All the 3,000-plus navy officers from the entire Shabadi garrison gathered here. There was also Vice Admiral Nishi-Dexa. At this moment, the Vice Admiral's face was livid. He had never expected that a Celestial Dragon would be killed during his tenure. He thought that his term would end in only one month. He would then change to another branch or be transferred directly to the headquarters. But this damn pirate actually killed a Celestial Dragon.

"Listen up, pirates inside. Come out and surrender immediately. Release the hostages. Otherwise we will rush in." Dexa shouted at the door of the auction house.

""Bang." The door opened. Three people in cloaks and a beautiful woman holding a girl walked out. It was Shaq and his gang.

Dexa's face turned pale when he saw them. The beautiful woman holding the girl had a smile on her face. But in Dexa's opinion, it was the smile of a devil."Son of the devil. Nico Robin. Since you are here, then the other three."

Dexa's face was solemn. After he finished speaking, he stared at the three people in cloaks. Shaq smiled,"HahahahaVice Admiral. You guessed it right. I am the Death God Shaq."

"Wow"As Shaq and the other two lifted their cloaks, the surrounding marines were frightened and took a few steps back. Some of them even lost their grip on their guns and dropped them to the ground.

"Death God Elson J. Shaq. Cut off the arm of a Celestial Dragon, killed two lieutenant generals and three major generals. Defeated General Kizaru. Offered a bounty of 500 million berries. Extremely vicious. Does not care about life or death"

"Doctor Trafalgar Law, the Death Doctor. Defeats Shichibukai Crocodile. Bounty of 300 million berries, regardless of life or death"

"Thunder Beast Enelu. Defeat Major General Mimura Kojiro, bounty of 180 million berries. No matter life or death"

"Nico Robin, the son of the devil. Destroyed five warships when she was eight years old. Killed a large number of navy officers in Alabasta a month ago. Bounty of 160 million berries. No matter dead or alive."

Thousands of navy officers were so scared that they dared not step forward when faced with five people including an unconscious girl. This shows how famous Shaq and his men are. The main reason is that Shaq's reputation is too great. Not only did he dare to attack the Celestial Dragons, but he was also helpless against Kizaru, one of the three major forces of the navy. (In order to cover up the scandal of Kizaru's escape, the navy claimed that Kizaru was betrayed by Tina and had to retreat.)

"Death Shaq. YouWhat about the world nobles inside?"Although Desak was also afraid of Shak, he had to stop Shak because of his duty. He could only delay the time as much as possible. He hoped that the general would arrive soon.

"Hey. Are you talking about those three fat pigs?" Shaq asked with pretended curiosity."Did you see them, dear?"

Robin laughed in his heart. But he showed a puzzled expression on his face and shook his head,"No. Didn't they run away?"

"Did you see it?" Shaq asked Enelu and Luo again.

They shook their heads and said,"No."

""The cheap navy. Don't listen to their nonsense. Just now, Saint Wood was still inside. And that long-eared man killed Saint Becks. Hurry up and catch them for me." A Celestial Dragon came over and pointed at Dexa and shouted.

Dexa resisted the urge to tear the fat pig in front of him to pieces. Although he was afraid of Shaq and others, he could not disobey the Celestial Dragons. So he gritted his teeth and ordered,"Soldiers. Raise your guns and get ready."

"Wow wow wow"Thousands of guns were pointed at Shak and his men.

Shak narrowed his eyes and said coldly,"Who gave you the courage to point a gun at me? Domineering color." Shak's eyes glared. A powerful domineering color swept the whole place. Thousands of navy and the Celestial Dragon rolled their eyes the next moment.

"Bang Bang Bang"Thousands of people rolled their eyes and fell down in rows like wheat.

A cold wind blew. Dexa's majestic navy vice admiral's cape fluttered in the wind. The command knife still wanted Shaq. But Dexa didn't even have the courage to speak at this moment. He stood alone among a group of unconscious navy men.

"Snap Snap"A round of applause broke out. Shaq laughed and said,"Hahaha. What a majestic gesture. Let's all applaud warmly. For the heroic Vice Admiral." Shaq's funny voice sounded

"grim ReaperWhat do you want?"Texas was sweating profusely. He had the idea of running away immediately.

"How is it?" The next moment, Shaq appeared beside Dexa. He picked up the fainted Celestial Dragon with one hand."A man is being ordered around by this pig-like trash. You navy are just dogs. Look. This is how trash should be treated."

""Crack." Shaq twisted it hard. The Celestial Dragon's head tilted to the back."Celestial Dragon? The world's nobles? They are just a bunch of pigs that can be easily wiped out."

"Bold"At this time, a loud shout was heard. A group of navy officers rushed over from a distance. The leader was wearing an admiral's cape and a hat. He looked resolute. It was the admiral of the navy, Akainu, Sakaski."Death God Elson J. Shaq, you killed the world's nobles. You are under arrest."

Akainu strode towards Shak with great majesty. He just said he was going to arrest Shak. Unexpectedly, Shak suddenly disappeared on the other side. Akainu was stunned. Suddenly he felt something strange behind him. As a general who had experienced many battles. Akainu reacted almost instantly. With a disdainful look on his face, he punched behind him. The red magma wrapped around his arm.

Shak did appear behind Akainu. He smiled evilly at Akainu's disdain."Thunder escape." Dozens of lightning bolts suddenly spread out from the ground. Akainu, who punched Shak, was electrocuted and his body paused. It was during this pause that Shak's big hand had already covered Akainu's face.

""Crackling." Shaq, whose body was flashing with lightning, pressed Akainu's face with his right hand. He pushed Akainu down hard. Akainu's entire head was pressed into the ground."Bang." Akainu's entire head was buried in the soil on the ground.

The navy soldiers behind him were stunned."You must be kidding. Admiral Akainu's head was pressed into the ground."

After Shaq pressed Akainu into the ground, he immediately used"teleportation" to appear next to Robin. Just now, Akainu was just pretending to be cool and underestimated the enemy, so he was pressed into the ground by Shaq. If Akainu had taken it seriously from the beginning, even if he could have defeated Akainu, he would not have made Akainu so embarrassed.

""Kachakacha." Shaq took out his camera and took a lot of photos of Akainu as if performing a magic trick.

"ha"The navy soldiers were dumbfounded again

"Pirates,Death Shaq"Akainu's angry roar resounded throughout the area. The temperature around him rose rapidly. Akainu slowly stood up. His entire upper body had turned into red magma."The lava made a squeak as it fell on the ground. Holes appeared on the ground where the lava had burned. The temperature was extremely terrifying.

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