Shaq stood at the port in high spirits. Behind him were Hancock, Luo, Enel, Tina and other cadres and more than 200 subordinates. For a moment, Shaq had the feeling of being the boss. Shaq waved his hand coquettishly and said coolly,"Boys, get ready to fight. Hell is ahead. But we are the gods of death. Hell is our paradise. Let's go!""

"Oh"Hundreds of people raised their weapons and shouted loudly, following Shaq's footsteps to the royal city of Dressrosa. Along the way, they met many fishermen and citizens. Ordinary people were so scared by the pirates that they hid in their houses and dared not come out. They did not encounter any obstacles until they reached the royal city.

"Hey, pirates over there. This is the kingdom of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo-sama. Please explain your purpose." At this time, a group of guards ran over and questioned Shaq and the others.

"Doflamingo? Didn't that clown tell you? Or did he escape long ago? Or does he want you to die? Trash."Enel said before Shaq spoke. Lightning flashed in his hand. He was ready to kill these guards at any time.

"Damn it! Don't slander our Lord Doflamingo."The guards seemed to have been brainwashed by Doflamingo. They were furious and wanted to kill these pirates who insulted their idol.

"Rumble"At this moment, the whole earth suddenly shook. Countless rocks suddenly emerged from the ground. The sharp rocks immediately caused heavy losses to the ordinary members of the Death God Pirates. A large number of pirates lost their combat power. Moreover, Shaq and others were completely separated by these suddenly rising rocks.

Shaq has been standing there without moving. Even the rocks that were about to rise from the ground were tightly suppressed by Shaq. Bepo, Hancock and Perona were the only three people left around. The other cadres were separated by the wall formed by the rocks.

Shaq closed his eyes and used his observation Haki to sense it. The cadres were not injured, but almost all of them were separated. As for the pirates who had just been recruited into the pirate group, they were not so lucky. Dozens of people were pierced by the rocks. Shaq only felt sorry for a second. After all, these people have only been in the Death God for more than ten days at most. And the pirates who will be killed by these rocks are not worth Shaq's sadness.

"Hehe. Are you planning to separate us and defeat us one by one? But you underestimate us Death Gods too much. Even if I don't take action, you can't handle it. Doflamingo." Shaq was disdainful in his heart. He continued to move forward with Hancock and the others. In fact, he kept his Observation Haki on. As long as someone is in real danger, Shaq will not fail to save them.

Pica, who was hiding underground, seemed to be relieved. Just now, Shaq glanced at his hiding place intentionally or unintentionally. As a result, Pica felt like he was seen through. You know, he is thousands of meters away from Shaq, and he is hiding underground.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. The task assigned by the young master has been completed. Go back and wait for orders first."Pica quickly disappeared here.

"Damn it. That clown is so damn abominable. He doesn't even care about the lives of ordinary people. What a super villain." Nami cursed with bared teeth. It turned out that many ordinary people were seriously injured or killed by the rocks that suddenly rose up.

Robin beside Nami was used to death. He just expressed his condolences. Then he pulled Nami and said,"Nami-san, we should go. Now is not the time to be sad. As long as we defeat Doflamingo, we can completely save them."

"Yes. Sister Robin is right. We must beat up Doflamingo. Let's go." Nami followed Robin aggressively and walked towards the palace. At this time

""Wow. Robin-san. Look, isn't that the person Shaq the pervert said?" Nami pointed to a toy that was rescuing humans. It was a toy soldier with only one foot holding a toy gun. On the side of the toy soldier, there was a pink-haired girl holding a long sword who was also rescuing injured ordinary people.

Shaq has explained to the cadres these days the people who need to be paid attention to in Dressrosa and the abilities of Doflamingo's men. So Nami recognized this toy and the little girl immediately when she saw them. Robin smiled slightly and said to herself,"Shaq said that we must protect these two people well when we meet them." So she took Nami and walked over to help Cyrus and Rebecca, who had turned into toys, rescue the injured ordinary people.

On the other side, the two sisters Alice and Ian were forced to the edge of the city wall by the rock wall. There are not many residents here. And the disaster situation is not bad. So the two did not go to rescue the injured civilians. Instead, they walked forward along the wall.

"Woo woo woo"A crying sound was heard. It should be a little girl. Alice and Ian turned their heads to look. They saw a little girl about ten years old, stuck between two rocks. She was crying helplessly.

Alice and Ian looked at each other and immediately stepped forward. Ian asked anxiously,"Little sister, are you okay? Wait a minute, your sister will rescue you right away.""

"WoohooBig sister, Tangtang's legs are crushed. It hurts. Big sister, help me take this away."The little girl pointed to her right leg.

Ain nodded and reached out to her, saying,"Okay, little sister, hold on. I'll help you get rid of it right away." Ain smiled.’

"Hehe. Stupid woman. Become a toy obediently."The little girl sneered inwardly when she saw Ain reaching out his hand. She was about to grab Ain's hand.

"Oh, by the way. I have a good place for you to go. Little sister, what do you think?"Ian suddenly withdrew his hand and said to the little girl with a smile on his face.

""Okay. Okay. Big sister, please help Tangtang move the stone away." The little girl pretended to be in pain and said

"Oh. It's a deal then. I'll help you out now." Iin's smiling face instantly turned into frost."Gun finger. Spot" Iin instantly made a move and his arm turned into countless phantoms. The gun finger instantly pierced the little girl's forehead. Blood flowed from the little girl's forehead.

In the little girl's puzzled and resentful eyes. Iin slowly pulled out his finger and sneered,"Shaq said he would kill you as soon as he saw you. Sugar, the user of the Childlike Fruit"

"CanHateful womanSurprisinglyActually killed. SugarGo to hell."At this time, an extremely ugly person jumped out of the destroyed house behind Sugar. He seemed to be covered with a ball of mud. He threw countless mud towards Ain and Alice.

""Shave." The two women immediately used the Navy Six Styles to avoid the mud. Shak said that this guy is called Trebol. He is the user of the Sticky Fruit. Once you are stuck by the mud he throws out, it will be difficult to escape. So the two women immediately avoided the mud and planned to attack from a distance."Lan Jiao"The two women moved in unison. Dozens of vacuum slashes rushed towards Torrebol.

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