Bilbo Baggins stared at Gandalf, the gray-robed wizard, his lifelong best friend.

If gaze could kill, then Gandalf would have been broken into pieces by this time.

Although many things were purchased by Ao Long, the unkindness of these dwarves made Bilbo's house a mess and a mess.

Gandalf seems to be highly respected among the dwarves, and when he sees him coming, some offer to pour him tea, and some offer to treat him to a snack.

"Bilbo, if you don't eat it, I don't think these dwarven brothers will leave you food!!"

Ao Long sat inside, looking at Gandalf, a gray-robed wizard who was about as tall as him, and from Gandalf's body, he felt a powerful divine power, which should be Maia's power.

Ao Long knew that Maia only chose to walk in Middle-earth in human form, and she would slowly grow old, but she would not really die.

After drinking a glass of red wine, the gray-robed wizard Gandalf, the initiator of the event, began to count the dwarves he had gathered, and finally found Ao Long sitting in the innermost part.

"I see that we seem to have one less and one more here."

Gandalf stared at Ao Long, after all, it was a rare thing to find a handsome human in the hobbit's hole.

"He's late, he's gone north to a family meeting, but he's back."

Sorrin's grandson, Fili, took a drink of beer and leaned against the door.

In fact, Thorin followed Gandalf's instructions at this time to find the family's foreign help, but unfortunately, the dwarves are not profitable, even if they are his cousins and cousins.

"So, Bilbo Baggins, who is this gentleman, can you introduce me?"

Gandalf looked at Ao Long curiously, after all, the appearance of someone who was not planned made the old wizard think that he should change the plan.

"Well, this is my friend, Ao Long! I've been a guest here for more than half a year! "

Bilbo said with a proud expression, in fact, he really wanted to say that this was his real guest, the other dwarves or something, can they go where to play cool.

"Hello, I'm Gandalf the Grey Wizard, and I think many people in Middle-earth have heard of my name."

"Mithranda, I heard that you organized a wonderful adventure that disturbed my friend Bilbo Baggins."

Ao Long said in Elven language, when it came to his spiritual cultivation, a language or something couldn't bother him at all, but his pure elven language surprised Gandalf.

You must know that Mithlanda is what the elves call him, but why does this human in front of him know? And being able to speak fluent Elfish language, it seems that the identity is not so simple.

Wise people just like to complicate matters, although Ao Long's identity is indeed not simple, but for this world, it is still a blank, maybe Gandalf has other guesses.

"Yes, I did organize an adventure, but I think it should be a very rewarding trip for Bilbo Baggins."

After saying that, Gandalf took a deep look at Ao Long, and he did not rashly invite Ao Long to join his adventure team, because he didn't know this person, and he couldn't see through it, and not being able to see through it often meant that he couldn't control it.

The last time he couldn't control him, the name was Sauron, sparked the Second Age wars and the sinking of a continent.

However, he had another guess in his heart, and that was whether this man would have something to do with the king who had disappeared from Gondor.

After all, even if you want to learn the elven language, you need a teacher, and Gandalf, who has traveled around the continent, obviously has not seen or heard any rumors of Ao Long.

How did he know that this was a newcomer who had just arrived in the treasure land.

"Alright, Bilbo, since the guests are here, and we have so many delicious foods, let's open the banquet and talk about the rest!"

Under the coordination of Ao Long, the atmosphere of the banquet was ignited again, Gandalf sat next to Ao Long out of the idea of understanding the newcomer, and there were many temptations in his words, but unfortunately Ao Long was also a human spirit, and there was no useful sentence, but a lot of philosophical sentences made Gandalf's eyes shine.

Gradually, Gandalf felt that Ao Long was a very wise and upright human being, well-informed and outstanding.

So he made a decision in his heart, that is, to pull Ao Long into the Lonely Mountain Expedition as much as possible.

This time they will face the dragon Smaug, but so far they have only gathered 13 dwarves, plus Gandalf himself, and Bilbo, who has been targeted, relatively speaking, there is still a relatively short manpower, so it is still advantageous to be able to pull in another reinforcement.

"I wonder if Your Excellency Ao Long is interested in joining our adventure team?"

Gandalf and Ao Long clashed glasses, pretending to mention it casually.

"I've been traveling around the world before, so I'm still very interested in adventure, but obviously, this is not an ordinary adventure, so I want to ask what kind of benefits I can get?"

Ao Long naturally wouldn't throw his head and spill his blood for the so-called dream and homeland, so he was very calm and considerable to propose a revenge.

"Well, this may not be decided until the last of our dwarven friends arrives."

Obviously, in the face of the greedy and stubborn dwarves, Gandalf could not make a decision on his behalf, so he could only wait for Thorin to arrive.

In the midst of the laughter of the dwarves, the staggering of Gandalf and Aulong, and the depression of Bilbo Baggins, ham, leg meat, fish, all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and wine were quickly wiped out, and even Bilbo Baggins wondered if these dwarves had not eaten enough for many years, so he was so unkind.

Thankfully, the dwarves had cleaned up the house in the middle of a game, and Gandalf had picked up Bilbo's pipe and started smoking, seemingly enjoying the feeling.

"How? My tobacco is the best in the Shire!! "

Bilbo finally discovers one of Gandalf's lovely touches, and that's that he likes to smoke cigarettes as much as he does.

"Well, it tastes good, especially when you have a headache and it feels like all your sorrow is gone with the wind."

Slowly exhaling a smoke ring, Gandalf said calmly, it seemed that he liked the act of smoking, but it was clear that he had no intention of returning the pipe.

Knock knock...

At this time, there was another knock on the door.

Gandalf stopped the smoker's act of death and said calmly:

"He's coming!!"

The other dwarves had stopped fighting, and it was clear that the last dwarf to arrive was respected by everyone present.

"Gandalf, I remember you said it was easy to find, but it took me two searches to find it. If it weren't for the mark on the door, I wouldn't have been able to find it. "

At the door is a very handsome and mighty dwarf, the former king of the lonely mountain, the grandson of Thor, and the son of Thorne, Thorin.

"Marking, my door was painted only a week ago, there can't be a mark!!"

Bilbo realized that tonight's meeting must have something to do with the mark on his door, but when he looked down, there was nothing on the door.

"That's what I added, using magic, which is not visible to ordinary people."

Clearly, Bilbo had been tricked by the gray-robed wizard.

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