"don't wantI am a noble Celestial Dragon. You can't kill me." Bex yelled when he heard Shaq wanted to kill him. The ground beneath him was slowly covered with a smelly liquid. Bex was frightened and lost control of his bladder.

Enel's face suddenly turned dark. He pinched his nose and said,"The teacher is right. You really polluted the air. Die." The next moment,"Puff." Enel's big hand fiercely grabbed the bubble. Even Bex-Saint's head exploded like a watermelon. Red and white splashed all over the ground


"The Dragons are dead"

"Run! The admiral is coming!"All of them were frightened and fled. The death of a Celestial Dragon was a huge event. The navy would definitely be dispatched. The pirates were afraid that they would be implicated. They ran faster than rabbits.

"Damn it. You dare to kill a Celestial Dragon. Damn you, you lowlife. Kill him for me."Although Woods-Saint didn't like Becks, he would never allow a great world noble to be killed by a lowlife. So he was furious. He waved his hand and asked his guards to rush towards Enelu.

"Hello. Navy headquarters? How do you do things? The great world nobles, the Celestial Dragons, were killed by the untouchables in Shampoo. You are ordered to send an admiral immediately to kill these untouchables."A Celestial Dragon ordered the Navy to send out an admiral directly through the Den Den Mushi.

At this moment, there were only a few Celestial Dragons and their guards in the auction hall. There were also Sack and others and the host. Shak watched as dozens of big men rushed towards Enel but had no intention of helping. He stood up slowly."Shave" The next moment, Shak, holding Robin, appeared on the auction table.

"HuhWhat happened?" Robin looked up in confusion. He found the scene in chaos. He had not yet recovered from being bullied by Shaq. He was stunned for a moment.

"You... What do you want to do?" The host fell to the ground in shock when he saw Shaq suddenly appear."This is Don Quixote's family property. Don't mess around."

Shaq reached out and picked up the unsheathed Thunder Blade. He said calmly,"Since no one is bidding, this Thunder Blade belongs to me." Shaq played with the Thunder Blade, ignoring the host who fell to the ground in fear.

"ROOM"The next moment, an invisible aura enveloped the entire auction hall. Law appeared on the auction table. He lifted the host up with one hand and said,"Tell me, where is Doflamingo?"

"cough cough"Little ghost, let me go quickly. Otherwise, the young master will kill you. This is the young master's property. Don't you want to live?" The host threatened loudly.

""Pang" Luo punched the host in the stomach. The host vomited blood."I'll ask again. Where is Doflamingo now?"

"Bastard. Trafalgar Law. You are dead. The horror of the young master is beyond your comprehension. You are dead."

Shaq looked at Enel who was playing tricks on the Celestial Dragon guards and Law who was questioning the host. He smiled and turned to go backstage with Robin. The auction staff saw Shaq coming in and hurried forward to stop him, saying,"This is the backstage. Please leave."

These employees were also members of the Don Quixote family. So they ignored the noise outside. And they were not afraid of Shaq and the others at all."Kill these bastards."

Robin immediately crossed her arms and said,"Flower-Flower Fruit. Multiple Claws." At once, four arms grew out from behind each staff member. Grab their heads.

"DamnWhat's this?"

"Devil Fruit Abilities"


Robin moved his hands and"crackling, crackling""The next moment, all the staff members' heads twisted and they all fell to the ground.

"ah"Several slaves being auctioned in the backstage screamed in panic. The naked girl fainted from fright. Rayleigh was the only one who remained calm as he took off the bomb necklace from his neck and threw it away."Boom!" The necklace exploded immediately after it was thrown out. Apparently, this was not the first time Rayleigh was auctioned.

In the original book, Rayleigh would sell himself after losing a bet. Because he was a master of coating. Most of the people who would bid for him were pirates. So Rayleigh would rob these pirates in turn. He would use the money from the robbery to pay off his debts or continue gambling.

"Kid. It seems that your men just killed a celestial dragon. How daring! You don't plan to run away, do you? The admiral of the navy will be here soon."Rayleigh said as he shamelessly took the luxurious armor made of pure gold and took it for himself.

Robin rolled his eyes at Rayleigh and walked to the girl, took off his cloak and wrapped the girl's body."Mr. Rayleigh. Can you please remove the collar from the neck of this girl in your class?"

Rayleigh did not refuse and took off the dangerous collar and threw it away."Boom" and then went to help several other slaves remove their collars.

Shaq turned and walked towards the hall."Let's go. The admiral will be here soon. Go and clean up those garbage."Robin nodded, hugged the girl and followed Shaq.

In the hall, dozens of guards surrounded Enelu. But they didn't hurt Enelu at all. Instead, he was beaten by Enelu's lightning. A group of people attacked Enelu angrily. Enelu dodged their attacks with a smile. From time to time, a lightning struck them. A typical cat and mouse game.

There were two Celestial Dragons in the auction house. They were the two who laughed at Becks just now. Shaq saw that Enelu was still playing and said coldly,"Enelu, if you don't solve the battle within ten seconds, I will arrange double hell training for you."

"ah"When Enelu heard about the hellish training, and it was doubled, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. That could kill someone."Teacher, don't worry, it will be solved in three seconds. Chidori style gun pointing." The next moment, Enelu turned into a lightning man covered in lightning.

"Puff puff"As a series of phantoms flashed by, all the guards seemed to have been acupunctured. They stood there and maintained their posture.

After Enel's figure stood still, he said lightly,"Phantom Thunder." The next moment, blood spurted from the foreheads of these people and they fell down. Everyone was killed instantly by a single finger. This move uses lightning to create countless phantoms. And each phantom has a certain attack power. It mainly depends on how much lightning energy the phantom consumes to condense. If there are more, the strength is stronger.

"youWhat are you doing? I am a world noble."Woodts-Saint's fat body could not help but take a few steps back.

"The world's nobles? They are just a bunch of living garbage. Don't worry. I will act quickly. It won't hurt."Shaq showed a devilish smile. The knife flashed.

The two celestial dragons' eyes widened."Bang bang." Two heads fell to the ground with fear and disbelief. Shaq waved his hand. He put the two heads into the corner of the storage space. He planned to give them to Hancock as a gift.

"Listen up, pirates inside. You are surrounded. Release the world nobles immediately. Surrender."At this time, the auction house was surrounded by densely packed navy. If they were not concerned about the existence of the Celestial Dragons inside, they would have rushed in.

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