An hour has passed. The battle between Shak and Dorgo is still going on. Of course, this does not mean that Shak can tie with Dorgo. Just look at the scene. Shak is now panting and sweating. But Dorgo is breathing steadily. There is no sign of fatigue.

The two separated again. Shak took a deep breath. He thought to himself,"I just missed the Moon Step. Next, I have to use all my strength to force him to use the Moon Step. I have to use that trick."

"Major General Dorgo. I can't control the next move myself. You have to be careful."Shaq said solemnly.

Dorgo on the other side was also curious about what Shaq's trick was. He laughed and said,"Hahaha. Come on, Shaq. Let me see your trick."

"The secret of the sword style. Nine Dragons Ascending to Heaven. Shak's aura became extremely fierce. With one swing of the sword, four giant dragons formed by sword qi were formed."Ah" It was like the roar of a real dragon. The ferocious giant dragons of sword qi rushed towards Dorgo.

Seeing these four giant dragons of sword qi, Dorgo was not calm. The sharpness of the sword qi could really break his defense. It was not worth getting injured for a competition. It was not a life-and-death battle. Dorgo decided to dodge in an instant. But there was a giant dragon on each side. So."Moon Step" Dorgo jumped into the air without hesitation. Using the moon step to keep his body still

"Get out of the way"

"It's coming towards us. Run!"The navy soldiers on the edge of the playground facing Shaq immediately fled from the attack range of the sword dragon.

"There was a loud bang. The navy looked towards the wall. They saw that a huge gap had been blasted into the several-meter-thick concrete wall. The strange thing was that no rocks were scattered. This meant that Shaq had blasted the entire gap into powder.

"Gulu"The navy soldiers couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They secretly admired Shak's special move.

Dolgo slowly fell from the air. He breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear. He was too proud to take this move safely. At least he would be injured before he could take it. He looked at Shak who was supporting his body with a long sword and said,"Okay. Hahaha. Shak, are you interested in joining the navy? With your potential, you may become an admiral in the future."

""Huff, huff." Shak took a deep breath and tried to recover his strength. Hearing the bait thrown by Dorgo, he was secretly on guard. After thinking for a while, Shak said,"Thank you, Major General Dorgo. But my current strength is still too weak. I will lose the ability to resist after one trick. I plan to train for a few years before considering the future path."

Dorgo was also struggling at this moment. Should he keep Shak? Shak is only fifteen or sixteen years old and has such strength. He will definitely be stronger in a few years. What if he becomes a pirate? If you say to keep Shak, he doesn't want to join the navy. Catch him? He is not a pirate. It's not against the law.

Fortunately, Dorgo is generous. He is a real soldier. After struggling for a while, his brows loosened and laughed,"Hahaha. Shak boy. If you want to be a navy in the future, remember to come to me"

""Huh!" Shaq was relieved. He smiled and said,"Thank you, Major General Shaq."

Shaq was relieved when he returned to the ship with the bounty. As soon as he returned to the ship, Shaq saw Robin and Luo. The two and the bear had already purchased the supplies. When they saw Shaq coming back, they greeted him.

"Robinson"Shaq suddenly hugged his clothes and said in a scared manner,"I almost died just now. I was scared to death."

Robin wanted to get angry when Shaq hugged him. When he heard that Shaq almost died, he immediately worriedly said,"Are you okay, Shaq?" Then he was about to check if Shaq was injured.

As a result, Robin's face changed the next second. With a face full of anger, he kicked Shaq away,"You bastard pervert. Go to hell." Luo and Bepo looked at Shaq helplessly. Shaq was touching Robin again.

But the two didn't understand why Shaq couldn't let go of the ugly Robin. Shaq chuckled and shouted,"Guys, let's set sail. The destination is the Seven Waters City.""

""Yes." Bebo was the only one on the ship who answered honestly. Robin glared at Shaq and went back to the cabin in shame and anger. Luo was still lying lazily on the chair.

In the vast ocean. Shaq and his ship were sailing towards the Seven Waters. On the deck, Luo, Robin and Bebo were watching Shaq carefully. At this moment, Shaq was practicing the shaving steps. At the same time, he was also teaching Robin and the other two

"This is the razor in the Navy's Six Styles. It has a high-speed moving footwork. First of all, your physical strength must meet the requirements. Luo and Bepo have already met the requirements. You can practice. Alice, from now on, your task is to train your body."

"Got it. You're so long-winded." Robin glared at Shaq, but he remembered Shaq's words in his heart.

"Death God. Where did you learn the Navy Six Styles? Did you steal it?" Luo looked at Shaq in confusion.

Shaq immediately laughed and said,"Hahaha. Do I need to steal it? I can learn it just by watching it once. I'm a genius." Shaq's face has been trained to the effect of an iron block in the Navy Six Styles. He doesn't blush at all.

""Tsk." Robin looked down on it.

"The principle of shaving is very simple."Then Shaq began to teach them seriously.

Half a month passed in a flash. On the deck, Luo and Bepo were moving quickly with the shaving technique. The two of them were already proficient in using the shaving technique. Shaq on the side was blindfolded. Robin took a huge stone and threw it hard at Shaq. One of them was training his physique. The other was training his observation Haki.

It is worth mentioning that the strength of the four people is growing rapidly. Shaq can already skillfully use the three six styles of the shaving moon step and the storm kick. Robin also began to practice shaving. His physique has improved significantly.

"Report to the captain. We have found an island ahead. It is undoubtedly our destination, the Seven Waters City. Please give us your instructions."Bepo said respectfully to Shak.

"Are we finally here? Everyone, take a break. We'll go look at ships later. If there's a suitable one, just buy it. If there's nothing suitable, we'll make one custom-made." Shaq took off the black cloth covering his eyes.

Luo and Robin also stopped practicing and looked at the opposite side with Shaq. They saw an island surrounded by various ships. Some of them were pirate ships. I guess they came to buy ships. After all, the shipbuilding technology of the Seven Water City is famous. Even the ship of the Pirate King Roger was built here.

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