That afternoon, the real stop cloud was not found, but I had an idea for the next step.

Knowing Tingyun's identity means that we can deduce more information about her, such as her general personality, status, etc.

As the leader of the Luofu Immortal Boat Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, Tingyun not only has a wise mind and a good tongue, but also his eyesight is an indispensable part of doing business.

Having good eyesight means knowing how to assess the situation and knowing what you want to do and how to do it.

Assume that she is her and falls into Thalia. If she wants to make a comeback, she must win step by step and develop secretly without telling the local snakes.

There have been assumptions in this regard before, but now that more information is known, this is undoubtedly the most likely speculation.

For her, as long as she builds a starship that can travel through the universe, she does not need to drive herself back to the fairy boat. As long as it has the function of going to the nearest trading star orbit station, she will have the opportunity to connect with the merchant ship and return to the fairy boat.

But the problem lies in the starship. If you want to build that thing with Thalia's current technological level, even if Tingyun's knowledge reserves are sufficient, material resources will be limited.

A planet that has experienced a star-destroying nuclear war has a scarcity of resources far beyond imagination.

The fact that credits can be circulated in Thalia does not mean that Interstellar Peace Company has business dealings with Thalia. If it cannot integrate all the resources of major forces, it is completely empty talk to leave Thalia.

According to his investigation, many of the large and small groups in Dingke Town, except for one tiger and four wolves, had had extremely obscure handovers.

Those groups have people who have been to the same place, and their arrival times are irregular. They stay for no more than 10 seconds and then leave. The whole process is very natural.

This situation is unlikely to be a coincidence.

Of course, all the above are just speculations by Zi Shu based on relatively accurate information, and the next step is the moment of verification.

To the north of Dingke Town, there is an abandoned industrial area covering a large area.

During the war, this area was severely contaminated by nuclear contamination. No one dared to wander in this area except those who were not afraid of death.

Deep underground in the abandoned industrial area, there is an extremely secret stronghold.

The man, wrapped in a shabby black robe and wearing a breathing mask, knelt down and reported: Boss Yun, there is something wrong with the infiltration plan.

Compared to the man in black robe, Boss Yun was wrapped in a wider cloak. Even his head wearing a breathing mask was hidden under the hood. Not to mention distinguishing between men and women, he couldn't even tell whether he was human or not.

Go on. A hoarse and dull voice came from behind the mask.

According to the plan you formulated, we took the lead in infiltrating the four major forces. Among them, the Ba Snake Gang, the Blood Clothes Society, and the Kuangyizhuang all went well. Only something went wrong in the Night Pavilion.

Boss Yun's voice sank, Have you been discovered?

Unknown, all contact has been lost.

Boss Yun tightened his fists in his cloak and remained silent for a long time.

Please indicate the next step, boss. The subordinate couldn't help but remind him.

Let everyone, including the other three major forces, withdraw and stay quiet for a while.


The man in black robe turned around and left without hesitation. Behind him, a man passed by him and half-knelt in the same position.

Subordinates came to report one after another, and more than half an hour passed before the last one came.

Boss Yun, this is a small piece of paper that suddenly appeared in Dingke Town recently. It has various effects. Subordinates have confirmed that those effects are not false.

The small piece of paper was no more than a thumb thick, with strange patterns drawn on it.

After taking the small piece of paper and looking at it, Mr. Yun's eyes under the mask were dull for a moment, and then flashed with indescribable excitement and hope.

These patterns are similar in the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Tell me, boss, we spent a lot of money to buy four second-hand pieces of paper. The third one makes the user's body lighter, more powerful, and stronger in defense. As for the remaining pink one...

The man in black robe hesitated for a moment, then added in an unnatural voice: It can enhance people's abilities in that area...

Send someone to trace the origin of these cards and find the person who made them. It's best to be able to set up a line. Remember, the tracing process must not reveal unnecessary traces.

Got the order!

As the last person left, Boss Yun was soon the only one left in the dimly lit underground space.

After confirming that the entrance mechanism was open and sealing the place, he took out a special purification device and opened it. He slowly took off his hood and breathing mask, revealing his true face that no subordinate had ever seen before.

