"Wait. Shaq."Just when Shaq ordered to destroy the two pirate ships to announce his arrival in the New World, Robin suddenly called Shaq and said,"The other party is flying a white flag. They are not here to cause trouble."

"Why are you flying a white flag?" Shaq asked in surprise."Isn't it said that the pirates in the New World are extremely fierce and rarely surrender?"

"Tsk. There is no fight anymore."Enel's fighting spirit that had just been aroused was instantly suppressed. He felt very unhappy.

"Death Boss"The captains of the two pirate ships on the opposite side shouted loudly to the Death. The two big men cheered for the Death like children.

Shaq and others looked at each other in bewilderment."Teacher. Is this your friend?" Enelu asked curiously?

"Who knows who they are? I've never seen them before." Shaq looked at the two big men opposite him and shook his head.

"Death BossWoo woo wooYou are finally here." When the two pirate ships approached, the two captains cried like children?

"Hey Hey heyWho are you? I don't think I know you. Don't identify as relatives." Shaq was a little mad. Who are these people?

"Boss, have you forgotten? You saved me and Bell. Lakla pointed at herself and Bell.

"Lakla, the Death God Boss is a big shot. Naturally, noble people tend to forget things. Death God Boss. I am Bell. That guy is called Lakla. Do you remember the Celestial Dragon you killed in Shampoo ten days ago? The two of us were slaves of the Celestial Dragon at that time. It was you who saved us both."Bell looked at Shak with admiration.

Shak thought about it. When he killed the Celestial Dragon in Shampoo ten days ago, there seemed to be two slaves. But Shak didn't care at the time. He took Ain back. Unexpectedly, these two people actually came to the door by themselves.

"We were caught by accident. We became slaves of the Celestial Dragons. We thought we would live in hell. Unexpectedly, you saved us. So we found our former partners. Lord Death, please accept us. We can do errands and odd jobs."Lakla asked sincerely.

"Yes. Boss Death. Just let us run errands for you. We will listen to you in everything."Bell and Lacra said as they knelt down in front of Shaq.

Shaq touched his chin and said,"We don't need to run errands."

"How could this happen?"The two grown men started crying like children."Boss Death, please let us go."


"When Shaq said"but", both of them felt hopeful.

Shaq looked at Enelu and the others and said,"Now that we are entering the new world, we naturally need more manpower.

Otherwise, who will take care of the territory after we seize it? So I decided to set up a combat squad.

The captain of the first squad is Trafalgar Law.

The captain of the second squad is Enelu.

The captain of the third squad is Kulik.

The captain of the fourth squad is Van Oka.

As for the captain of the guard, Tina will be in charge.

When I am not here, everyone must obey the orders of the vice-captain Hancock.


"yes"Enelu raised his head. Kulik was also very excited. Even Law couldn't hide the gleam in his eyes.

"The two people opposite. In addition to Tina's guards, there are three more squads. You can choose to join. You will be my brothers from now on."

"Boss Death, I want to join the First Team. Boss Death Doctor is known as the Seven Warlords of the Sea Killer. I admire him very much. Please take care of me in the future. I have the ability to eat the Quick Quick Fruit, and I can speed up anything I touch."Bell chose the First Team

"A man should fight heartily. The boss of the second squad, Enel, is known as the Thunder Beast. I admire his fighting style very much. Please give me more advice, Boss Enel. I am the user of the Animal-type Fruit, the Bear Fruit." Lakla stood beside Enel.

Kulik was a little disappointed. As for Van Oka, it didn't matter. After all, he hadn't had any formal battles yet. The battle with Izo on Fishman Island has not been reported yet."It seems that he will have to fight more in the future. Otherwise, his reputation will be too small and even I won't be able to receive it." Kulik joked

"Kulik, your original team will be assigned to the third squad." Shaq patted Kulik on the shoulder. Then he looked at Van Oka and said,"Oka, you have to work hard too. Don't let them come to you and you will be alone. It will be embarrassing."

