Another day has passed since Alice's sister Ain was brought back to the Death by Shaq. On this day, Shaq asked all the crew members to form a team to go out and look for Rayleigh. Finally, Rayleigh was found being auctioned in an auction house. When the auction house recognized that it was the Death Pirates who took Rayleigh away, they didn't even dare to say a word.

After three days of coating, the Death was completed.

During this period, Shaq took Hancock, Robin and other girls to play around in Shampoo.

During this period, not even a Celestial Dragon was found.

Even if they met the navy, they pretended not to see Shaq and the others.

It was a lot less trouble.

On this day, the Death set off again.

But there was one more Ain on the ship.

It is said that since the navy announced Alice's betrayal, Ain has become a laughing stock of everyone in the Naval Academy.

Even Zefa, who has always been optimistic about her, ignored Ain.

The days became more and more difficult.

Finally, Ain secretly ran out of school and looked for Alice alone.

Until she was met by Shaq.

If she hadn't met Shaq that day, she might have been captured by the Celestial Dragons.

After learning the truth about the so-called betrayal through Alice, Ain was very disappointed with the navy. He directly asked to join the Death Pirates. Of course, Shaq did not object. The twin beauties are also pleasing to the eye.

"Attention! The Reaper is preparing to dive."Kulik shouted.

"Wow. Is this the deep sea? So beautiful."Nami, Perona and other girls who had never seen the seabed were shocked by the scenery.

"Hey, hey, hey. The seabed is beautiful, but why is that octopus that is bigger than a mountain staring at us?"Enelu pointed at the giant octopus on the seabed. Its eyes, which were bigger than the Death Ship, flashed with fierce light.

"It seems that this octopus is not very friendly."Robin said with a smile

"The takoyaki seems to taste good." Luo looked at Lilith and said,"Can this octopus be processed?"

Lilith said with some fear,"ThisIt's too big. Lilith doesn't know"

""Ouch!" While everyone was discussing how to deal with this giant sea king octopus, the octopus couldn't wait to get mad. A tentacle that was several times larger than the Death slammed towards the Death.

""Hegemony." Shaq's eyes glared, and a domineering aura swept out. The octopus's tentacle, which was about to hit the Death God, froze. The octopus opened its eyes wide in fear, screamed, and quickly fled.

"Ran away""Ran away"Everyone felt sorry for it. How many takoyaki can be made from such a big octopus? But our chef seemed to have fainted again. She fainted immediately after being shocked by Shaq's domineering color. Fortunately, Luo reached out and supported her.

"Report to the KingSomething bad is happeningDeath is coming."After a soldier of the Fishman Guard discovered that the Death was advancing to Fishman Island, he immediately reported to the king of Fishman Island, Neptune.

Neptune, who was having lunch with the three brothers of Shark Star, was stunned on the spot. It was rumored in the sea that the Death God Elson J. Shark was very powerful and extremely vicious. Of course, this was slander by the navy. However, Fishman Island, which was 10,000 meters under the sea, was too well-informed. Most of the information about the Death Pirates was seen from the news. Naturally, there was no good impression.

"Father, let the three of us go fight the God of Death."Sha Xing immediately stepped forward to ask for the fight.

"No." Neptune hurriedly stopped Shark Star and said,"We don't know what the purpose of the God of Death coming to Fishman Island is? If he is just passing by, then our rash attack will only anger him. If we go to war with the God of Death, we don't know how many people will be sacrificed. Let's first determine the other party's purpose."

Flip Star stood up and said,"Father, although I heard that the God of Death is powerful, this is the bottom of the sea. It is our world of fishmen. I think we should be tougher."

"Wait. Although I agree with what you said, third brother, we can't be too tough. If a war really breaks out, it will be a disaster for Fish-Man Island. So I think we should use courtesy before force." Huangxing suggested.

Neptune nodded to his three sons and said,"What Huangxing said makes sense. We must make preparations for both situations. Gather the soldiers. If the God of Death is just passing by, we will entertain him with courtesy. If he wants to harm Fish-Man Island, we can only fight with all our strength."

It didn't take long for tens of thousands of fish-man warriors, led by Neptune, to arrive at the entrance of Fish-Man Island and wait for battle. Even Jinbei, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was invited by Neptune. Jinbei didn't dare to be arrogant in front of the God of Death. Dozens of sea kings were hovering around under the control of the fish-men. The

Death shuttled through the depths of the sea. From a distance, the spherical Fish-Man Island was seen."Oh. Is this what Fish-Man Island looks like?" Robin also saw Fish-Man Island for the first time. She was very curious.

"Teacher, we have arrived at Fishman Island." Enelu said to Shaq who was lying on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Oh. Are we there yet?" Shak stood up and walked to the bow."They really look like light bulbs. But they don't seem to be very hospitable." Shak's observation Haki had already sensed the gathering of tens of thousands of soldiers from the other side. And they were ready for battle.

"Humph. A mere fishman island dares to protest against my husband. I am angry."Hancock obviously also felt the malicious aura of the other party.

""The knife in Luo's hand jumped out of the scabbard. His eyes were full of coldness.

Shaq didn't care. He smiled lightly and said,"Hehe. Guys. The other party wants to give us a warning. What should we do?"

"The majesty of the God of Death cannot be challenged."Kulik said seriously.

"Fight back." Enelu's eyes flashed with ferocity.

"Since the fishmen are here to greet us, we can't be disrespectful, right?"Shakxie laughed and burst out with his domineering aura.

"I think so too."Heroic Haki." Hancock burst out with all her might and pressed towards the opposite Fishman Island with Shaq's Haki.

"Hahaha, brothers, what are you waiting for?"Kulik laughed and released all his energy."Boom boom boom"A wave of powerful aura rose up. All creatures within a kilometer around the Death Ship were stunned. Our chef fainted in Luo's arms again.

As for Ian, Perona and Van Oka who just joined, they were very shocked. The only person on this ship who was weakest was the chef Lilith. The others were all strong and fierce. Van Oka was secretly glad for his choice. At the same time, he released his aura. The spear in his hand was vaguely aimed at Neptune on the opposite side.

When Shaq and others burst out with aura, Sea Knight Jinbei knew that it was bad. There were at least four people on the opposite Death Pirates who made him feel dangerous. There was another one that made him feel terrified. One of them holding a spear seemed to be able to kill Neptune at any time. What kind of strength is this? Even the power of the Four Emperors is almost like this. The Death Pirates are really worthy of their reputation.

""Not good." Jinbei exclaimed. As the momentum from the Death God came over, the tamed sea kings outside Fishman Island were first to flee. Then the warriors of Fishman Island were shocked by the Conqueror's Haki. Rows of soldiers fainted.

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