A pair of big furry ears bounced up, and her face, which was originally charming but not vulgar, delicate but not pretty, was now filled with deep fatigue.

If Zi Shu could recognize him at a glance here, this Boss Yun was exactly the owner of the six-bone stacked fan he was looking for, Ting Yun of the fox tribe.

Tingyun leaned against the cold mountain wall and slowly slid down, his charming green eyes looking so lifeless.

It had been an unknown amount of time since the day she suddenly appeared in Thalia. It had been so long that she was numb, so long that she was only supported by a single belief.

Can I still return to Luofu in my lifetime...

The murmur was as thin as a mosquito's moan, containing a heart-wrenching helplessness.

Tingyun is not a fragile person, but the endless despair weighs on his head for a long time, sending out signals that make people accept their fate all the time. No matter how firm his heart is, he will be shaken.

The major forces in Nailshell Town have been entrenched for a long time, and their control and influence over the entire town is deep-rooted. She was almost heartbroken when she heard that the person responsible for infiltrating Night Pavilion had lost contact.

Unexpectedly, the person who came to report at the end actually brought a turn of events.

The four talismans in his hand are very similar to those of the mysterious judges of the Immortal Boat Ten Kings Division, but the differences can be found directly.

After all...even if it is the most bizarre way to enhance the ability to have sex, I have never heard of anyone in Xianzhou who is proficient in making talismans. Who can use talisman paper to carry such special spells.

But no matter what, she must find the talisman maker for confirmation.

Thinking of the trouble caused by the Ba Snake Gang some time ago, Tingyun hugged his legs tightly, put his chin on his knees and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that person?

According to the appearance and clothing described by his subordinates, it is difficult not to notice the suspicious Tai Chi jewelry hanging around the man's waist.

146. Encirclement and suppression operation

Late at night, the internal conference room of the General Administration.

Four figures were sitting on both sides of the conference table, and in the main seat was a young man who looked to be in his twenties, had a rather feminine appearance, and was always smiling.

The scary formation made the hands of the guard outside the door tremble.

It has been fifteen years since the leaders of the four major forces gathered at the General Administration. Is the situation about to change?

Outsiders do not know the real names of the leaders of the four major forces. They only know that they all use the names of the forces as their code names, and only the current leaders of the General Administration know their details.

You guys are paying us a joint visit late at night. I hope someone in Hai Hanyan didn't treat me well.

Yan, the current leader of the General Administration, although he looks too young, everyone in the four major forces dare not show any disrespect.

After all... Yan defeated the leaders of the four major forces alone when he took office. It was truly one against four, and it ended with one move.

Ba She cupped his hands and said with a smile: Mr. Yan, you have embarrassed us. If you are willing to come forward in person, it is already the highest level of hospitality.

Tell me why you're here. Yan's expression remained unmoved by the flattery.

Seeing Ba Snake's hot face and cold butt, the heads of the other three families all had a flash of schadenfreude and ridicule in their eyes.

It's better to let Master Ye Pavilion do the talking. Xue Yi suggested: After all, Ye Pavilion was the first to notice the matter.

I have no objection. Kuangyi said.

Everyone looked towards the corner of the conference table, where the extremely charming-looking woman appeared.

Ye Yingying bent down, exposing the deep ravine on her chest, and said in a loud voice:

The slave family discovered today that someone is trying to infiltrate an important member of the middle-level staff of Ye Pavilion. If that person didn't have the mark of the slave family on his body, it would probably be difficult to detect.

None of the other four men looked at her twice.

Everyone knows what the so-called mark in Ye Mouth is...

Yan's pupils turned slightly and he said softly: Then you suspected that one of the Blood Clothes Society, the Ba Snake Gang, and the Kuangyizhuang was the mastermind behind it. After investigation, it was discovered that there was another person, and the clues lead directly to... the General Administration?

As soon as these words came out, the four people's faces were full of fear, and they were suddenly dripping with cold sweat.

Mr. Yan misunderstood. At that time, the master of the Night Pavilion did suspect us. However, after confronting each house, we unexpectedly discovered that not only the Ye Pavilion was infiltrated by mysterious forces, but the other three major forces were also not left behind...

