Seeing the growing disappointment in Kosha on Vivi's face, Ao Long knew that his goal had been achieved, after all, there was nothing deeper than betrayal.

"Vivi, you still persuade these kings to lay down their arms and surrender, you're not..."

"Enough!! Kosha, Brother Ao Long is right, if you have mercy on everyone's lives, why do you still organize this rebellion, do you know how many people have died because of the rebellion in the past three years? "

Seeing a weeping Vivi loudly accusing Kosha of her crimes, Ao Long felt that it was time for him to give the girl some comfort.

"Okay, Weiwei, don't be sad, it's all over, after today, all the rebel armies will surrender, and all the wars will be eliminated!!"

Ao Long stepped forward, hugged Weiwei tightly, and brushed her back with his right hand, giving her a little comfort in safety.

"Woo woo, it's useless, as long as that guy doesn't get rid of it, there will definitely be this kind of rebel .... Woooooo

Wei Wei lay on Ao Long's shoulder and cried, all the burdens of the past few years have been pressed on her weak shoulders, putting too much pressure on this innocent and lively princess.

"Don't worry, that guy, with Luffy here, there must be no problem, and even if Luffy can't solve it, I'll make a move, with me, everything will be fine!"

"Woo woo woo .... Brother Ao Long, it's good to have you, Wei Wei doesn't have to worry about solving it anymore! "

Wei Wei has never doubted Ao Long's ability, but seeing this scene in front of him, Gaka is relieved, after all, if something happens to Wei Wei and Ao Long, it means that Alabastan has a legendary figure like the Dragon King as a backer.

But the opposite Kosha has a very bad complexion, you must know that he knew Wei Wei and Kobra when he was a child, in fact, Ao Long is right, he has always coveted Wei Wei, but as he grows older, the distance between the two is getting farther and farther away, and he is no longer the two little guesses when he was a child.

Therefore, he can only use this method to improve his status and fame, and even in the end, he plans to marry Vivi to eliminate this rebellion and directly inherit the throne of Kobra, so that he can complete a perfect counterattack.

But he didn't expect that at the last moment when this plan was about to be realized, there was actually an Ao Long, where did this person come from, and he actually pierced his purpose in one bite, making him greatly lose points in front of Weiwei, and he could have appeared in front of Weiwei as a hero, it seems that everything has been destroyed.

"Hmph, let me see what you do to deal with my rebel army!!"

Seeing Vivi pounce on Ao Long's arms, Kosha made up his mind that he would kill this unknown Ao Long and let Vivi return to his side later.

"Weiwei, don't believe his nonsense, the king's army is only 5,000 people, and my rebel army has 50,000, this is a battle with a huge disparity in strength, for your own good, let's hurry up and persuade those king's troops to surrender, otherwise the rebel army will make trouble, and I can't control it!!"

Kosha's last struggle, while also trying to discredit Aolong, unfortunately Vivi didn't pay any more attention to him, and Aolong smiled at him.

"Since you think I'm not enough alone, let's have some more people to make up the numbers, Kung Fu Manatee Corps, come out!!"

"Oh... Oh.... Oh...."

I saw Ao Long wave his sleeves, and a neat and tidy Kung Fu Manatee Corps suddenly appeared in the middle of the king's army and the rebel army, the number was not much, a total of three thousand! However, they have all been carefully cultivated by Ao Long, and they all have this very good foundation, and they have all comprehended a certain degree of domineering and armed domineering, coupled with their already powerful bodies, these kung fu manatees are not much worse than ordinary elite navies, and can even be comparable to ordinary naval majors.

"Is this the method of the Dragon King's crown? An elite army actually appeared in a wave of his sleeve!! "

When Gaka saw the Kung Fu Manatee Regiments lined up in front of the King's army, a sense of admiration arose.

"You, there are so many kung fu manatees, and they still obey your orders so much, who are you?"

You must know that kung fu manatees are originally endemic animals of Alabastan, and their strength is known to every Alabastan people, so when the scene of 3,000 kung fu manatees waiting in formation, it severely shocked the rebel army.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that you lay down your weapons, rebels, or merciless punishment awaits you!!"

Looking at the rebel army in front of him, Ao Long pursed his lips, although there are a lot of people, but they are all a group of scattered sand, to put it mildly, if it weren't for the attack methods of the One Piece world are all fighting separately, Ao Long can be directly crushed by a military formation!

"Brother Ao Long, for me, he actually prepared a corps, does he have that idea for me? But he already has Nami and Koya..."

Wei Wei looked at the neat military appearance in front of her, as well as the majestic kung fu manatees, her heart was full of emotion, and she couldn't help but wonder in her heart if Ao Long looked like this because he liked her, whether to agree or not...

"Even if you have 3,000 kung fu manatees, we are still fearless, because in addition to thousands of refugees standing beside us, there is also justice that cannot be desecrated!! Do you think so!! "

"Yes!! Be!!! Be!!! "

"Down with the King's Army! Down with the King's Army!! "

As soon as Kosha saw that the morale of the rebel army was starting to slump, he panicked, and he had to find a way to turn the situation around and improve his morale, otherwise he would really not be able to win today, but fortunately, he was still very prestigious as the leader of the rebel army.

"Sometimes, in the face of absolute strength, such a thing as morale may be worthless, because he is too easy to be crushed!"

Seeing the worried look on Wei Wei's face, Ao Long comforted, and then waved his hand, and the kung fu manatees seemed to have received a signal of attack, and quickly entered the rebel army.

"Wow..... They're coming, and these are the powerful monsters of Alabastan!! , don't chase me....."

"Oh no, they're coming at me!!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, everyone, hurry up and line up to fight!!"

"Damn, they're so powerful, that fist has to be the size of a casserole!!"

"How did those kung fu manatees improve so much, the strength of that fist really hurts!!"

"Stop, don't run away, meet the battle, meet the battle!"

"No, I'm going home, I'm not going to join the rebellion!"

It's like a wolf entering a flock of sheep and killing all sides, and under the attack of tens of thousands of rebel troops, under the attack of manatees, under the trampling of each other, it will soon become a mess.

"How can this be? Obviously, we have such a big advantage....."

Kosha looked at the completely out of control scene, feeling hesitant and dazed, why did the good situation suddenly deteriorate.

"Because your rebel army is just an unorganized, undisciplined, maliciously instigated rabble!!"

Ao Long stepped forward step by step, looking at Kou Sha in front of him, this person's strength for Ao Long, one finger can crush him to death, but he did something to expose the rod.

"Okay, Gaka, collect all the weapons of those rebels, and then concentrate them in a closed space, since there is a rebellion, naturally you need to pay the price, it is best to use them to build a city in the future to make up for the sins!"

As for Kosha, the loss of the rebel army is just a small ant, and Ao Long does not dare to be interested.

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