If Yege gets all the limelight, doesn't it make the other three major forces seem dispensable?

Therefore, they simply chose to give up part of their interests, obtain the intelligence that Ye knew, and quickly left in different directions to prepare their manpower.

After the four people left, Hanabi appeared under the dim street light, smiling happily.

Hehe~~ What a dedicated leader. It seems that I am going to win, dear Mr. Zishu...


147. Crisis

Zi Shu's clues are temporarily broken.

It would be better to say that the possibilities of his previous reasoning were successfully verified one by one, and the overall idea was correct. There was indeed an anonymous and covert organization in Dingke Town.

The problem lies in this organization's stronghold, which has not been found.

Through the information obtained from the four major forces through Bandevi's two dark chess pieces, Zishu was able to target many members of the unknown organization.

However, no matter whether it is using puppetry to temporarily control the opponent to lead the way, or using the sealed memory ability to check the opponent's memory, there is no gain.

It can be seen from this that the person in charge of this unknown organization is quite cautious.

Organization members use different secret codes and codes for handover. Each level of handover only has a small part of the core content, which is passed on in a pyramidal progressive manner and finally reaches the leader.

Zi Shu guessed that there would be no more than two hands of people who knew the location of the organization's stronghold and could meet the leader.

He was 70% sure that the leader behind the unknown organization was Tingyun.

After all, he is the leader of the large chamber of commerce in charge of foreign trade. His ability to develop secretly in such a chaotic Dike Town is beyond doubt.

Unfortunately, Tingyun didn't know him at all. He could only spread functional talismans similar to the Immortal Boat Talisman to see if he could attract people from the nameless organization to actively contact him.

In this way, you can contact Tingyun while waiting for work, complete the side mission and enter the next stage.

Well...it's dawn...

Zi Shu put away his thoughts, checked the remaining talismans in stock, and prepared to continue selling them in Dingke Town.

Not long after setting off, there was movement in the signal symbol staying at Anqi.

When Bandwe and the two contacted him at this time, did they have any important information?

In less than a quarter of an hour, Bandwi and Bruslet arrived at the agreed place.

Sir, the four major forces are making big moves.

Bandwei Hui reported: Yesterday, a certain high-level person in the Night Pavilion suddenly lost his voice, as if he had disappeared from the world. At the same time, the entire Night Pavilion began an efficient internal investigation, seemingly looking for spies;

At first I suspected that I was exposed, but it turned out that I was not. Then I carefully investigated in depth and found that the master of the Night Pavilion left secretly and didn't know where he was going.

Bruce Luter took over, The owner of Kuangyi Manor didn't alert anyone and left alone without saying a word. The two of us exchanged information and infiltrated the Ba Snake Gang and the Blood Clothes Society respectively. As a result, we found that these two major forces The people in power have also left their nests.”

Zi Shu fell into deep thought and slowly said two words, General Administration.

Mr. Mingjian, we also suspected that the leaders of the four major forces secretly went to the General Administration, so we stayed behind to wait for news. As a result...

Bandwei said in a deep voice: We noticed that the leaders of the four major forces returned to their hometowns an hour ago and began to secretly prepare their elites. The scale is so large that it makes people wonder if they want to join forces to attack the General Administration...

We risked our lives to hang behind the large troops of the Blood Clothes Association and the Ba Snake Gang, and found that they were all moving towards the headquarters of Ye Pavilion. They also met Kuangyi Village on the way, and finally arrived at Ye Pavilion.

Zi Shu's thoughts were flowing like lightning, and he quickly thought of many possibilities. His heart suddenly burst, and he asked almost involuntarily:

Are the four major forces moving towards the desolate area outside Nailshell Town?!

That's right... Bandwi complimented from the bottom of his heart: Sir, you are amazing, you can do all this...

Zishu interrupted him and asked, Where are you going?

North of the town, there is an abandoned industrial area known as a forbidden area for humans.

Hearing this, Zi Shu's eyes darkened, and without thinking, he threw out several rays of light and penetrated into the bodies of Bandevi and the two of them, and said coldly:

Your perception and physical fitness will be greatly improved within two hours, so hurry up and set off! Watch around the entrance and exit of the abandoned industrial area. As long as you are not a member of the four major forces, if your life is in danger, all of them will be protected by me. Come down!

