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The green lawn exudes a tranquil vibe of life.

Gandalf was clearly disappointed that Bilbo Baggins only remembered his fireworks.

After Bilbo Baggins made it clear that he didn't want to take part in any adventures, Gandalf used his wand to leave a code word on the door of Bilbo Baggins' house that the dwarves could understand, and left.

And Bilbo Baggins, in order to avoid Gandalf's harassment of him, hid directly in the house and did not come out, knowing that Ao Long was back.

"Bilbo, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Bilbo Baggins open the door with a wary look on his face and look around, Ao Long asked strangely.

"Well, a strange person came here before, it was the wandering wizard Gandalf who could set off fireworks, and he said that he was going to invite me to some kind of adventure, strange."

After making sure that there was no one outside, Bilbo told Ao Long in detail about the previous events.

This lets Ao Long know that the plot of the hobbit has begun, and the adventure team to recover the lonely mountain has begun to be established.

Sauron in the north and the dragon in the south are two powerful opponents, both of them are demigod-level, so Gandalf has always worried that Sauron will join forces with the dragon Smaug to destroy Middle-earth.

During one of his wanderings, Gandalf met Thorne, the father of Thorin, the leader of the Dwarven Clan, who gave Gandalf the key to the secret stone door of the Lonely Mountain before he died.

That's why Gandalf took the initiative to find Thorin, who was still working as a blacksmith to make money, and asked him to gather the dwarves to wage war together and take back the lonely mountain, but the strength of the evil dragon Smaug discouraged the other dwarves, and it was obvious that the large army would not work, and could only form an elite squad.

Go to the bazaar with Bilbo Baggins, where people live in abundance and live a slower pace, and halflings are happily dancing, smoking, chatting, or pursuing a good love life, although the beauty of the hobbit is really not to Ao Long's appetite.

"Mr. Bilbo Baggins, you've come to buy groceries, I have fresh vegetables and fruits here that are all brought from the west, would you like to come some?"

Obviously, business is like this everywhere, you need to shout, and Bilbo came out to buy food.

"Well, okay, get me one!!"

Vegetables are definitely the best to eat fresh, and Bilbo doesn't buy much.

"Wait a minute, I've bought all of your baskets!"

Ao Long blocked Bilbo's idea of buying only one, and it was clear that he didn't know there would be many guests tonight.

"Ao Long, although I know you have money, we don't need to waste it, we can buy it after we finish eating!!"

As a dick in a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is still not used to Ao Long's sweeping behavior, but Ao Long has already paid the coins.

"No, Bilbo, we'll use it, I think since it's a wizard, he won't give up easily, since he said he'll find someone else, which means he hasn't given up on pulling you in, so it's not bad for us to prepare in advance."

Ao Long reminded Bilbo that after all, the current situation of those dwarves is not too good, and they will all be like starving ghosts when the time comes, but fortunately, Ao Long has experienced foodies like Luffy, so there is nothing to worry about, not to mention that he doesn't care about this money, if he is not afraid of taking materials directly from his own Dragon Bead World, it will be too shocking, and they don't even have to go out.

"Hmm, wizard.... What an annoying old man!! "

Bilbo was annoyed at the thought that this was not over yet.

And Ao Long is like a festival-like sweeping, and he bought a lot of delicious food and drink in the market.

Soon there was a long line behind him and Bilbo, all of whom were hobbits delivering to their doors.

At first, these hobbits couldn't understand the door-to-door delivery service, but after Ao Long showed the gold coins, it was clear that everyone was happy to start the job where they could get paid to run errands.

In the evening, with the efforts of Ao Long and Bilbo, a sumptuous dinner was made.

"Will anyone really come? Ao Long, we will not be able to eat so much food, what a waste when the time comes. "

Clearly, until now, Bilbo Baggins has been skeptical that the wizard will act at night.

"Wait in peace, I think the time should be almost up, while there is still time, we can eat a little by ourselves, I'm afraid that there will be too many people and we won't have a chance to eat."

After speaking, Ao Long sat at the dining table and ate elegantly, the posture had a very coordinated beauty, noble and polite.

"I really don't understand, why are you a human being so slow to eat, if I hadn't known you for so long, I would have thought you were a male elf!! Only the legendary elves are as elegant and noble as you. "

Muttering, Bilbo sat down as well, ready to take a bite of the delicious chopped pepper fish, which must have been taught by Ao Long.

"Knock knock... Knock knock...."

"Someone's coming, Bilbo."

Wiping his mouth, Ao Long looked at the door that was knocked, and Bilbo had no choice but to put down the chopsticks he had just picked up, the tableware that Ao Long had brought.

When I opened the door of Hobie Cave, I saw that under the moonlight, there was a male dwarf who thought he was bald, dressed in a gray-brown robe, and bowed to Bilbo very understandingly.

"Dewalin, at your service."

This scene made Bilbo, who was in pajamas, a little embarrassed, and quickly tidied up his clothes and quickly returned the salute.

"Bilbo Baggins, too, is there for you. Do we know each other? "


With a short but powerful answer, the dwarf went straight past Bilbo and into the house, taking off his coat and looking for a place to eat.


"What are you looking for?"

Looking at the dwarves looking around, Bilbo wondered if this was what Ao Long said, some of the wizard's adventure team.

"Dinner, he said there was a free dinner here, and it was full!!"

Unceremoniously, it seems to feel like it's your own home.

"He said, 'Who said?'

"If I'm not mistaken, it's the wizard of the day, Gandalf, Bilbo, and since the guests are here, we can't afford not to entertain them."

Ao Long walked out of the house, and to be honest, with his current height, he looked a little tall in the Hobbit's house, but fortunately, with his dexterity, he would hardly touch anything.

"Huh? There's another guy here, didn't he say there's only one hobbit here? "

After saying that, the dwarf named Dwarin was not polite, and sat directly opposite Ao Long, and began to eat and drink.

Bilbo watched as the food he bought was rapidly being wiped out, and he stopped talking.

It was at this time that the doorbell thought again.

Bilbo opened it and saw a row of dwarves standing outside the door, apparently they had all been invited by Gandalf to be guests, that is, they had planned to go to Bilbo Baggins' house for a bully meal.

When they saw Bilbo open the door, the dwarves politely bowed, and then ignored the trespassing and joined Dwalin's eating and drinking.

It seems that they have no intention of delving into who Ao Long is, and at the moment their hearts only have the joy of the banquet.

Obviously, Bilbo wasn't a man who liked to make such a fuss, let alone a dwarf who made trouble with some of his antique plates or furniture and didn't listen to dissuasion.

"Blah blah blah .... First, tell me if you were summoned by the gray-robed wizard Gandalf!! "

"That's right, it's me, Bilbo Baggins!!"

Gandalf's tall figure appeared in the doorway.

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