Lichoa's war continues, millions of people fighting, flesh and blood flying, but in the end there is not much blood left, but no one notices this extremely strange scene.

Keiichi Sonobe's sword was gradually losing track of Shanks' sharpness.

Keiichi Noda's speed seems to be gradually becoming less and less fast.

The repeated battles and the siege of everyone have made the hearts of the remaining two five old stars begin to be full of despair.

Although the adult agreed to make a move, it was clear that the two of them could not wait.

For the five old stars who have lived for 900 years, enjoying the treatment of the highest class in this world, how can they be willing to die easily.

It is obviously impossible to surrender Ao Long, but as long as you escape, with the size of One Piece's world, there will always be a chance to make a comeback.

As for this inheritance, as long as Ao Long died, they believed that it would eventually return to their hands.

Therefore, after Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda fought hard to repel the siege of everyone, they went directly to each other and fled for their lives.

"Ao Long, King of the Dragon, one day, we will kill the !!"

Before leaving, the two of them didn't forget to leave a cruel word, how embarrassed...

"Do you think you're still going to be able to go?"

Ao Long went straight to Keiichi Noda, the fastest five old stars, and as for Keiichi Sonobe, I believe that the red of the lonely high will solve it satisfactorily.

Finally, at the edge of the cliffs of Mary Joa's Red Earth Continent, Ao Long slashed Noda Keiichi with a sword and turned into nourishment for the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven.

And Keiichi Sonobe also died under the siege of Reilly, Lonely High Red, and Shanks.

Bang la la la.....

The Five Old Stars died, and the Devil Fruit seemed to sense something, and the whole Mary Joy began to shake.

"How is that possible? How could an earthquake happen to Mary Joy at the top of the Red Earth? "

The well-informed Hades King Reilly was shocked to find the earth shaking under his feet.

"That's right, even if that guy Whitebeard is still alive, his Shock Fruit can't shake the Red Earth Continent even a bit!! Why is Mary Joya shaking so bad? "

As a strong man in the same era as Whitebeard, Gu Gao Zhihong has a special understanding of Whitebeard's ability, so he is shocked by the changes in Mary Joya at this moment.

"With the hardness of the Red Clay Continent, you can pry this land, either the power of heaven and earth, or the peerless powerhouse!!"

The red-haired Shanks looked at Ao Long, and in his opinion, Ao Long was the only one present with this strength.

"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything, the person behind the five old stars should be the one who caused this change, you must know that the two of them have been very arrogant before they died, so there must be an inside story that we don't know!!"

Ao Long frowned, the most terrifying thing was not a powerful enemy, but an unknown enemy.

"Brother Ao Long, no matter what happens, the concubine will be by your side until death!!"

Hancock sensed Ao Long's inner concern, and stepped forward to grab Ao Long's hand and put it on his chest, giving him warm comfort.

"Hey, hey, you're enough, the war isn't over yet, don't show affection there!!"

In the crowd, the battle raged, and when Robin and Nami saw this scene, they immediately began to spoil the atmosphere.

"Okay, you are all my good babies, don't be angry, when the war is over, everyone can have a good rest together!"

Ao Long naturally took the opportunity to brush up on a wave of presence, coaxing several of his women to smile.

Unfortunately, the good times don't always last long.



Mary Joya is like a large-scale landslide has begun to appear, like a breadcrumb swallowed by red date milk, and the entire red soil continent is like a blooming red lotus, bewitching and weird.

In the center of the red lotus appeared a huge tree, which grew colorful, inextricably stripped, and brilliant. Like a banyan tree and like a pine tree, the whole tree has no leaves, but it is full of strange fruits.

If you look closely, they are all Devil Fruits.

"That.... What is that..... It looks terrifying..."

"It looks like a tree...."

"But the soil under that tree... Why does it look so weird...."

Shanksto stared at him with a solemn expression, no matter what, something that could make such drastic changes in the Red Earth Continent definitely not simple.

"I seem to smell the scent of blood from that red lotus, it looks very delicious..."

Lone High Red couldn't help but turn into a giant vampire bat and licked her red lips.

"There seem to be a lot of amazing Devil Fruits on it, strange, why are so many Devil Fruits gathered in the same tree..."

Hades Reilly fell into thought, such a strange thing had never been encountered when he was adventuring with Roger, but he remembered a legend that Roger had said, about the devil fruit in this world.....

Mary Joa's war finally came to an end, and when the Scarlet Red Lotus was formed, the troops of the world's nobles and the Celestial Dragons had all been wiped out, and the survivors also looked at the Scarlet Red Lotus in horror.

"That.... What is that.... Why did I see countless stumps and severed arms in that lotus flower..."

Nami said in horror, the little girl was stupefied by this scene, and Hancock and Robin and other women were not much better, after all, such a bloody and evil scene was too visually impactful, not to mention that the smell of blood in the sky was blowing downstream, as long as you are not a fool, you know what these are made of.

"Waldo, try that tree!!"

The most world destroyer, Waldo's double skill is clearly suitable for pathfinding at this time.

A huge cannonball was doubled by Valdo and flew at high speed towards the giant strange tree.

I saw a colorful light appear directly in front of the fruit tree, and the cannonball turned into powder before it exploded.


This scene stunned everyone, you must know that Waldo's attack even the admiral could not say that it was very easy, but the tree actually just stretched out a branch, flashed a colorful light, and the cannonball turned into debris, so it is difficult to imagine what kind of fate people will have if they go up.

"Such an evil thing, why would it be in Mary Joa...."

Hancock's face turned pale, and she was not afraid of heaven and earth, and she was also afraid of fear at this moment.

Just when everyone didn't know what kind of existence this tree was, the giant tree actually spoke.

"You ants, you dare to destroy my game, you deserve death!!"

The buzzing sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, sounding domineering, and the most important thing was that Ao Long and the others were just ants in his eyes.

So there is no doubt that Ao Long is angry, Shanks is angry, Lonely High Red is angry, and as for the Hades King Reilly, he seems to have a good temper, but his shrunken eyes, staring closely at the fruit of the tree, said softly:

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the most mysterious devil fruit tree in this world, it is said that all the devil fruits were grown by him, and then he sent these devil fruits to all over the world, created all kinds of strong people, caused turmoil in the world, and finally he used the power of the devil fruits that everyone comprehended, to strengthen himself, as long as the devil fruit ability person died, he would return to the fruit tree itself with all his feelings. It is an extremely powerful and evil being!! "

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