Empty all the treasures on Bellamy's pirate ship. Wrap the two people's heads. Shaq took Law and Bepo to his ship, and set fire to the other two ships. As for the pirates who were chopped off by Law's ability, they could only wail in the sea of fire.

On the deck. Law bowed to Shaq and said,"Master of Death. My name is Trafalgar. Law. Please take care of Miss Alice in the future."

"My name isCalled Bei"Bebo. Please take care of me." White Bear Bebo bowed in a standard manner.

"Oh, a talking bear. Did you eat a devil fruit? Robin asked curiously.

Bepo bowed hard when Robin saw him.Private Marseille. I have never eaten a devil fruit."

"I feel so inferior." Robin and Shaq thought at the same time.

""Okay. Luo, I know about your feud with Doflamingo. Since you are on my ship, you are my subordinate. Your business is my business. When I am stronger than him in the future, I will help you kill him." Shaq promised.

"No. Death is in charge. I will kill him myself.���He."Roar was stroking his beloved long sword with a murderous look on his face. Although he was puzzled as to how Shaq knew about the feud between him and Doflamingo, he was not the kind of person who would get to the bottom of it.

"Ala, are you ready to form a pirate group? Captain."Robin smiled and said

"It's not time yet. Next we have to build a ship. Then we go to a quiet island to train for a while."Shaq's current strength is not enough. So he plans to improve his strength first.

"Pirate group?" Luo smiled indifferently. He had no resistance to becoming a pirate. Instead, he was looking forward to it.

Two days later. Shak walked into a nearby naval base alone. The one who received Shak was a major general named Dorgo. The naval base in the first half of the Great Channel. The strength of a major general is not exaggerated at all. Some major generals may even have the strength of a vice admiral. Dorgo is a major general with the strength of a vice admiral. And he is about to be promoted to the rank of vice admiral in the headquarters of the navy.

When Dorgo saw Shak, his eyes lit up. He said,"Are you the famous bounty hunter Shak, the god of death, who is famous in the West Sea? I didn't expect that I am younger than the photo. I am Major General Dorgo."

Shak smiled and said,"Major General Dorgo, you are too kind. I am just a little famous. By the way, these are the heads of Bellamy and Sachis of the Hyena Pirates. Please verify it." Shak handed the heads of the two to the soldier on the side.

The soldier opened it and took a look. He compared it with the bounty list and said,"Major General. Confirmed."

"Well, go get Bailey."Dolgo said without hesitation. He seemed to be a good person.

Shaq suddenly said,"Major General Dorgo, please allow me to make a small request."

"Oh. Please tell me. As long as I can do it."Dolgo obviously has a good impression of Shaq. He wants to show his goodwill.

"My strength has reached a bottleneck now. I wonder if Major General Dorgo can give me some advice?"Shak had an expectant look on his face. In fact, he wanted to use the practice space to secretly learn the opponent's physical skills during the fight. It would be best if the opponent was domineering. This is what Shak needs most now.

Dorgo was stunned when he heard that Shak wanted to fight him. Then he nodded and said,"I also want to see the strength of the god of death. Then follow me."

The two came to the playground where the navy was training. The navy in the base heard that their major general was going to fight the god of death Shak. They all gathered around. They wanted to see the fight between the two.

Shak and Dorgo stood in the middle of the playground respectively. The two looked at each other and their whole bodies tensed up. They were ready to attack. Shak held the long sword in his right hand and said,"Then I will make a move. Be careful, cut. Fight before you move."

Shak rushed towards Dorgo as fast as lightning. The knife flashed. The two crossed each other in an instant. The expression on Shak's face froze. He thought to himself,"I didn't cut the other party. I avoided my sword in an instant. As expected, you are worthy of being a major general."

On the other side, Dorgo moved."Shave." In a flash, Dorgo appeared in front of Shak. A pitch-black finger attacked Shak at an incredibly fast speed."Armament Haki, gun pointing."

A hint of excitement flashed in Shak's eyes. He finally saw the Navy's six styles and domineering. At this moment, four phantoms of Shak appeared in the mysterious space in Shak's mind. One practiced shaving. One practiced gun pointing. The other two practiced armed Haki and observation Haki respectively.

In reality, the long sword in Shak's hand was waving rapidly."Ding Ding Ding"The collision between the long sword and the fingers actually made a sound of steel colliding. Shaq was secretly envious. As expected of his Armament Haki. His sword could not hurt Dolgo's fingers at all.

"Bang Bang Bang"As the two's movements and strength grew, the sailors at the edge of the playground could only see two phantoms, one black and one white, swaying constantly.

"Good. Now I am going to get serious. Watch out, Shak." Dorgo wanted to see where Shak's bottom line was. So he prepared to get serious.

On the other side, Shak didn't say much. He just used actions to prove that he was serious too."Draw the sword and slash." In an instant, Shak drew and sheathed the sword dozens of times. Dozens of sword qi rushed towards Dorgo.

Dorgo smiled slightly and"Storm Kick" kicked out dozens of vacuum slashes in an instant."Boom boom boom"Just in time to block Shak's sword energy. At the same time, a phantom appeared in Shak's mind again, practicing the Storm Kick.

"It's not over yet. The sword is slashing in all directions."A tornado formed entirely by sword energy attacked Dorgo. This move was developed by Shak based on Zoro's 360 winds of trouble.

Dorgo was surprised. The tornado was already in front of him. It was too late to dodge. Dorgo immediately shouted"Iron block. Armament color. Bone fist"

""Boom!" There was a loud noise. The place where Dorgo stood was blocked by smoke and dust. Shaq temporarily stopped attacking."Tap, tap, tap" Dorgo walked out from the smoke and dust. Dorgo, who took Shaq's attack, was in a mess. His clothes were torn into strips. But he was not injured at all. The upper part of his body was covered with armed color domineering.

""Rip it off." Dolgo tore off his tattered clothes and threw them away. His muscles were more explosive than those of a bodybuilding coach."Good move. Almost got me hurt. Then it's my turn next. Shaq"

""Shave, gun pointing." Dolgo's speed was twice as fast as before. Shaq almost couldn't react in time."Ding Ding Ding"The two men fought fiercely again.

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