The Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, under the ability of Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, has been torn apart and in ruins, and the battle is still going on, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Whitebeard Pirates are now just trapped beasts.

Sengoku this admiral is not benevolent, whether it is to pirates or others, otherwise there would not be so many naval scum under his management, and the reason why he is called a wise general is more because his political acumen is not bad.

For example, he co-opted the green pheasant, the yellow ape is an old fritter, he can't be in the same camp as the Warring States, and the red dog is the henchman of the five old stars of the world government, and it is normal to blow his nose and stare at the Warring States at a critical moment.

For O'Hara's demon slaying order, I know that Sengoku did not have mercy when carrying out the massacre order, although there is a name for the Great Buddha, but it can also be regarded as a ruthless military commander.

So this time, the encirclement of Whitebeard was set up one after another, which may be the appearance of Ao Long, which caused the navy to be under high pressure all the time, which makes the current navy generally higher in quality and more lethal than in the original book.

Coupled with the world government's investment in scientific research and technology, the road of the pirates was blocked by the sea tower stone retaining wall, which was the rhythm of the Warring States to prepare to kill them all.

Looking at the thick layer of corpses spread on the ground, the tug-of-war on the entire square has piled up at least 60,000 corpses, not only pirates, but also navy, and everyone continues to fight on top of the corpses.

Blood flowed into the sea, and the sea was stained red.

Whitebeard looked at the scene in front of him, but he actually had a will to die.

But he must save Ace even if he dies, but why is it so difficult to save Ace, if he is allowed to attack the pirate headquarters with a young body, it will not be so difficult.

"Whitebeard, I didn't expect that a condescending Navy Headquarters would make you so embarrassed!!"

A dragon flag fluttered in the wind, under the flag was Ao Long treading the wind, looking at the audience, all the people seemed to have forgotten to attack at this time, just looking at this peerless, powerful man.

Because of that flag, he had a shining name.

The Dragon King!!

"Ao Long, you really showed up!!"

The Warring States stared at Ao Long tightly, you must know that the previous Fish-Man Island incident made the Warring States always pay attention to Ao Long's traces, this incident is a war that changed the world pattern, and the Warring States have long been letting Ao Long go.

"The vice-captain, it's the vice-captain, he's finally here!!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably in Marko's eyes, the first captain of Whitebeard's men had been waiting for Ao Long's appearance, and just when everyone was already desperate, he really stepped on the clouds.

"Hahahaha, Ao Long boy, you are finally reluctant, your apprentices are going to be executed, you are indifferent, you can really sit still."

Whitebeard held the naginata, and looked at the young man with the same face heroically, how much God loves the dragon clan, and the body that was born with an immortal body is incomparable to human beings.

At this time, the whitebeard may be most eager to stay for a long time.

"Sengoku, it seems that you don't welcome me? It's a pity that I still came!! "

Ao Long stood in the clouds, looking at the tragic situation of Whitebeard and Diamond Joz and the immortal bird Marco below, Ao Long went down directly, only to see that the injuries of several people recovered quickly, and Whitebeard's physical condition gradually recovered to its peak.

"What.... This damn guy still has this hand, so quickly interrupt him!! "

When the Warring States saw this scene, they were furious, and finally designed layer by layer to force Whitebeard to this point, if Ao Long was cured, the entire war situation might be overturned, how could the Warring States not be frightened.

"Sky Cloud Sword !!"

"Meteor Shower !!"

Both the red dog and the yellow ape knew how powerful Ao Long was, and without saying a word, one attacked Whitebeard and the other attacked Ao Long.

It seems that they want to deal with Whitebeard directly before Ao Long heals him, or to interrupt Ao Long's spell casting.

"Red Inu, Yellow Ape, what a loyal dog to the government!! It's a pity that there is an old man here, and it is not your turn to go wild!! "

I saw a black and white Hades King Reilly appear in front of Ao Long, directly blocking the yellow ape's attack.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this Hades King Reilly, shouldn't the old man enjoy his retirement? Why are you running here to mix in the muddy waters! "

The yellow ape naturally knew that Reilly was powerful, and when he saw that this ruthless character appeared, he knew that this matter was not easy to handle.

"Hahaha, the old man's retirement life is the same everywhere, but you actually want to execute the captain's only bloodline, it seems that you don't take me as an old guy in your eyes, so let me shine!!"

Rayleigh took out a wine jug and took a big sip into his mouth, coupled with that sloppy style, it really had a bit of the taste of a wine sword fairy.

"Master, uncle...."

Ace watched the appearance of Reilly and Ao Long, and became even more repentant.

As for Akainu's attack, it was naturally blocked by Whitebeard, and under Whitebeard's shock ability, all the meteor fire showers were shattered, and even Akainu himself was returned to the execution table by Whitebeard.

And Ao Long's healing speed has always been efficient, first the hole in Whitebeard's chest healed quickly, then the dark wounds in his body were removed, and finally the vitality of the whole person began to recover.

"Look at Daddy's body recovery, it's amazing, is that the legendary vice captain? This hand god spell is really amazing!! "

"That's right, I just said, if the deputy captain came, Daddy would have pushed the Navy Headquarters a long time ago!"

Marco looked at Ao Long in the air with a look of adoration.

"Damn, you can't let his strength return to the top!!"

At this moment, Sengoku couldn't hold back any longer, and directly launched his fruit ability, the Big Buddha form.

I saw a golden Buddha with a face that was the result of the battle smashed into Whitebeard with a fierce punch like a golden mountain, and Whitebeard also punched with his strong right arm, and the powerful vibration wave directly pryed Marin Fando again, and the Warring States directly retreated five steps.

Whitebeard didn't retreat, but the ship beneath his feet was shattered by the aftermath.

"It looks like this stage needs to be strengthened!!"

Ao Long looked at the water under the broken ice and knew that it was the work of Pheasant and Akainu, leaving the Whitebeard Pirates without a place to stay.

"Frozen for thousands of miles? I will too, and I'm sorry that my ice seems to be harder than a pheasant's!! "

Directly landed on a piece of ice floe where Whitebeard was standing, knowing that they were all Devil Fruit abilities, and no matter how strong their strength was if they fell into the water, Ao Long directly thrust the Canglong Banner into the water.

I saw that starting from the dragon flagpole, the entire sea began to boil like boiling water.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with this sea.."

"The sea is rising...."

"How is this possible, how is it possible for sea levels to rise...."

In the midst of everyone's astonished gaze, Ao Long directly raised the sea level of Marinfando to the same height as Navy Square, and quickly formed blue ice, comparable to steel.

"Good cow B....."

Diamond Joz said.

"yes, it's a miracle!!"

Marco was also stunned.

"What a demon, don't you want to be so willful!!"

The corners of Whitebeard's mouth twitched, feeling that this matter was more bullshitty than letting his injuries heal and return to peak condition, this is raising the entire sea level!!

"Ao Long, you damn it!! ruined the old man's plan, thinking that the old man had no means!!! "

The Warring States who turned into a golden Buddha was simply angry when he saw this scene, and Ao Long's hand directly knocked out many of his arrangements.

"Oh, if you're confident, you can let the red dog try to see if it melts."

Ao Long looked at Sengoku defiantly.

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