After the words fell, Bendevi and Bruslert found that the figure in front of them merged into the space and disappeared in an instant.

Let's leave quickly!

Since their encounter with Zi Shu, this was the first time that the two of them heard his tone of voice fluctuated significantly. How could they dare to neglect it.

A few days ago, they were still gangsters who could only bully the weak and fear the strong. Now they have the ability to infiltrate the four major forces, all thanks to the gift of their husband.

And now, they are even more confident that they can compete with the leaders of the four major forces for a long time.

This strengthened the idea that the two of them would work hard for Zishu. Bruce Luter could save them by committing suicide. Maybe even the complete death of Mr.... could bring them back from hell?

The four major forces dispatched a large number of elites to encircle and suppress unknown targets. It seems that among those targets, there are some who are very important to Mr.

Neither of them were fools. After figuring out the key, they ran as fast as they could in the direction of the abandoned industrial park.

Going back in time a little, we are deep underground in the abandoned industrial area in the north of Dingke Town.

Oh no, boss! We are surrounded by four major forces!

Tingyun stood up suddenly, kept calm and asked, Don't panic, No. 1, what's the specific situation?

According to feedback from brothers outside, I'm afraid five of the six exits to the outside world have been exposed. It won't take long for this place to be discovered.

how so…

Boss, there may be a traitor within us. When No. 9 vowed to appoint Ye Ge to complete the mission, I felt that there must be something wrong with him!

No, no, no, there is nothing wrong with the No. 9 you are talking about, it's just that I happen to have the means to see through him...

The sudden appearance of an extra female voice made the two Zingyun's expressions change drastically. A black shadow flew towards them in the sky. No. 1 did not dare to directly intercept it and shot it down with a wave of his weapon. He discovered that the black shadow was a person, or Jiu who had just been suspected of being a traitor. Number.

At this time, No. 9 seemed to be out of breath, and even the best doctors in Nailshell Town could not save him.

Seeing the mark on his forehead, Zingyun instantly understood what the problem was.

I didn't expect that the loyal No. 9 would have been absorbed by you!

Hearing this, Ye covered her mouth and smiled charmingly: Back then, before the Nu family became the master of Ye Pavilion, they successfully captured 14 prey. He must be one of them. It's really a coincidence...

Tingyun's heart sank slowly. According to Ye's words, No. 9 had no idea that the woman he had sex with back then would be the future master of Ye Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, the despicable tactics of that dissolute woman turned out to be the culprit that ruined her plan.

Just go ahead and capture me. The slave family will give you a decent death.

Of course, Tingyun couldn't wait to die. Without saying a word, he activated the self-destruct mechanism, the ground quickly cracked, and the entire space began to collapse.


A set of power armor covered Tingyun's body, and he grabbed No. 1 and jumped up, actually jumping onto a stone platform more than 20 meters high.

Ye looked surprised. She didn't expect that this mysterious organization had actually produced a power armor that could affect the whole body.

You know, even the R\u0026D Department of the General Administration can only create the leg armor part.

The slave family will not let you run away...


Tingyun and No. 1 ran wildly along the secret passage, not daring to slow down at all.

She understood very well that although most of the people in Nailshell Town were ordinary people, there were also a small number of people with special abilities, including the leaders of the four major forces.

Otherwise, you can't control the situation just by relying on your wrists.

It is true that she is a businessman, but she also knows that sometimes it is useless to run away. It is a pity that her six-bone folding fan was damaged and lost, otherwise even if she only had one, she would not be reduced to the point of running away without a fight.

Don't go over there, those secret passage exits are no longer safe, come with me!

Is there any other exit?! No. 1 was stunned for a moment.


Gee, I'm so cautious, but that's it for now...

Tingyun didn't expect Ye to catch up so quickly and shouted: Use those talismans quickly!

After attaching the talisman that made the body light to his body, Tingyun felt as if he could fly, and his speed skyrocketed again.

However, she noticed that there were no footsteps following behind her, so she couldn't help but look back, her body stiffened for a moment.

Boss, please leave! I am the queen!

