"hatefulevilSeveral crew members under Blackbeard were shocked by the murderous intent in Shaq's eyes. They were terrified, as if they had personally experienced countless massacres.

""Death." Shaq started to move as he spoke."Bang Bang" Lafitte and Poison Q stared with their eyes wide open. A hand on the chest went straight through their bodies. Shaq held two still beating hearts in his hands.

"Damn it. I finally found these men. Anxue said."Blackbeard roared angrily, and a small black hole appeared, with a strong attraction.

But Shaq didn't move at all. Blackbeard's strength was far inferior to Shaq's. Shaq put the two bodies into the devouring space and punched Blackbeard."Bang" He didn't use any abilities. Only the strength of his body formed a huge shock wave.

"Bang! Blackbeard was instantly blown away for hundreds of meters. He plowed a deep trench in the ground."It hurts!""Blackbeard rolled on the ground in pain. He had just used Dark Attraction to absorb half of the damage. But the remaining force hit Blackbeard and broke several of his bones.

Shaq didn't bother to pay attention to Blackbeard and continued to rush towards Rain Shiryu. He raised his hand to grab Rain Shiryu's head. Rain Shiryu roared in horror,"Damn it. Get out of my way." Rain Shiryu quickly pulled out his long sword and swung it down.

"When"Rain Shiryu's powerful sword slashed on Shak's palm, it couldn't even break through the defense of Shak's armed armor.""Bang!" Another head shattered.

"Not enough. Not enough, still not enough."Shaq was a little angry. This breakthrough was too difficult. Shaq tried his best."Bang bang bang"The crew members under Blackbeard were killed in an instant without even a chance to fight back. They were all devoured by Shaq.

At this time,"Boom" finally. Shaq's momentum suddenly increased several times."Crack""The entire ground began to crack. The scope was getting larger and larger.

""Hurry. Get away from here." Whitebeard shouted. Marco and the others immediately supported Whitebeard and ran away. Ace Sabo and the others turned around and ran away in horror.

"Rumble"The ground began to collapse. It was like a big earthquake, chasing the surrounding pirates at a rapid speed. A pirate who ran slowly was instantly crushed into a pulp by Shaq's momentum. The surrounding pirates saw it and wished they had two more legs. They ran for their lives.

"Hahaha"Shaq laughed wildly. The weaker navy pirates covered their ears with their hands. Sengoku Garp and others were even more desperate. Shaq's breakthrough meant that the navy was completely finished.

""Zhan Guo. Today is the day when the navy will be completely destroyed." Shak shouted loudly,"Teleport." The next moment, Shak appeared in front of Zhan Guo."Six styles of secrets. Eighteen levels of hidden power." Shak punched Zhan Guo.

"Damn it. Don't underestimate me." The huge golden Buddha behind Zhan Guo clasped his hands together and slammed down at Shaq's fist."Boom."

A wave of energy spread out."Puff" the golden Buddha behind Zhan Guo shattered. The whole person was like being hit by a train. He flew backwards and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Sengoku." Seeing this, Garp hurriedly abandoned his opponent Hancock. He quickly rushed behind Sengoku and raised his hand to catch Sengoku. However, the strength in Sengoku made the two of them continue to retreat."Zizizizi"There was a deep trench on the ground that stretched for thousands of meters. The two of them stopped.

"How can it be?"

"Oh my god. The Warring States Marshal was defeated in one move."

"This can't be true, I must be dreaming." The navy looked at the two men in horror.

""Puff." Zhan Guo spat out blood again."Ahem."Garp, run. Even if we two come together, we may not be your opponent. Run." Zhan Guo felt the horror of Shaq. That move directly shattered his full-strength move and left a dark force in his body. It was the dark force that caused Zhan Guo to vomit blood again. And he could feel that Shaq did not use his full strength.

"No. I will never abandon you. Sengoku." Garp refused without hesitation.

"Sengoku, Garp. It's over. One-sword style. Earth-shattering slash. Shaq drew out the lightning sword and raised it, then swung it down."Shua" a sword with a blade of several hundred meters in size killed Sengoku and Garp.

"Sizzle"The friction between the blade and the ground was like the sound of hell. It was terrifying. Where the blade passed, a large amount of seawater was directly sprayed out. This showed that Shak's blade had directly penetrated the island.

""You can't take it. Run." Sengoku exclaimed. He was afraid that Garp would take it, so he shouted.

Garp helped Sengoku dodge. The Navy's Six Styles of Shave, Garp and Sengoku appeared hundreds of meters away the next moment.

""Boom boom" the ground began to shake. Shaq's sword energy extended to the other side of Malinfando. It looked like Malinfando was cut in half by Shaq. Everyone was stunned. How could Malinfando be cut in half by one sword?

Even Hawkeye opened his eyes wide. His swordsmanship was about to break through to another level. But he could never swing such a powerful sword. Hawkeye looked at Shaq with a look of fighting spirit.

"It's useless. You are destined to die today."Zhan Guo, Garp" Shaq looked at the two coldly. He appeared in front of them with a teleportation."One sword flow. Draw the sword and slash"

Dozens of sword lights flashed. Garp swung his fists quickly."Ding Ding Ding"Puff, puff, puff."

The thunder blade collided with Garp's armor. When Shaq put away his blade, Garp immediately spurted out a lot of blood. There were more than a dozen wounds on his body. Each one was deep enough to see the bone. But Garp still refused to retreat. He guarded the Warring States behind him tightly.

"Buddha Palm."Zhan Guo gathered the Buddha again and slapped Shaq hard.

"Humph."Broken Sky" Shak casually swung his sword. The next moment, a half-moon-shaped sword energy swung upwards."Puff" the golden Buddha's palm was instantly broken. The remaining power of the sword energy continued to slash towards the sky. It did not disappear until it cut the clouds in the air in half.

"grandfather"At this time, three voices sounded. Luffy, Ace and Sabo quickly rushed to Garp and looked at Shaq warily.

"Death is in charge. Can you please let Grandpa go?" Sabo begged Shaq while being vigilant.

"Masked man. Why do you want to hurt grandpa?"Luffy looked at Shak angrily.

"Death God Shaq. No matter how powerful you are, if you want to hurt Grandpa, kill me first." Ace glared at Shaq, his hands had turned into flames.

"Luffy. Ace. Who are you?"Garp was moved to tears as he looked at the three of them.

"grandfatherI am Sabo." Sabo put down his cloak, hugged Garp and burst into tears. Sengoku on the side smiled bitterly. It was clear that Ace was going to be executed today. Unexpectedly, Ace wanted to save Garp instead. What a irony!

"Marshal."Aokiji stood beside Sengoku, staring at Shaq, and behind him were some of the remaining elites of the navy. At this time, they all shared the same hatred for the enemy.

""Hehe." Shaq smiled softly. He was about to attack with the knife in his right hand.

Suddenly, a delicate hand pressed on Shaq's shoulder."Wait." Robin walked to Shaq, and the murderous intent in Shaq disappeared immediately. It was as if it was melted. He smiled softly and said,"Honey, what's wrong?"

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