"Damn it. You pervert, wait for me, Tina. One day I will ask you to sing Conquerah"Tina cursed Shaq in her heart. But soon she was struck by lightning and screamed.

""Hold on. Hold on." Alice was also bombarded by lightning. But Alice tried hard not to scream. Her face was firm. This was the twenty-third day since the two girls joined the Death Pirates. Since they were declared traitors by the navy, the two girls joined the Death Pirates unwillingly.

Next, in order to develop the strength of Tina and Alice, Shaq arranged hellish training for the two. Like all the crew members at the beginning, they trained with lightning. There was also the best six-style training to practice space evolution.

At the beginning, Tina was disdainful. She said that the Navy's six styles were the best methods controlled by the navy. As a result, within a few days, Tina found that according to the practice method given by Shaq, her six styles had obvious improvement. In addition to lightning training, after twenty days, Alice and Tina's strength increased by at least 30%.

Shaq drank juice and basked in the sun. He casually sent out a few lightning bolts that hit Tina and Alice."Ah"Tina's screams were heard immediately.

Nami and Robin, who were also lying on beach chairs and enjoying the sunshine, looked at the scene of Tina being struck by lightning. They couldn't help but think of the time on Sky Island. They were also struck to death by lightning. The two women couldn't help but show sympathy.

Law was still training hard. After the Alabasta incident, he defeated Crocodile. But that was because most of Crocodile's Sand-Sand Fruit's abilities were restrained by the Operation Fruit. And Crocodile didn't know Haki. But his enemy Doflamingo was proficient in Haki. And he was a strong man who awakened the fruit. His strength was definitely at the admiral level. Law felt his own shortcomings. So he trained harder.

"Captain, we are almost at the Sabaody Archipelago. A crew member came over and reported.

"Oh. Are we finally there? Hahaha." Shaq stood up excitedly. He shouted,"Descend immediately. Land on the sea outside Shampoo Land. This is a transit station to enter the new world. So everyone must purchase enough food supplies."

Robin sat up immediately. His face was full of worry. He looked at Shaq and murmured,"Have you decided?"

Shaq nodded."This is my obsession. I will give it a try no matter what. Even if she doesn't like me. Robin, you will support me, right?"

Robin rolled his eyes at Shaq."How can a wife support her husband in finding a woman? Are you an idiot?"

"Hahaha. I am the God of Death Shaq. Of course the most beautiful woman in this world belongs to me. For the dear Empress. You Celestial Dragons, give me your heads."Shaq did not come to Shampoo to enter the new world. It can be said that if he wanted to enter the new world, Shaq did not need to stay in Shampoo at all.

But for the goddess of his dreams. The world's most beautiful Pirate Empress. Boa Hancock. Shaq decided to come here. He wanted to prepare a big gift for Hancock before going to the Kingdom of Women.

"Boom."The Death steadily landed in the sea not far from Sabaody. Then it headed for the Sabaody Archipelago. The crew on the ship were also very excited. After all, they hadn't landed for almost a month. They were naturally full of expectations about entering the island.

The Sabaody Archipelago is divided into regions. Areas 1 to 29 are called lawless areas. Many pirates, human traffickers and other lawless elements gather here. Aunt Xia from Area 13 is ripping people off today. This was originally the favorite place of pirates. But today there are not many people. Because there are three people sitting in the bar who make the whole world tremble.

"Captain, that little guy is here. And he landed near District 13. Do you want to go take a look?" Ben Beckman said to Shanks with a smile.

"Ah. Finally here. We have been waiting for almost a month. How about we go and see this interesting little guy? Mihawk." Shanks said to the man sitting on the side.

The man wearing a cloak and carrying a big sword is the world's number one swordsman. Hawkeye, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Joracol Mihawk. Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Mihawk asked curiously,"Which little guy made you come all the way from the New World to wait for him. Shanks"

"Hahaha. I guessed it. How about we go and have a look together? I also want to see how magnanimous this guy is." The white-haired old man said with a smile.

The seashore outside the 13th area of Shampoodi. The Death Ship is parked here. Shaq chose to land here because there is no one nearby. When Shaq and others got off the Death Ship, Shaq suddenly turned his head and looked solemnly in one direction.

Suddenly, an indescribable powerful aura covered him. Luo and others immediately looked solemn. All looked in that direction. Robin murmured,"Conqueror's domineering aura. And it seems to be stronger than Shaq's domineering aura."

"Humph." Shaq snorted coldly, and his domineering aura burst out. He pressed forward in that direction."Tap, tap, tap"The footsteps were getting closer.

Finally, they saw the people coming. A group of pirates. The two leaders shocked the members of the Death Pirates. But Shaq knew there were more than two. The third one was a legendary figure.

"Four emperors. Red-haired Shanks."Robin looked at Shanks in a deep voice.

Luo looked at the man with a cloak and a sword and said solemnly,"Seven Warlords of the Sea. The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk."

Shaq looked at the white-haired old man and said lightly,"Pluto, Silvers Rayleigh"

"How is it possible? Pluto. The vice-captain of Pirate King Gol D. Roger. How could he be here?"Tina looked unbelievable. How could such a legendary figure be a kind-looking old man?

"Death God Shaq. What a great newcomer." The red-haired man said with a smile.

"The Four Emperors are indeed worthy of their reputation. But don't underestimate me. Haha." Shak suddenly exerted his strength, and the domineering color burst out with all his strength. The clouds in the sky were dispersed by this momentum.

"Such a strong domineering color. Has it reached this level?"Ben Beck looked at Shaq in surprise. This level of domineering color is not much worse than Red Hair.

"What a lovely young man."Pluto Rayleigh smiled and suddenly burst out with Domineering Haki. However, it was not aimed at Shak alone, but at both Red Hair and Shak at the same time. For a moment, three Domineering Hakis competed with each other. The ordinary crew members of the Death Pirates were already sweating profusely. Some were almost unable to hold on.

Among the three auras, Shak's Domineering Haki was obviously a little worse.

Shak frowned slightly.

The next moment, a sharp aura rushed out of his body.

This was the aura of a swordsman.

An indomitable aura.

The addition of this aura immediately reversed Shak's disadvantage.

Feeling Shak's swordsman aura, the three people on the opposite side were surprised.

They could actually combine the swordsman aura and the Domineering Haki.

Even Shanks and Rayleigh could not do this.

Mihawk on the side had a gleam of light in his eyes.


The next moment, another aura joined the three people's competition.

This was an extremely sharp aura.

The fearless and sharp swordsmanship was several times stronger than Shak's swordsman aura.

The four people confronted each other.

The air in the air was distorted.

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