"It doesn't matter."Fan Oka played a gun flower trick and said,"I have it, it's enough."

"Then let's take a day off on that island today." Shaq and the others took a day off on the aisle where Lacra and Bell were waiting. The banquet that night made everyone get along much better. After Enelu became the captain, his nose was almost upturned. Law was also very excited. Because the time for revenge was coming soon.

The next morning. The Death and the two newly acquired pirate ships moved forward in a mighty manner. The target was the lair of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Doflamingo, Dressrosa.

At the same time. In the Dressrosa Palace. The Seven Warlords of the Sea Don Quixote-Doflamingo was sitting on a chair with a gloomy face. On both sides were Don Quixote's cadres Diamante, Gladius, Trebol. Violet, Jorah and other cadres

"Young Master, the spies reported that the Death Pirates have entered the New World. Their goal is very clear. It is Dressrosa."Diamante reported respectfully

"Damn Luo. Not only did he betray the young master, but he also brought the god of death to attack us. This time, he must be killed."Lao G said angrily.

"I want to turn them all into toys." Sugar said grimly while eating grapes.

"Young Master"Leave Luo to me." Torrebol said with a nasty nose running down his forehead.

"Get out of here. Don't come near the young master, you snot-nosed monster." Buffalo kicked Torrebol away. He wiped his shoes in disgust.

"HohohoDeath Pirates? Let me prepare a special gift for you. I, Doflamingo, am not so easy to bully."Doflamingo looked angry and a little afraid. After all, the Death God is an existence that even the navy does not want to provoke.

"Young Master, do you want to call back Vergo and Monet?"

"Well. Let them come back secretly. After all, the God of Death is not easy to mess with."

On the other side, the Death was heading towards Dressrosa almost in a straight line.

Along the way, no matter if they met navy or pirates, they would rush up and kill them.

Of course, some of the surrendered pirates were also incorporated.

It mainly depends on strength and character.

Shaq is very cautious about the character of his subordinates.

Those with dark minds are not accepted.

This journey can be said to be both to increase the actual combat ability of his subordinates and the best nourishment to increase his own strength.

After Shaq's devouring space devoured thousands of pirates and navy, Shaq's physical strength reached a bottleneck again. He was at the peak of the admiral level and was about to break through the physical strength of the marshal level. Of course, this does not mean that Shaq's strength is at the peak of the admiral level. It is the pure physical strength of the admiral level.

Coupled with Shaq's kendo strength and the strength of the thunder fruit. Shaq is now looking forward to a battle with Whitebeard more and more."Captain, we're about to reach Dressrosa." Alice, Shaq's secretary, reminded


Then come over.

Have you spotted Doflamingo's men?"Shaq walked to the bow.

Looking at the eight pirate ships flying the flags of the god of death, he felt proud.

From the time they entered the New World to Dressrosa in just one month, Shaq's pirate group had gathered more than 200 men, and this was the result of Shaq's principle of"better to have less than too little".

No wonder the New World is a paradise for the strong and a hell for the weak.

There is only one truth in the New World.

That is fists.

"Why is there no one? There is not even a single ship at the port. What is Doflamingo doing? Is he setting a trap for us?"Shaq asked in confusion, closing his eyes and using his Observation Haki to look over. He found that there was indeed no ambush at the port. Not even a single person was there.

"Hehe. So what if it's an ambush? All conspiracies seem pale and powerless in the face of absolute strength. Come over."Shaq waved his hand. All the ships immediately approached the port of Dressrosa.

"Here it comes. HohohoFinally here. Death God Elson J. Shaq. And Luo. Pica, act according to the plan immediately."Doflamingo ordered gloomily.

""Yes." A sharp voice sounded. However, the owner of this voice was a tall man. It was Pica, a cadre under Doflamingo and the user of the Stone-Stone Fruit. After Pica answered, he sank into the ground and disappeared.

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