Neptune and the three brothers Shark Star now realized how short-sighted they were. Seeing tens of thousands of soldiers fainted by the momentum of the Death Pirates without even a chance to fight. The four of them were terrified and helpless. If the Death Pirates really wanted to harm Fishman Island, what could they do? The answer was nothing.

""Master Death, please listen to me." At this time, Jinbei walked through the entrance and appeared directly in front of the Death.

"Jinbei. There is nothing to say. Since these rude people want to give my husband a warning, they should think about the consequences of doing so. I will never forgive the rude people who offend my husband."Hancock pointed at Jinbei and said domineeringly

"Boa Hancock."Jinbei was shocked. He didn't expect that this empress who looked down on all men in the world would fall in love with the god of death. One god of death is hard to deal with. Add Hancock. Fishman Island has almost no ability to resist."Boa Hancock. The head of the god of death. King Neptune is just concerned about his people. He doesn't want to make things difficult for the god of death pirates. Please forgive these innocent fishmen, the head of the god of death."

"Humph. You want to let it go after showing off your power? It's not that easy." Enelu's eyes flashed fiercely.

""Mom. Forget it." Shaq waved his hand. The powerful aura instantly dissipated. Jinbei and Neptune on the opposite side felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders. They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shichibukai Kaishi Jinbei. I recognize your character and your title. I will let today's matter go for your sake. But only this time. We need to go to Fishman Island to rest. You won't object, will you?" Shaq said with a smile.

"Of course."Please come, Lord Death." Jinbei invited Shak and his companions to enter Fishman Island. Neptune and his companions dared not say anything at this time. They were extremely respectful to Shak and his companions.

""The head of the Death God. Please come to the palace as a guest. I apologize for this misunderstanding." Neptune admitted his mistake sincerely. He did not act like a king. After being shocked by the strength of the Death God Pirates, he never dared to underestimate the Death God Pirates again.

After entering Fishman Island, the crew of the Death God entered the city like country bumpkins. They looked around curiously and asked questions. Especially the girls. They were very curious about mermaids. The male crew members were full of hearts and drooled at the mermaids who shuttled back and forth.

The group soon arrived at the palace. Neptune asked people to prepare a banquet to entertain Shaq and others. The three princes and Neptune toasted repeatedly to express their apologies. Shaq said he didn't care. Enel and Jinbe were drinking together. After a few hours, everyone was almost tipsy. After drinking a lot, Shaq felt like going to the bathroom.

So he went outside to look for the bathroom, asked a soldier where it was, and left alone. After going to the bathroom, Shaq walked for an unknown distance in a daze. He just couldn't find the banquet hall. He thought he might be lost. So Shaq closed his eyes and used his Observation Haki to find the route to the banquet hall.

At this moment, a huge axe flew towards Shaq. It was about to hit Shaq."Huh."Shaq snorted coldly, and the lightning knife in his hand flashed."Bang" the huge axe was immediately chopped into pieces by Shaq. This was just an ordinary axe, how could it withstand the sharpness of the supreme big knife.

Shaq suddenly narrowed his eyes. In the sight of the color of seeing. Behind him was a huge iron door. There were many traces of knives and axes on the iron door. There was a sobbing sound inside the door. Shaq immediately remembered who was inside the iron door.

The ancient weapon Poseidon. It was also Neptune's daughter Shirahoshi. In the original work, when Shirahoshi was six years old, Vander-Deiken, who possessed the Target Fruit, discovered the secret of being the Poseidon. So In order to get the Sea King, Vander Decken tricked Shirahoshi into shaking his hand. He also proposed to Shirahoshi, who was only six years old at the time.

Of course, there was no way Neptune would agree. After Vander Decken's proposal failed, he changed to threats. He used the power of the Target Target Fruit to threaten Shirahoshi by throwing love letters at her. After that, he even threw weapons at Shirahoshi. In order to preserve Shirahoshi's breath, Vander Decken has been wearing gloves for many years and refused to wash his hands.

Thinking of how pitiful Shirahoshi was, Shaq couldn't help but want to help Shirahoshi. As long as Vander Decken was eliminated, Shirahoshi's fear could be solved. Thinking of this, Shaq pushed open the iron door and walked into the room.

""Who?" A soft voice sounded. Shaq looked up and saw a huge bed. A beautiful fishman was sitting on it. His eyes were big and watery. His delicate face had a pitiful expression. His skin was white and he had a red fish tail. He was more than ten meters tall. Although Shirahoshi was less than thirteen years old now, his height and body were huge.

If Shirahoshi shrunk to the size of a normal person, he would definitely be a popular loli. Shaq waved and said to the frightened Shirahoshi,"Hello. I'm Elson J. Shaq. What's your name?" Shaq asked knowingly、

"Woo woo wooSo scaryHumans are coming"When Bai Xing heard Shaq talking, he immediately went under the covers and started crying. He was so scared that he didn't dare to come out.