The owner of Kuangyi Village is right. I, the Bloody Clothes Club, conducted a thorough investigation very quickly and caught the two little tails. Unexpectedly, when the other party saw that the matter was exposed, they took medicine and committed suicide.

It's a shame to say that Kuangyizhuang didn't even catch anyone. The other party was extremely cautious. According to the time provided by Ye Pavilion Master, the other party probably gave up the infiltration after Ye Pavilion failed, and everyone chose to evacuate decisively.

The same goes for the Ba Snake Gang... Ba Snake's face was gloomy.

For him, before the person who killed the black python was found, he discovered that many unknown spies had infiltrated the gang. If Yege hadn't discovered it first, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

That's it. Yan nodded slightly.

The mysterious force is trying to infiltrate the four major forces. The conspiracy behind it is probably huge. The slave family has reason to suspect. If we fail to detect it in time, I am afraid that the status of the General Administration will be threatened and impacted like never before.

Yes, that's why we chose to visit the General Administration late at night and report the matter to Mr. Yan.


Seeing Yan's expression of neither salt nor blandness, the four people in Ye couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

You don't seem... surprised at all? Kuangyi asked bravely.

As early as a year ago, Mr. Yan had noticed some clues, but because he was not sure whether it was true, he put it aside until now.

Hearing this, a bit of shock flashed in the eyes of the leaders of the four major forces.

As expected of you, Mr. Yan, I really admire you.

Leave. I give you permission to carry out operations in Nail Shell Town, but I hope you haven't forgotten the things you shouldn't touch.

As soon as the words fell, the leaders of the four major forces discovered that Yan, who was sitting at the top, disappeared out of thin air.

They did not dare to raise any objections. Instead, they quickly resigned as if they had been granted amnesty. Only when they were far away from the general's sphere of influence did they heave a sigh of relief.

No one is not afraid of the being who can slap them over.

I wonder if the three of you have any clues about that mysterious force?

Unfortunately, our Kuangyi Village is still looking for clues.

Damn it, if I catch the bastard behind the scenes, I will peel off his skin layer by layer, and then use sulfuric acid water to serve him well! Ba Snake cursed.

Several people felt the same way.

Rather than having their forces infiltrated, they were more afraid of the General Administration taking action and directly erasing the four major forces from Dingke Town indiscriminately.

To put it bluntly, the four major forces were able to thrive in Dingke Town only with the permission of the General Administration...

No one can be offended by the General Administration.

If you delay for one more second, there's no chance that an accident will find us. In order to save your head, let's all go back and prepare the personnel to start the investigation. Xue Yi turned around and was about to leave.

Kuang Yi feels the same way as Ba Snake and wants to leave.

I hope you three will wait a moment. The slave family has some clues. I don't know—


The three of them turned around suddenly.

What clue?

With such a big thing happening, of course the slave family has to summon all the servants with the slave family's mark to come back. Unexpectedly, among them is a slave who was abandoned many years ago. Unfortunately, this slave has the information we need.

Ye Kan smiled charmingly at the three of them and told the big news.

He knows where the secret stronghold of the mysterious forces is. As long as we don't alert the enemy, we will be able to take it down in one fell swoop.

Master Ye's methods are really amazing!

Although all three men knew that the mark in Ye's mouth was formed and left by absorbing each other's essence after intercourse.

With the help of the mark, Ye can control the opponent, and the method can be described as quite cunning.

But it has to be said that such underhanded tactics played a vital role at this time.

Then what are you waiting for? Go back and gather people to kill them! Ba Snake said anxiously.

Don't be anxious, you three, Ye covered her mouth and chuckled, The mysterious force's armed level is not high. With Yege's manpower, it will take a while to wipe it out...

When it comes to this, even the most violent and rough-tempered Bashe understands what Ye is planning.

This is no longer a hint, but a clear statement. If you want to intervene and share the credit, you must show sincerity.

None of the three men are idiots. They all understand that maintaining the relationship with the General Administration is more important than temporary interests.

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