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036s Scan: 0.

026sThe people from the navy and Whitebeard were all surprised.

They saw that Shaq was about to start a killing spree.

Unexpectedly, Robin's simple words made Shaq's killing intent disappear.

And compared with before, he was completely different.

One was a cold-blooded god of death, and the other was Wen's neighbor's brother.

Sengoku and the others looked at Robin nervously.

"What on earth is this woman going to do?" Now the navy is ready to fight to the death.

At this time, the god of death on the opposite side suddenly changed his face.

This made them unable to adapt for a while.

After a simple treatment of the injury and bandaging, Whitebeard came over with Marco and the others."Little Death God. Are you really going to destroy the navy?"

Shaq ignored Whitebeard. Just looked at Robin. Robin took two steps forward. He looked at Aokiji and then at Sengoku and Garp,"Are you willing to surrender?"

"How is that possible? We are the navy. How can we surrender to pirates?"Zhan Guo shouted without even thinking.

"Hmm." Shaq immediately exuded a murderous intent.

"Do you want them all to be buried with you?" Robin pointed at the navy men behind Sengoku."Do you want them to be buried with you for this corrupt world government?"

"We swear to follow the marshal until death." The remaining navy shouted loudly.

"youWoohoo"Zhan Guo burst into tears. He didn't know what to say for a moment. Just now he acquiesced to Akainu's attack on the navy soldiers. But now these people are willing to die for him. This makes Zhan Guo feel guilty.

"So what's your choice? Sengoku." Robin said coldly.

Sengoku was still hesitating.

Hancock on the side was angry,"The biggest villain in this world is the Tenchi people.

And your navy and the world government are all serving the Tenchi people.

Is this your justice? It's ridiculous.

I think you are just a group of accomplices in the robe of justice.

" Sengoku was speechless.

Speaking of the Tenchi people, they are simply a bunch of garbage.

What they did was even enough for him, the marshal, to want to destroy them.

However, the World Government was founded by their ancestors.

And the Navy was founded by the World Government.

So the Navy has always served the Tenchi people.

Garp looked at Sengoku and said,"Sengoku. To be honest, I also hate that group of fat pigs. But I trust friends more. You can do it."

"Garp."Zhan Guo has a deep affection for this brother-like friend and comrade. Under the circumstances today, if they do not agree to surrender, I am afraid that all these navymen will be killed. He and Garp may not be spared. But if the pirates surrender, the navy will be ruined. What qualifications do they have to catch pirates?

Robin said lightly,"In a month, we will establish the Huaxia Empire. I sincerely invite you two to be the naval marshals of our empire."

"What?"Sengoku Garp. And the beard, they were all shocked. The God of Death Shaq. Only one step away from becoming the Pirate King, his goal is not to become the Pirate King. A world? Sengoku and Garp were the first to think that Shaq was crazy. Even if you defeat the navy, the hugeness of the World Government is not something the pirates can contend with.

Aokiji looked at Robin, and didn't expect that the little girl has grown up now. She was even spared twice by Shaq because of the favor he had spared Robin."Sa1ong. You can rest assured. Robin has grown up."

"Are you still going to help the Tian1ong people do evil? Those fat pigs simply don't treat us as human beings.

Hundreds of thousands of slaves in Mary Joa live a miserable life every day.

As long as they are in a bad mood, they will kill civilians at will.

If they like a woman, they don't care whether the other party's family agrees or not.

If you continue to work for the World Government, you will be an accomplice of the Tian1ong people.

Have you ever thought that one day the Tian1ong people will like your wife, daughter and sister.

What should you do? Will the World Government give you justice? No.

They will only force you to send your wife, daughter and sister.

How many people hate you behind your back when you help the Tian1ong people? How many people want to tear you apart.

When I was on Jiejie Lixi Island, I saw those civilians angrily tearing the dead navy into pieces and feeding them to dogs.

Is this the end you want?"Shaq shouted angrily.

Robin continued,"The purpose of our wanting to establish the Huaxia Empire is to prove that we are human beings. Not toys of the Tian1ong people. The world is not the back garden of the Tian1ong people."

"The Chinese Empire?"Zhan Guo smiled helplessly and said,"Do I have any choice now?"

"Welcome to join the Huaxia Empire. Our first marshal."Robin smiled and stretched out his hand.

Sengoku stretched out his hand and shook it with Robin. Then he stood there a little decadently. Whitebeard on the side came over at this time,"Death kid. What do you think of pirates?"

Whitebeard's subordinates and the navy.

As well as Sabo, they all looked at Shaq.

They wanted to see what Shaq thought of pirates.

Shaq said lightly,"Real pirates yearn for freedom.



Of course, most pirates just like to destroy.

These people don't deserve to be called pirates.

In the future, only pirates who truly yearn for freedom can roam freely in the New World.

As for the evil pirates.

I will not allow them to mess around.

I don't like human traffickers, so there is no slavery in my country.

Whether it is humans, fishmen, dwarfs, or giants.

They are all treated equally and no discrimination is allowed.

Of course, this is just my dream.

There are still many difficulties in its implementation.

But I believe that this dream will come true one day.


""Little Death Devil." Whitebeard looked at Shaq in surprise.

""The head of the Death God." As a fishman, Jinbei has always been working hard to be treated fairly. So he was touched for a moment.

"Woo woo wooMasked man, you said it very well." Luffy cried again

"grim Reapercaptain"Everyone present was shocked by Shaq. No one expected Shaq's dream to be so ambitious.

Shaq smiled evilly in his heart,"How do you think my trickery works? Are you impressed by my domineering spirit?" But his face was full of yearning. He didn't blush or feel nervous. In the end, this guy just wanted to be an emperor.

"I won't force you. If you want to go to the new world with me, follow me. If you don't want to, I won't force you. Believe in the god of death.Mr. Shaq won't mind, will he?"Zhan Guo looked at Shaq and said,

Shaq naturally didn't care. Those were just trash. As long as Zhan Guo, Garp and Aokiji followed him back, everything would be OK. Shaq nodded and said,"Of course, everything is up to the Marshal. They are your soldiers. By the way, Luo, heal the wounds of Marshal Garp and Marshal Zhan Guo."

"OKROOM"Luo opened the operating space. The next one to slice Garp and Sengoku. Neither of them resisted. After all, Shaq didn't need anyone else to kill them.

"KuhahahaI was also sliced in the beginning. Sengoku Garp. How does it feel? Is it very novel?"Whitebeard made a little joke

"Oh. Is this what it feels like to be sliced? It doesn't hurt at all."Garp's head was still talking. Luffy screamed in fear.

"What a magical fruit ability.

Is it the Operation Fruit?"Zhan Guo had heard of the ability of this fruit.

He was ordered to fight for it.

But in the end, it was eaten by Law.

In less than ten minutes, Law reconnected the two people and bandaged them.

At this time, a strong momentum came from a distance.

Shak and others couldn't help but look at the distance.

At the seaside of Malinford, Red-haired Shanks and his crew strode towards the battlefield.

The strong momentum was emitted by Shanks.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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