When Shaq and Shanks were competing with each other, they also affected the nearby celestial phenomena. People in the entire Sabaody Archipelago looked at the sky in horror. The distorted celestial phenomena formed a rotating cloud vortex over the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Who is it? He can actually cause the celestial phenomena to change. Check it for me."As a vice admiral of the navy stationed in Shampoodi, Xi Zhi-Dexa was shocked. You know, this place is close to the navy headquarters. And there are often celestial dragons. If a major incident happens, it will be troublesome.

"Let me tell you guys. If this continues, the navy will come."Ben Beckman said helplessly.

"Um"Although the four people were not afraid of the navy, they did not want to cause unnecessary trouble now. The four of them retracted their aura at the same time. The abnormality in the sky slowly recovered.

The people who were suppressed by several auras felt relieved. Shanks nodded to Shaq and said,"Shaq, the God of Death. It was really a big fuss. Killed a Shichibukai and made Kizaru run away. HahahahaVery impressive." Shanks gave a thumbs up.

"Nice sword. Challenge me, boy."Mihawk suddenly felt full of fighting spirit.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's not a good idea to fight here. If you destroy the surrounding environment, be careful that Xia Qi will make things difficult for you. Mihawk BOY." Rayleigh said with a smile

"Don't worry. I'll choose another area."Mihawk glanced at Rayleigh calmly.

"Hahaha. I just want to see the swordsmanship of the world's greatest swordsman."Shaq felt his sword was getting excited. Even though it was just an ordinary sword, it had acquired a bit of spirituality as Shaq kept by my side all these years.

"Come with me. I know a good place. Rayleigh said as he led everyone to Area 6. There was an arena here. The nobles and pirates would often gather here to watch duels, place bets, etc. This could be a duel between beasts, anyone, or even a duel between humans and beasts.

"Take this. Wait for me here. I'll arrange it for you." Rayleigh handed the two masks to Shaq and Mihawk, and then went to find the person in charge of the Colosseum.

"Hey, Liusha. I brought you two goodies." Rayleigh rubbed his hands at the boss of the Colosseum with a charming smile."You think I should be paid." The two-meter-tall man had a ferocious face. He was the boss of the Colosseum."It's you, old man. You haven't paid me back yet and you still want a reward. Do you want to die?"

"These two are definitely masters. A wonderful duel will definitely make your business hot. Boss Liusha, no, look at the goods. Rayleigh sold Shaq and Mihawk without hesitation.

"I'll see how strong they are first. Let them fight in the next match. If it's exciting, I'll consider it."Liusha saw Shak and Mihawk from the surveillance Den Den Mushi. Although they were wearing masks, their temperament as masters was clear at a glance.

"The next match will be a wonderful duel between the two new players in our Colosseum. Big Red A and Little Black B."The host's excited voice echoed throughout the Colosseum. Mihawk and Shaq, who had just walked to the center of the Colosseum, almost fell down.

"Rayleigh, I will chop you to death later."Shaq's face was full of murderous intent. The black hair fluttered in the wind. He didn't expect Rayleigh to give him such a stupid title as Little B.

Mihawk on the side was also not calm. The title of Big A definitely made Mihawk feel ashamed. The murderous intent spread immediately. The temperature of the whole scene dropped by several degrees.

"Wow. Is this going to be a fierce duel from the beginning? The killing intent of Mr. A and Mr. B is overflowing. Let us look forward to this exciting duel."The host was not afraid at all, but introduced them excitedly.

""Draw your sword and cut." The next moment, a blade of energy came out from Shaq's side. In an instant, it cut the host between the two of them in half. Shaq seemed to have not moved at all. Except for a few people, no one noticed that Shaq had drawn his sword.

"ohKill him. Go ahead."

"Kill them quickly"After the host was killed, the atmosphere at the scene became even more fanatical. All the violent emotions in these people were released. They were looking forward to a brutal fight.

Shanks, who was sitting on the audience stand, felt the murderous aura around him and said to Rayleigh beside him,"Teacher Rayleigh, it seems that you are in trouble. You actually gave them such a"domineering" nickname. I believe that the person Mihawk and Shaq want to kill the most now is you."

Rayleigh's hand, which was counting money, froze. He laughed awkwardly,"Ahahaha. What a cute name, isn't it?" Everyone looked at Rayleigh as if they had seen a monster. I didn't expect that the legendary Hades Rayleigh would be so unreliable.

Shaq and Mihawk in the field retracted their gazes at Rayleigh. Both of them focused their attention on each other."Mihawk" pulled out the black knife. He was not careless about Shaq at all.

"As a junior, I won't be polite, Mihawk."Draw the sword and slash" The next moment, dozens of sword qi appeared beside Shaq and slashed fiercely at Mihawk on the opposite side.

Mihawk just shook slightly twice, and all the sword qi seemed to automatically avoid Mihawk and all fell."Boom boom boom" But the ground behind Mihawk was blasted with potholes by the sword qi

""So powerful." Shaq held a knife in his hand. He was surprised that Mihawk easily avoided his knife.

""I'm on it." Mihawk didn't waste any words. He rushed towards Shaq and slashed at him.

""Just right. Armament Haki." Shak knew that his weapon was just an ordinary long sword. It was definitely not as good as the supreme sword of Ye. So he covered himself with Armament Haki from the beginning.

"Boom."The two of them collided head-on. The entire ground sank several dozen centimeters."Ding ding dang dang"The fight between Shaq and Mihawk was dazzling from the beginning. The speed was very fast. Every time a slash collided, an invisible energy was released. The surrounding ground was in trouble. It was already destroyed.

Fortunately, the Colosseum was large enough. The duel area in the middle had a radius of hundreds of meters. So it did not affect the audience. At this time, all the audience were shocked by the wonderful duel between the two. The owner of the Colosseum was so excited that he shouted that he must make the two his subordinates.

""Nice slash, kid. When I was your age, I was not as good as you are now." Hawkeye praised without hesitation.

""Compared to Senior Mihawk, my kendo is still far behind. But the warm-up should be over, Senior." Shaq looked at Mihawk seriously.

The two stood in the middle of the fighting arena, which had become a ruin, and faced each other. The surrounding area of 50 meters had sunk deeply into the ground."Come on, kid. Let me see your determination." Mihawk burst out with a powerful aura.

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