Number 1 used three kinds of talismans and was locked in a deadly struggle with Ye, holding her back with great reluctance.

It's a pity that hot weapons cannot threaten Ye Ye at all, so he can only give Tingyun a chance to leave here within a limited time.

Let's go, boss! If it weren't for you back then, I would have been fed to the wolves by the people in the black boxing ring. Today is the time to repay your kindness!

While No. 1 shouted, he kept looking for opportunities to smash the surrounding walls and completely block the entrance to the passage.

Tingyun clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and chose to leave.

We can't let No. 1's sacrifice be in vain.

Passing through the originally designed underground maze area, Zingyun's speed slowed down, and the power armor energy that enhanced the overall combat effectiveness had been used up.

In Thalia, whose technological level is severely low, energy supply has always been a big problem that cannot be ignored.

The improved power armor based on feeling technology still cannot break through the limitations of energy and achieve self-production and sales.

Fortunately, the effect of the talisman can still last for a while, enough to support him far away from the abandoned industrial area.

There was no movement from behind the maze, but Tingyun knew that the opponent would catch up sooner or later. After walking out of the long passage in front of the maze, he destroyed it without hesitation and blocked it for as long as he could.

After finally reaching the ground exit that only she knew about, she was unlucky enough to reach home and bump into someone from the Xueyi Guild who was guarding the area.

In order to avoid future troubles, the elites of the four major forces really came out in full force...

Faced with countless black gun muzzles, Tingyun still had no choice but to escape. These things that could only be displayed as ancient toys in the fairy boat were deadly weapons that could threaten her.

A powerful howitzer exploded beside him, blowing Zingyun several meters away.

The flames ignited the cloak and hood, and she had to take them off and throw them away. She gritted her teeth even though she was shot several times, and tried her best to get deeper into the abandoned city of Kaname.

The elite members of the Blood Clothes Society did not dare to pursue any more. In the pre-civilization era, it was the city most affected by the aftermath of a nuclear bomb explosion. It was filled with heavy nuclear radiation pollution that even protective equipment could not filter out. The degree of harm was far greater than the outside of Dinghui Town.

I didn't expect that the leader of the mysterious organization who tried to infiltrate our four major forces turned out to be a female Asian...

Xueyi licked his lips, smelling the smell of blood, and stared at the enchanting figure disappearing among the ruins.

President...I heard that few of the wastelanders who entered there ever came out, and the few who came out would die in a short period of time due to the horrific contamination.

I'm not afraid of the pollution. You just have to stay here.

After he finished speaking, the blood-like coat on the surface of Xue Yi's body squirmed and turned into something like bat wings, flying at low altitude and chasing Ting Yun.

Soon after, the leaders of Kuangyizhuang and Ba She Gang also received the news and chased Kaname.

None of the leaders of the four major forces is a good person. How could they let go of those who try to infiltrate their subordinates' forces?

Within a few minutes, Ye escaped from the underground stronghold and entered Kaname to join the other three people to start a blanket search. It was obvious that he did not intend to give Tingyun any way to survive.

Tingyun was able to evade the search at first, but when the talisman on his body failed, he was eventually caught up.

Faced with the siege of four people, her tail was cut off by the short knife in Ye's hand.

Save someone under the knife! Xue Yi shouted.

The short knife in Ye's hand was squatting an inch above Tingyun's forehead. Dark red blood dripped from the tip of the knife, reflecting her desperate eyes.

What does the Blood-clothed Guild Master say?

Leave her to me and I will give the three of you a satisfactory reward, how about that?

Ye looked at Kuang Yi and Ba Snake, and saw that they both seemed to be moving, and slowly raised the short knife in his hand.

It was at this moment that two dark shadows suddenly emerged from the darkness, and a sharp weapon with a cold light slashed towards Ye's neck.

At the same time, another afterimage wanted to take away the seriously injured Tingyun. Unexpectedly, the three men in blood-clothed clothes reacted very quickly and completely blocked the nearby escape route.

Damn... there are too many ruins here, making it difficult to move around...

Bruce Luter's face was quite ugly.

Xueyi's eyes were stern, A small unknown organization actually has masters?

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