"Hmm. Do I look scary?" Shaq touched his face with a frown on his face. He jumped onto a shelf that was more than ten meters high."Hey. If you keep crying, I will sell you. Believe it or not. Come out here.""

"Woo woo wooWowFather, help me. A bad guy wants to sell Shirahoshi."Bai Xing cried even harder.

Now Shaq was helpless. He immediately released a powerful aura and said coldly,"If you don't come out, I will kill you."

"don't wantDon't die White Star"Finally, Shirahoshi was frightened by Shaq's threat. He sat up and looked at Shaq on the shelf with a pitiful look of grievance.

"Why do you feel like I'm a bad guy?"Shaq thought to himself. He looked at Bai Xing and said,"I'm your father's guest, not a bad guy. Do you know? Why are you hiding here? And don't be afraid, do you know? I won't hurt you."

"Really?" Bai Xing asked cautiously.

"Of course. I am a good person. I am here to save you from this cage." Shaq tried to be gentle. But Little White Star didn't seem to believe it.

"Come on. Come with me out of here. No one will hurt you. Don't you want to see the outside world? I'm telling you.There is an island in the sky called Gaya Island. The people on it have wings."Shaq began to tell Shirahoshi about his experiences on the Grand Line.

Little Shirahoshi was deeply fascinated by Shaq's experiences. He was not so afraid of Shaq anymore. But whenever Shaq asked Shirahoshi to go out with him, Shirahoshi would retreat with tears in his eyes. This made Shaq's mouth dry.

But Shirahoshi's impression of Shaq had changed. He kept calling him brother Shaq. This made Shaq feel that the saying"loli three good" was not a lie. At this moment, a knife rushed towards Shirahoshi from the door opened by Shaq.

"ah"Bai Xing screamed and was so scared that tears flowed down her face

"Armament Haki. Peng Shak directly applied Armament Haki to his right hand and punched the knife away.

"WowLord Shak is so awesome." Shirahoshi's eyes sparkled as he lifted Shak up and held him in front of his eyes.

Shak was so upset. Why did he feel like a puppet?"Sister Shirahoshi, do you believe me now? As long as I am here, no one can hurt you. Come with me to see the world. Don't you want to go out and see your mother?" Shak tempted

Shirahoshi again, timidly saying,"But, my father won't let Shirahoshi leave here."

"Don't be afraid. Your father has to listen to me. Besides, you are my sister now. Who dares to say anything?"Shaq said confidently.

Little White Star thought about it for a long time and finally nodded under Shaq's guidance. He held Shaq in his hand and swam out of the room stealthily. When White Star appeared in the banquet hall, everyone was shocked.

"Shirahoshi? Why did you come out?"Neptune and the three brothers, Shark Star, were immediately anxious.

""Ah." Shirahoshi put Shaq in front of her eyes, trying to use Shaq to block her from being seen. Shaq was speechless. How could Shirahoshi block Shaq, who is only two meters tall, with a height of more than ten meters? Shaq stood on Shirahoshi's palm and laughed,"HahahahaKing Neptune, don't worry. Shirahoshi has recognized me as her brother. No one can hurt her."

"But."Neptune was about to say something, but at this moment another axe flew towards Shirahoshi.

"ah"Bai Xing screamed in fear."Be careful." The three brothers of Shark Star rushed over.

"Hum." Shak snorted coldly."Lightning strike" a flash of lightning flashed across Shak's hand."Snap" the giant axe was immediately shattered by Shak's lightning strike.

"Brother Shaq is so amazing." Shirahoshi immediately looked at Shaq with admiration."Brother Shaq, how can you use lightning? It's amazing!"

"Of course. I am the God of Death Shaq. Haha." Shaq laughed proudly.

Neptune, Shark Star and the other two were relieved when they saw it. As long as Shaq is here, Shirahoshi will not be in danger. The four looked at Shirahoshi with concern. At the same time, they also blamed themselves. It was because they did not have the strength. That's why they locked Shirahoshi in that room to protect her. If they were strong enough, they would have killed Vander Decken directly. Then Shirahoshi would not have been locked in the room for six years.

"The mermaid princess." Perona was carried by two ghosts to Shirahoshi's side.

"WowGhost. Woohoo"Bai Xing was frightened and cried on the spot

"Bang! Shaq immediately slapped Perona on the head."Idiot! You are not allowed to release your ghost." Shaq threatened fiercely.

"Damn it. Pervert." Perona angrily took back the ghost

""Okay, Shirahoshi, don't be afraid. My brother has dealt with the ghost." Shaq comforted him.

Shirahoshi opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the ghost disappeared. He timidly greeted the members of the Death Pirates under Shaq's introduction.

"Death god in charge. I have a favor to ask of you." At this time, Jinbei came over and bowed to Shak and said,"I heard that your observation Haki has reached the level of knowing the voices of all things. Can you please find Vander Decken? I really can't bear to see Shirahoshi being sent to a cage-like room again. This is my lifelong request."

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