After Shak pressed Huoke Baba into the ground, everyone was stunned. At this time, Granny Zha jumped out from nowhere and said,"Shak, the God of Death. Let him go quickly. He is the subordinate of Golden Lion. If we offend Golden Lion, our Nine Snake Island will be finished."

Shak looked at Granny Zha coldly."You want me to let go of the murderer who killed my parents? Old woman. Do you want to die?" At this moment, Shak unabashedly pressed his murderous intent towards Granny Zha. Shak will kill without hesitation anyone who prevents him from taking revenge. This is not a joke.

At least everyone in the hall knows it. Shak is not kidding."The murderer who killed my parents? Shak's parents were killed by this person. Then this person deserves to die." Robin stood firmly behind Shak, staring at Granny Zha.

"The revenge of my father-in-law and mother-in-law must be avenged."Nami stood behind Shaq, followed by Tina, Luo, Enel and others. All the members of the Death Pirates looked at my mother-in-law with murderous intent.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole hall was suppressed. At this time, my mother-in-law���I realized how stupid I was. I asked Shaq to let go of Huoke Baba without knowing the situation. I regretted it now. If the Death God and his gang went crazy here, the whole Nine Snake Island would be destroyed.

""Pah. Bang." Hancock slapped the old woman away and slammed her against the wall."Old woman. The enemy of my husband deserves death. Who told you to come in and talk nonsense? Suppress her and send her to jail.""

"Yes."Two members of the National Guard outside the door immediately carried the old lady away. No one pleaded for her. Because if Hancock did this, it could be said that he saved her life.

""Sir Shaq, what are you going to do with this guy? Killing him seems too easy for him." Hancock came over naturally and hugged Shaq's right arm. She stuck to Shaq like a docile wife.

"Hey. I said, have you had enough? We became Shaq's women before you. Do you know that you want to call me sister?"Nami separated Shaq and Hancock like a tiger. She said with an unhappy look on her face.

"I am the most perfect woman in the world. Lord Shak, as the king recognized by me, doesn’t mind having several concubines. But I must be the queen. Because I am so beautiful." Hancock is very confident in her beauty and charm. Coupled with the enhancement of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

The next moment, even Nami, who is a woman, looks obsessed. She shouted,"Lord Hancock is right."After Nami woke up, she retreated to the side dejectedly like a defeated rooster.

Robin stepped forward, clasped his hands on his chest, and said with a smile,"Although the Queen is indeed perfect, we are now discussing how to deal with the messenger of the Golden Lion. We are not competing for beauty."

"This sister. Of course, this is what I mean. As for the choice of the queen, I will not give in."It was as if there was a thunder and lightning between Hancock and Robin.

Shaq waved his hand and said,"Okay, Hancock. Robin, let me deal with this bastard first." Shaq's enemy was right in front of her. She didn't care about the fight between the two women. She stretched out her hand and pulled out Huoke Baba like pulling a carrot.

At this time, Huoke Baba was already dying. He was almost killed by Shaq's move. Shaq showed mercy in order to keep him for questioning. Otherwise, he would definitely be slapped into a meat paste by Shaq."Bastard. Tell me. Where is your captain Bruce?"

Huokebaba, who was pinched by Shaq's neck, tried hard to breathe a little bit of air. He was very surprised. He thought that as the messenger of the Golden Lion, the other party would definitely be afraid. Unexpectedly, this young man was not afraid at all. He almost killed him with one move. And what about the enemy who killed his father and mother? As a pirate, Huokebaba must have killed hundreds of people, not to mention how many. Who the hell remembers who his parents are?

"Boy, you are dead. Since you dare to attack the messenger of the great Golden Lion, you can wait for revenge. In three days, the Golden Lion will come to Nine Snake Island in person. By then, the whole island will be buried with me. If you want to seek revenge on Bruce, just wait. Bruce will come in three days. Hahaha"As a fierce pirate, Huo Ke Baba is not afraid of death at all. Or rather, he has been prepared. He will die sooner or later. So he is open-minded.

"Oh. So Bruce is also in the Golden Lion Pirates. Very good. Since you are no longer useful, I will let you die brilliantly. Hahaha, go to hell."Shaq threw Huoke Baba into the sky fiercely. A lightning ball formed in his right hand. He aimed at Huoke Baba in the air and threw the lightning ball."

"Boom." The thunder ball exploded immediately after it collided with Huoke Baba. Huoke Baba was instantly blown into pieces. It was like a blood-colored firework blooming. Drops of blood foam fell, dyeing the surrounding area red.

Shaq laughed cruelly,"HahahahaIf you don't hand over Bruce, I will tear you to pieces."

"Haha. It seems that a big battle is inevitable. But for the legendary pirates. I am still looking forward to it."Kulik's eyes are full of fighting spirit.

"My knife is already lonely and unbearable. Luo looked at the ghost cry in his hand.

"I wonder if the golden lion will raise a female bear."Bepo was lost in fantasy.

"This time I can definitely try out the trick that my teacher taught me. Hehe."Enelu is a warmongerer. The Death Pirates are all eager to fight. They are looking forward to the arrival of Golden Lion.

""Sir Shak, I also want to fight the legendary pirate." Hancock made her position clear and stood firmly on Shak's side. The officials of the Kingdom of Women looked at each other and firmly supported their majesty.���

Somewhere on an island thousands of meters above the ground, a blond old man with two swords and the lower half of his legs disappeared, sat on the throne of a huge palace. Although he is very old, the ambition in his eyes is no less than that of young people. Even more powerful ambition. To dominate the world. This is Shiki the Golden Lion. In the past, he and Pirate King Roger and Whitebeard were known as the three great pirates of the New World.

At this time, a bearded pirate walked in. It was the enemy that Shaq had been looking for for four years. Bruce. Coming to the center of the hall, Bruce half-knelt and said,"Great pirate Tidu Shiki the Golden Lion. The life card of the messenger Baba you sent to Nine Snake Island just now has been burned. Please give your instructions."

"Dead?" As soon as the Golden Lion opened his eyes, a powerful aura swept out. The burning of the life card means that the person is dead. The Golden Lion's messenger is dead. How can he not be angry,"Could it be that little girl from Nine Snake Island who killed her? I want to see what kind of confidence that little girl from Nine Snake Island has. How dare she attack my messenger. Notify everyone to prepare for battle. If my messenger was killed by Nine Snake Island. Humph."

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