Thank you for the flower reward of the ghost of the avenue, thank you for the flower reward of the starry sky, and thank you for the flower reward of ** for good praise and support!

While Ao Long and Vivi stop the rebels, the vanished king in the royal palace of Alabastan is being shackled and looks like he has been severely beaten.

On the field, Luffy, who rushed to the palace through a secret passage, is fighting with the sand crocodile Klockdahl.

"Eraser eraser - circular saw disc!"

I saw Luffy's body spin at high speed, like a round flying saucer, and slashed at Klockdahl.

"Is it just an attack of this magnitude? Straw Hat, it doesn't look like you're as strong as rumored! Desert Sword!! "

The same scimitar made of right hand or sand slashed through the royal palace in Alabastan, and then the air around it began to dry up, the palace began to sand, and Luffy's circular saw disc was also chopped out.

"Wow, it's so hot, it's so hot, it's so thirsty, is this what you're capable of!! Sand Monster !! "

Luffy dodged the sand crocodile's move with a volley, kicked his legs behind a rabbit on the walls of the palace, and twisted his arms into a twisted shape, forming an even more powerful fist that slammed into Klockdahl's chest.

"Hehehe, Straw Hat Boy, do you think your fists can hurt me? What an ignorant boy!! "

Klockdahl didn't dodge directly, and a large hole was pierced through his chest, but unfortunately the edges of the wound were all sand, and there was no sign of bleeding, it turned out that at that moment, Klockdahl turned on the elementalization of the natural fruit, and at the same time hung Luffy fiercely with his scorpion hook.


Luffy's move didn't hurt Klockdahl, but because of the melee battle, Klockdahl seized the opportunity to poke his eraser, and a mouthful of blood spat out, Luffy wiped his mouth, and both fists were covered with his own blood.

"I don't believe that there is anything in this world that really can't be hurt, Fengyun once said that everything in this world is mutually reinforcing, but I haven't found it yet!! Come on, let's fight again! Rubber rubber machine gun!! "

Luffy doesn't believe that Klockdahl's recovery is unlimited, in fact, this idea is right, because elementalization requires physical strength, if Luffy can resist the physical strength of the sand crocodile all the time, he will definitely win in the end, but unfortunately, with his strength, it is impossible to keep consuming like this.

"Hehe, it seems that you haven't recognized the situation yet! Desert dungeon!! "

Klockdahl directly does not dodge Luffy's attack, and in the case of elementalization, he is ready to directly make Luffy a mummy!!


What the sand crocodile didn't expect was that Luffy's fist hit him in the face, and he couldn't dodge it, although Luffy was also caught by him under hard resistance.

"Hehehe, I finally found your weakness, it turns out that blood can stop you from transforming, cluck...."

Luffy smiled proudly, but at the same time, he felt his own water loss, and even if he knew it, there was no way to reverse the situation.

"Hahaha, Luffy boy, you can go with peace of mind, what can you do if you know my weakness, it's not the same that you don't have a chance!! Wait until I've drained your body of water, and see what blood you have left to hurt me. Hahahaha"

Klockdahl was originally very embarrassed by Luffy's rubber machine gun, but when he was injured, he held Luffy tightly in his hand and held it up, and when the desert prison was dealing with a certain person, he could directly absorb the water from his whole body and become the same as a desert mummy.

"No, I really feel like I'm going to die, this hateful sand crocodile can actually drain the water out of my blood!!"

"Hey, Straw Hat Boy, I didn't expect you to be so weak! Look at me to save you! "

It turned out that the smoker Smoker Smoker arrived at this time, just now he heard Luffy and Klockdahl say when they were fighting, water can restrain sand crocodils, although his ten hands are made of sea building stone, but he doesn't mind giving Klockdahl another ice bucket game.


"Damn the navy, you actually came here to stir up trouble at this time, don't you know that the navy can't make a move on the Seven Martial Seas without authorization?!"

Klockdahl threw Luffy away and dodged Smoker's bucket of water, which would be a big joke if he was doused by Smoker's bucket of water at his speed.

"Wow, saved, saved, thank you, smoke man!!"

Although the bucket of water did not drench the sand crocodile, it was all spilled on Luffy's body, and the mummy, which was already about to be sucked into a mummy by Klockdahl, was like a sponge, quickly filled with water, and appeared in front of the sand crocodile alive.

"Klockdahl, although you are the king of the Seven Martial Seas, I have already reported the rebellion you created in Alabastan to the Navy Headquarters, and the headquarters has issued an arrest order for your actions!!"

Smoker looked at the noble prince like Klockdahl, and was unhappy for a while, both of them had a bit of a cool style, and Smoker didn't like the setting of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, and felt that it was against the original intention of naval justice, not to mention exposing the crimes committed by Crocodall in Alabastan, which was simply playing with the world government in applause.

"Hehehe, the Navy's arrest warrant? It's been a long time since I've felt wanted like this, but do you think I care? Hahahahaha"

Although he has the identity of the Seven Martial Seas, it does not mean that Klockdahl has any sense of belonging to the world government, and they are just using each other.

"In that case, there's nothing more to say, so let me Smoker end your position as the Seven Martial Seas!! Ten Hands Flying Slash!! "

Pulling out the weapon made of his Hailou stone, he quickly bounced up on the floor and slashed head-on at Klockdahl's waist!

"Hey, smoker, don't meddle in my fight!! Rubber eraser - machine gun!! “

Luffy, who was recovering, saw that Smoker had already slashed towards Klockdahl, and immediately followed with his rubber skills!

"Damn Straw Hat Boy, can your fists be accurate, why do you even have to cover me!!"

Smoker's voice came from under the shadow of the fist, of course, he just complained, as a natural fruit ability, ordinary attacks were ineffective against him.

"Hehehe, boys, do you think this speed and strength is my limit? But let's see the power of the Devil Fruit in the depths!! Erosion of reincarnation!! "

I saw Klockdahl bounce away, and his right hand touched the floor of the palace, only to see that the entire palace turned into flying sand under his fruit ability, and then every grain of sand and dust attacked Smoker and Luffy like a flying knife.

"Damn, how can this guy have so many strange abilities!!"

Luffy lost his way in the yellow sand, and he couldn't grasp Klockdahl's figure.

By the time the three of them were fighting, Nicole Robin had already saved King Kobra and had taken the opportunity to ask to read the historical texts of their palace. Given that only Robin could read the historical text, Kobra finally decided to take Robin to see the historical text.

Although Klockdahl was dealing with Luffy and Smoker before, he had been paying attention to Kobra's whereabouts, after all, it was still very difficult for a strong man like him to disappear from him quietly.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the historical text is here, I've been letting you explain, if you don't say it, didn't you bring me here in person!! Nicole Robin, what is written on these historical texts? "

Klockdahl looked at Robin with a fierce expression, knowing that he had worked with Robin in the first place because she could read the words on the historical texts.

"Well, nothing, just a little bit of the former glory of the country of Alabastan!"

Seeing the historical text, Robin naturally didn't have to pretend to be with Klockdahl anymore, brushed his hair, and said casually.

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