Just as Shaq and Hancock were expressing their feelings to each other, a female warrior ran towards the palace. She had no obstacles along the way and arrived in front of Hancock's lounge. She was stopped by Sonya."Margaret, what are you in such a hurry for? His Majesty is discussing something with Captain Death and we cannot disturb him."

The female warrior Margaret panted and said,"Come on.comingThe messenger of the golden lion is here again."

"What? The messenger of the Golden Lion is here again? Where is he?"Sonia grabbed Margaret's shoulders and asked hurriedly.

"We are almost there. It is in the sea not far away. So I would like to ask your Majesty for instructions." Margaret asked anxiously,"Is your Majesty resting? Could Lady Sonya please inform us?"

Shak and Hancock, who were in the lounge, discovered Margaret when she came over. After all, their observation Haki is not for show. But Shak was reluctant to let go of the beauty in his arms. The same goes for Hancock. For more than ten years, she has been forcing herself to pretend to be high and mighty. Pretending to be very tough and strong. But deep in her heart, she hopes for a safe and warm harbor. She was finally fascinated by Shak. How could she bear to let him go?

It was only when Margaret mentioned the Golden Lion that Shak became serious. Shak did not dare to despise this legendary pirate at all. Like the Pirate King, A great pirate of an era. He almost killed the Pirate King Roger. After Roger surrendered, he broke into the Navy Headquarters alone. Although he was finally captured in the face of the siege of several admirals and Garp, Malinford was also half destroyed by Golden Lion.

After being imprisoned in Impel Down, he cut off his legs and escaped. As the only pirate who escaped from Impel Down, Golden Lion did not give up his ambition. In the original work, Golden Lion ruled several islands in the sky. He planned to destroy the East China Sea. He was still free in the sky until he was defeated by Luffy.

Shaq patted Hancock on the shoulder and said softly,"Dear. The messenger of Golden Lion is here. Don't you want to go and see?"

Hancock's face was flushed with happiness. She murmured,"Lord Shaq. Just let him wait. I don't want to get up.""

"That won't do. Hancock, we have plenty of time. But if the Golden Lion's messenger comes here for something important, you should go and deal with it."Shaq advised,"I also want to see what the Golden Lion wants to see you about? Do you mind if I come and see it together?"

"All right. You are such an annoying guy. Lady Shaq, I want you to hold me up." Hancock opened her arms. She was very clingy. I didn't expect that the Pirate Queen would become so little girlish after recognizing someone.

Shaq liked it very much. She held Hancock up and stood up straight. After tidying up her clothes, the two walked out of the lounge. Sonya, who was about to knock on the door, was stunned for a moment. Her sister was famous for her arrogance. Now she was leaning on Shaq's arms like a little girl. What was that happy and shy face? Where is your arrogance, sister?

"Is this His Majesty?"Margaret obviously couldn't understand. Why would their domineering Queen be in that man's arms? Why was her expression so weak?

""Hey, beauty. Isn't the Golden Lion's messenger here? Bring him directly to the main hall. Hancock will meet him there. And notify the Death Pirates to come over as well." Shaq said with a smile. Margaret tilted her head and thought for a moment,"Who are you? ? ?"

"cluck"Hancock couldn't help but giggle. Shaq's expression froze at this moment. This girl is really interesting. Seeing her king being held in Shaq's arms, she asked without a glance who he was? She didn't give Shaq any face at all.

""Okay, Margaret, do as Lord Shak says." Hancock waved her hand, showing her true colors as an empress. Her tone was unquestionable, and Margaret's eyes sparkled.

""Yes, Your Majesty." Margaret ran out quickly.

Half an hour later. Hancock sat on the throne in the main hall of the palace of the Kingdom of Women. On the left, led by Shaq, were all members of the Death Pirates. On the right, led by Sonya and Gorudo, were the Kingdom Guard of the Kingdom of Women. Although Shaq and Hancock have established a relationship, they cannot usurp the throne. Although Hancock doesn't care, Shaq has to consider Hancock's face. So Shaq sat below.

Hancock smiled at Shaq, with an apologetic look in his eyes. Then he turned around and said,"Let the messenger of the Golden Lion come in."

Shaq also gave Hancock a reassuring look, indicating that he wouldn't mind. The next moment,"Hmm," Shaq felt three jade hands behind him communicating with the soft flesh on his waist. He tried hard not to scream. Shaq turned around and showed the three Robins with livid faces a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Humph."The three girls pinched her and let go. They snorted coldly and turned their heads away.

"HahahaPirate Queen Boa Hancock. We meet again. What do you think of the last matter? Cooperate with our Golden Lion Pirates."A 30-year-old burly man walked in. He looked at Hancock arrogantly and unscrupulously.

"Unreasonable man. Do you think my appearance is acceptable to you? Humph."Hancock rolled her eyes. The domineering aura pressed towards the big man. The middle-aged man suddenly felt as if his whole body was pressed by a huge rock. He had difficulty breathing.

"Boa Hancock, you have to think clearly. It is a piece of cake for Lord Golden Lion to destroy your Nine Snake Island. You dare to touch me."The middle-aged man was still tough.

Hancock stopped raising her hand. Although she was not afraid of the Golden Lion, the people of the Kingdom of Women were different. Facing the Golden Lion, they had no choice but to die. Especially since the Golden Lion could use the entire island to attack. It can be said that the Nine Snake Island had no power to fight back. For a moment, Hancock hesitated.

"Stop it.

" The moment this man walked in, Shaq's heart was filled with strong murderous intent.

This man was exactly what Shaq had been searching for for several years.

Shaq's parents were killed by the pirate group this man belonged to.

Although Shaq is no longer the original Shaq, the only obsession of this body has merged with Shaq.

That is revenge.

The hatred for parents is irreconcilable.

This man is the enemy who killed Shaq's father and mother.

The deputy captain of the Bruce Pirates, the wild boar guest Baba.

Shaq had a murderous look on his face and did not hide it at all.

He slowly stood up from his seat.

The murderous intent on his body even made the three women behind him couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Hancock looked at Shaq in surprise.

Thinking to himself,"What happened to Lord Shaq?"

"Boy, who do you think you are? When is it your turn to interrupt me when I'm talking to Boa Hancock? You bastard, just get out of here."Huokebaba shouted arrogantly.

"Hahaha"Shaq laughed wildly. His domineering aura swept out. The next moment, he was in front of Huokebaba. He slapped Huokebaba's face. Under the other party's unbelievable gaze, he pressed it."Bang" the next moment, Huokebaba was pressed into the ground by Shaq. His two legs were twitching slightly while standing upside down. Shaq showed a bloodthirsty smile,"I have been looking for you for a long time. Huokebaba, the vice captain of the Bruce Pirates."

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