Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda fled back to Mary Joa, knowing that Ao Long was invincible, they immediately convened an emergency meeting of the world government, and all the world nobles, especially the Tenryu people, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the two men announced the results of the war in Marin Vando, and when the politicians of the world government heard that three of the five old stars had died, they knew that it was time for their survival to be at stake.

What shocked everyone even more was that Ao Long actually had such a strong strength, and depending on the situation, it was very likely that he would directly attack Mary Joya and stage the old things again.

"Everyone, I hope that you can gather all the armed forces at hand, and organize all the powerful domestic servants and vassals, Ao Long is an advocate of the great harmony of the world, I believe that if the world government is destroyed, your position will definitely not be guaranteed, so for the sake of everyone's future, I hope everyone can do their best!!"

Keiichi Sonobe held his long sword and said coldly, he knew very well that these families had also accumulated 900 years of capital, and there were some powerful subordinates under him, as well as some forces that he managed himself.

In the past, the underground trade with Doflamingo had fattened a lot of people, and there was no shortage of weapons and equipment.

"According to the latest news I have gotten, Ao Long has gathered an army of two million, and they are gathered below Mary Joa, if you still want to keep your position, think about it!!"

Keiichi Noda looked at the messy venue, dropped a bombshell, and then turned around and left with Keiichi Sonobe.

The two of them knew that Ao Long's ultimate target was them, so they had to seek refuge as well.

At this moment, the entire Mary Joy became an ant on the hot pot, fleeing and fleeing, gathering and gathering, after all, it was an army of two million, and after a battle, Mary Joya would win a disastrous victory.

Soon, with the help of the Tianlong people, an army of 500,000 slaves also came out, including slaves, workers, and domestic servants.

The Five Old Stars dispatched the remaining guards and the scientific research escort team, and also gathered 500,000 troops.

In this way, there is a total of one million troops, and the two million troops who are waiting for Ao Long.

The battle began, and the whole sky changed color, like blood and then the remnant sun silently told the cruelty of war.

The first to attack Mary Joy were the chivalrous army of the beggars, because they were most familiar with the terrain of the streets and alleys, so they were easy to fight.

Then came the legions of the Four Seasons Island, as they were accustomed to this kind of high-altitude terrain.

The addition of the Robot Legion hastened the demise of the rabble improvised by the World Government.

And Ao Long took Shanks, Lone High Red, Reilly, Hancock, Anilu and others straight to the office building of the Five Old Stars.

This is a very wide platform, towering, can overlook the whole Mary Joy, but also can overlook the entire One Piece world, with a wide view and beautiful scenery.

Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda are waiting here.

"To be honest, I thought that this day would come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, only 900 years, and the world is about to change!! I have to say, Canglong King, Ao Long, you do have the posture of heaven and man that no one has had for thousands of years!! "

Keiichi Sonobe said solemnly while holding his sword, his heart was calm at this time, he knew that it would be difficult for him and Keiichi Noda to defeat so many enemies with just one or two people.

"You seem to be very calm and calm, it seems that you have something to rely on?"

Ao Long looked at the two five old stars who were not panicked at all, and said thoughtfully.

"It's been many years since no one has been able to achieve this step, and I haven't been forced into such an embarrassing situation for many years, but Ao Long, King of the Dragon, your path is over here!!"

Noda Keiichi stared at Ao Ryu, as if Ao Ryu would be killed in the next second.

"I never think I have anything to be thankful for, my Ao Long has never been able to get to this point today, never by my own efforts, but by the help of many brothers, and today, these brothers are still standing beside me, as always, supporting me, so even if the five old stars have any hole cards, you are doomed to perish. Since you say that an era has passed away, should you die for it? "

Ao Long holds a flag in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, his eyes are like falcons, and he is ambitious.

"Young people are too conceited, it is the bane of your doom, if you don't go to Mary Joy, and defend the city, maybe in your lifetime, we can't do anything to you, but you shouldn't want to destroy Mary Joy, be prepared for death!!"

Sonobe Keiichi's words revealed that they really had no certainty of victory, and they were already ready to resist passively, that is, to survive Ao Long, and then restore the glory of the world government. It's a pity that now that Ao Long has come to the door, there are more powerful people in Mary Joy who can take care of him.

It's a pity that what they don't know is that Ao Long, as a dragon genus, has already been infinitely improved.

"You should be talking about standing behind the Heavenly Dragon People and always treating the five of you as political puppets, right?"

Ao Long once again called out to the Five Old Stars, because he had felt that powerful aura when he first came to Mary Joya, but this time he didn't feel it.

Does that person exist or not, seeing the faces of Keiichi Sonobe and Keiichi Noda, Ao Long knew that he had guessed correctly again.

"Hmph, even if you know, you can't escape, we have already asked the adults to come out of the mountain and destroy you evil dregs!!"

Looking at the five old stars who were fierce and inward, Ao Long felt a little bored, as if these powerful opponents had suddenly lowered their style.

"Then let's deal with the two of you first!!"

After Ao Long finished speaking, the long sword had already attacked Noda Keiichi's side.

At the same time, the others also besieged the two men from different angles.

At this moment, everyone basically took out the ability to press the bottom of the box, and in the final battle, the winner and the prince and the loser Kou were here.

And the war outside is also going on, the bright red blood water flows down Mary Joy, and the entire Red Earth Continent looks even more red, but no one notices that the blood of these battle deaths seeps into the Red Earth Continent, and seems to be pulled by some mysterious force, going straight to an underground space of Mary Joa.

There is a mysterious tree in this space, and all kinds of fruits are condensed on the tree, no, it's not a fruit, it's a devil fruit!!

"Pirates? Navy? World government? Hahahaha, these are just my games, ants, since you want to overturn the chessboard, are you ready to die..."

The sound of evil spread through the cracks of the cave, and the blood coming in along the veins of the Red Earth Continent made the whole scene look strange and evil, and all the blood formed a bright red soil under the fruit tree, which was made of blood coagulation. Newcomers and new books ask for support, flowers, and rewards!

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