"The Whitebeard Pirates. I will never let you take Ace!! "

At this time, a giant lieutenant slashed directly at Whitebeard with a green dragon knife, this is the giant's vice admiral John.

"Hmm... Don't get in the way here..."

Whitebeard directly swung his naginata with one hand, and directly slashed the wide long knife of the giant Lieutenant General John to repel it.

"In that case, boys, let me help you, I already see hope of victory!!"

I saw Whitebeard once again use his Shock Fruit ability to strike hard at the air in front of him, but this time it was not a tsunami that was triggered, but the entire Marin Vandor under his Shock Fruit, like a torn cake, became an undulating strip of earth.

"Oh my God, what is this.... It's definitely not an earthquake...."

"I can't stand on my feet, I'm going to fall..."

The whole ground began to tilt, and many navies were already unstable.

"Hurry up and get out of Daddy's area..."

The experienced old man of the Whitebeard Pirates hurriedly kept those newcomers away from Whitebeard, after all, when the Shock Fruit ability erupted, it was a large-scale attack.

"Oh no, that vibration wave is coming to the execution table!! Ace is going to be robbed!! "

The flying squirrel looked at the torn ground and space, the ruined Marinfando, and then looked at the fissures in the ground stretching towards the execution table, and felt terrible.

Just when the navy thought that the execution table would collapse in this wave of attack, the three admirals returned to the car in front of the execution table again, blocking the aftermath of the shock fruit's ability with a powerful air wave.

Moreover, the fine steel walls arranged by Akainu in advance actually rose one after another under the control of the organ room, you must know that these iron walls cannot be broken by cannonballs, and each side is involved in the Hailou Stone, which means that the Devil Fruit Don't think about climbing up through him.

Although he blocked Whitebeard's attack, looking at the messy square and the navy that died under Whitebeard's attack, Pheasant couldn't help but complain to Akainu.

"It's all your fault, you didn't raise your steel wall!"

"Why don't you say it's thanks to your glaciers, which give them a point to attack!!

Akasky is naturally very unhappy with the pheasant, and even a little doubtful that the pheasant was bought by Whitebeard, although he knows that this is impossible, but it does not mean that he will not speculate maliciously.

"Okay, okay, if you don't like it, you can melt him with your magma!!"

The yellow ape started to be a peacemaker again, and he knew this contradiction very clearly.

Looking at the iron wall that was stuck by Oz, Akainu made a move and directly used his powerful group attack skills.

"Meteor Volcano !!"

I saw a group of red magma fists appear from above Marin Fando, and smashed into the frozen sea like falling meteors.

"All officers and soldiers evacuate the ice, and the pirates must not be allowed to land in the square!!"

Sengoku's voice rang out again.

"Whitebeard, let me learn the best moves of the strongest man in the world!!"

Akainu directly took out Whitebeard's pirate ship with a single punch, and the three pirate ships turned into ashes under Akainu's lava.

Seeing the tall protective walls around him, and the pirates who had been cornered by the red dogs, Whitebeard knew he had to make a path for everyone.

I saw him attach the power of the Shock Fruit to his naginata, and slash at the protective wall as if it were opening the world.

However, the ability of the Shock Fruit, which could split even the air, was completely annihilated after encountering those tall protective walls.

"What.... A wall that even Daddy can't break!! What to do...."

Obviously, these fine steel walls are all mixed with Hailou Stones, which are harder than steel, and these Hailou Stones directly restrain the ability of Devil Fruits.

"Boy who set the fire, is this your plan? But when has my white beard ever been blocked by a small low wall!! Everyone follow me and capture the Navy Headquarters!! "

I saw that Whitebeard directly made a shock wave, tilting a long mast to the square, forming a single-plank bridge.

And the price was that a round hole in his chest was broken by the light wave of the yellow ape.

"Daddy.... Don't....."

Ace watched the sacrifice of the Whitebeard Pirates from the execution table one after another, just to save him alone, at this time he felt that life was a precious thing, if he could, he would never be so reckless.

The real scuffle began.

Whitebeard did not fall behind with one enemy and two enemies, and the two generals with the highest combat effectiveness, Yellow Ape and Akainu, surrounded Whitebeard with continuous attacks, and the immortal bird Marco was already seriously injured by Yellow Ape's Tiancong Cloud Sword.

"Whitebeard, it seems that you are really old..."

Akainu slammed his magma fist into Whitebeard's chest with a mocking face, apparently trying to add to injury.

"Hmph, even if the old man is old, it's not something you can humiliate as a kid who plays with fire!!"

A seismic wave directly blasted the magma on Akainu's hand into volcanic ash, and Akainu was also blown away by Whitebeard's punch.

However, the blood on Whitebeard's chest that increased the flow of blood undoubtedly showed that it was not so easy to use the ability at this time.

"Quickly remove Whitebeard's head!!"

Sengoku has discovered that Whitebeard's strength is failing, and he was already stabbed by his own son, and coupled with the previous battle, Whitebeard is already at the end of the hero.

"Yo yo yo, I'm really old and strong, so eat me another Tiancong Cloud Sword!!"

The yellow ape's obscene eyes quickly aimed at this fighter, and directly turned into a giant sword of light that rose into the sky, heading straight for Whitebeard's head.

"With me Joz here, no one wants to hurt Daddy!!"

Joz's right arm, which turned into a diamond, slammed into the yellow ape fiercely, but unfortunately his strength and general were still slightly inferior after all, so the part of him that was not covered by the diamond was seized by the yellow ape and cut off directly, so far another powerful captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was hit hard and basically lost his combat effectiveness.

"Then try my two-thorned spear!!"

The generals have all shot, and the pheasant naturally can't stay out of the matter, but looking at the tricks he used, he knew that he didn't do his best.

Sure enough, Whitebeard ate the naginata with one hand, and a diagonal upward slash shattered the frozen two-thorned spear.

"Oops, my Frozen Fruit really doesn't work on the Shock Fruit....."

After the pheasant finished speaking, he stepped back, making the yellow ape on the side roll his eyes, this release of water is too obvious.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates saw Whitebeard's current situation, and a sense of sadness was spreading, and it was obvious that whether this war was won or not, they might lose their heroic father, Whitebeard.

This is a desperate hand-off fight, and everyone finally attacks the execution table under the cover of Whitebeard, but an unexpected figure appears.

"The old man is also a navy, although the admiral is not there, but there is still me!!"

Karp's iron fist knocked off several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as his grandson Luffy.

Looking at Ace who was close at hand, Karp was like an insurmountable chasm that made everyone desperate.

And just when the Whitebeard Pirates were desperate, the morale of the navy was high, and Sengoku thought that he would be able to take off Whitebeard's head soon.

On the entire battlefield, a voice full of the emperor's domineering, but calm and calm, made the red-eyed people shake their hearts, and they all raised their heads and looked at the figure that was like a fairy.

"The most important thing is that the world can't stay, Zhu Yan is a rhetorical tree! Whitebeard, I didn't expect you to age so quickly and so embarrassed!! "

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