushed to Tashigi's side.

""Stop for now, I didn't expect that even this old man would be lured out!"

Zhan Taowan reminded nervously.

Tashigi frowned and asked,"Do you know his identity?"

Zhan Taowan answered truthfully,"You must know Roger, who was called the Pirate King many years ago, right?"

"This old man was his right-hand man and the vice-captain of the pirate group."

"Pluto... Rayleigh!"

When these words came out,

Tashigi and Cavendish were both shocked.

The name of Pluto Rayleigh was definitely something that both qualified navy and qualified pirates had heard of.

Not only could they meet him here, but he also participated in the battle between them.

The two were completely shocked!

"This man with a doll head has good eyesight and can even recognize me."

"This is a naturally formed port. It would be a pity if it were destroyed because of a momentary impulse."

"Little girl, young man, why don't you stop?"

Every word of Pluto Rayleigh was said lightly.

But his tone was completely irresistible.

It was as if he was telling the two that if they chose to continue fighting, he would be their opponent.

At the moment of shock for the two,

Lu Feng's attention was not on any threatening words.

Instead, he used his mental power to observe the long sword in Pluto Rayleigh's hand.

That's right.

He would not be wrong!

After the black armed color domineering retreated, the long sword returned to its original state.

It was just an ordinary long sword.

After several evolutions,

Lu Feng's toughness is now far better than that of an ordinary good sword.

Even if a famous sword comes to him, if the texture is not thick and long enough,

Lu Feng is confident that he can cut it off directly with the strongest killing move.

Unexpectedly, Pluto Rayleigh relied on armed color plus an ordinary long sword to resist the strongest power of Lu Feng at the current position!

Fortunately, Lu Feng finally absorbed the armed color domineering.

It won't take long for the training to reach a higher level.

This time, it made him understand how big the gap is between him and the strong.

"Pluto Rayleigh……"

"Rumor has it that you are in the Sabaody Archipelago, but few people have seen you."

"I didn't expect the rumors to be true!"

Cavendish stared at Rayleigh with respect in his eyes.

The vice-captain of the pirate group that once dominated this sea was right in front of him.

There were few pirate groups that didn't yearn for this.

"Young man, your swordsmanship and skills are both good."

"There should be quite a few navy officers coming here."

"If you still want to go to the New World, leave immediately."

Rayleigh reminded.

A good seedling.

If it is in the Sabaody Archipelago, the adventure on the sea will be stopped.

Rayleigh felt it was a pity.

In the absence of any help, it is at most a kind reminder.

Cavendish could not find any suitable reason to stop.

Now that Rayleigh said this, stopping is also to give face to the senior.

"Thank you Mr. Reilly for the reminder!"

"Female lieutenant, I will definitely avenge this grudge next time we meet!"

The murderous intent in Cavendish's eyes flashed, and there was still a lingering fear in his heart.

The last blow.

If Pluto Rayleigh hadn't made a move.

Could he have resisted it without getting hurt?

This was the first time Cavendish had such a feeling since he started swordsmanship.

It was as if he was stepped on by someone, telling him that his strength was not enough.

Looking at the direction where Cavendish was leaving quickly with his injured brother,

Dashiqi and Zhan Taomaru stood in place and did not show any signs of chasing.

After removing the bloodthirsty attack state, the blessing of holy light also reached the critical point.

Now Dashiqi She was already in a very exhausted state.

If there wasn't a pirate in front of her whose intentions were unknown, her mental strength would have been exhausted long ago.

Rayleigh glanced at Tashigi and his eyes stopped on Lu Feng.

He had seen many demon swords during his years on the sea.

There were demon swords with such combat power.

But it was the first time Rayleigh had seen a demon sword that could continuously evolve and assist the sword master!

When watching the battle from a distance.

Rayleigh clearly felt the drastic changes that had taken place in the sword.

At the same time, he also understood that it was the merit of the sword to bring a super high-level swordsman to the level of a swordsman.

"It's a really nice knife!"

Rayleigh said thoughtfully.

Lu Feng's heart tightened, and he murmured,"Mr. Rayleigh, he won't just rob it, right?"


PS: I will continue to update late at night, and ask for flowers and votes. Readers who are still awake, it’s a new day, please give flowers and votes to Nanao.

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