Not only Xi'er, the players who saw this were also confused, with countless question marks on their heads.

No, Cocolia didn’t even let her daughter go?

94. The world needs us

In the penalty area of ​​the Iron Guard, the roar was loud.

Zi Shu dispersed the formation without giving anyone time to say anything, and continued: I can open a door and teleport you to an area near the star core.

How do we need to cooperate? Xi'er asked impatiently.

Zi Shu smiled slightly and did not answer. The red-edged sword in his hand disappeared and was replaced by a sheathed long black sword held in his left hand.

He suddenly drew out his long knife and slashed it into the space in front of him.

In an instant, a crack appeared in the space and rapidly expanded to the left and right, forming a twisted entrance.

Just walk inside. Passing through the portal is the closest point to Cocolia's area. She must be with the star core, but I can't figure out how dangerous that area is for the time being.

He didn't lie. He used hexagrams to forcefully find the approximate location of the star core, and the cost was not that high.

If it weren't for his extraordinary mental perseverance, he would have fallen asleep like a dead pig by now.

Several people looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Sylva tied up her long golden hair, with a decisive look on her face, You should set off quickly while there are no threats from the world-splitting monsters around!

March 7: Shiluva, are you really not going to find the star core with us? Zishu said that Cocolia is near the star core...

March! Dan Heng frowned and interrupted her. After taking a deep look at the book, he shouted: Stop asking stupid questions. Now is not the time for mothers-in-law and mothers. Let's go!

After saying that, he grabbed the cloud-shooting gun and rushed into the portal first.

Xi'er followed without hesitation and quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, March 7 understood how urgent the situation was, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the portal.

Seeing the three people disappear, Xiluwa looked at the world-splitting monsters surrounding him, looked at Zishu and the two and urged: You guys should leave quickly too!

Xing didn't move, but looked directly into Zi Shu's eyes.

You just said you would teleport us there, what about you?

Hearing this, Zi Shu just smiled gently.

She also realized it...

The moment he calculated the exact location of the star core, the weird mask that had been silent for a while suddenly appeared on his shoulders.

Aha, we have finally waited for this day. Since the world is destined to be destroyed, why not enjoy the last happiness?

Choice 1: Beloberg's fate has long been determined. Any efforts are in vain. Why do you care whether they are dead or alive? Wouldn't it be nice to directly solve the star core problem? Follow the train crew to find Cocolia, the mastermind behind the scenes. Stop her plan. Reward: Demon Sword: [Kill Murasame with one strike]!

[One kill will kill Murasame]: The wound of the life being chopped will be infected with a special poison. There is no way to detoxify it. The resentment of the dead can be collected to use the power of the curse to strengthen itself.

Option 2: Under the shadow of destruction, there are still people in Beloberg who are pursuing that slim hope. As the former envoy of the Supreme Good, can you bear to watch everyone die? Stay and guard the defense line and solve the problem. The threat of a breakup. Bonus skill: [Cosmic Glory] (enhanced version).

[Cosmic Glory] (enhanced version): Lowers the radiance that protects the right side for 5 seconds, immune to all damage below command level strength.

Choice 3: Our Lady never has a good outcome. The Summit Good is dead, Destruction is in power, and I want to see the blood flowing like a river! Join the world-splitting army to massacre the Iron Guard restricted area. Reward: High probability of obtaining the gift of Destruction.

Gift of destruction?

I have to say it’s quite tempting, but——

Only a brainless fool would do this.

Zi Shu slowly sheathed the Yama Sword and said, I still have things to do. Go quickly. This door won't last long.

Feeling his slightly weak body, he couldn't help but look helpless.

The consumption of being involved in a law is not something he can easily bear now, unless he uses hidden power.

Zi Shu... Xing pursed his lips.

In this galaxy, the pioneers who followed Akivelli were brave and fearless, and they continued to travel through the world with the concept of doing good in nature, connecting worlds to each other, leaving behind countless legendary and wonderful adventure stories...

This world needs us, and here needs me. As for Cocolia... I leave it to you. If the crisis here is resolved, I will rush there at full speed to join everyone.

Zi Shu patted Xing's shoulder and added the last sentence.

Do what you have to do, and remember, never lose the purest original intention in your heart.

Xing took a deep breath, and the hesitation in his eyebrows disappeared. He left a word and stepped into the portal without hesitation.

Everyone is waiting for you.

The portal slowly closed, as if it had never appeared before.

Aha laughed, very loudly.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, can't even the power of destruction attract you? It seems that you still haven't completely let go of your previous beliefs... To save the people here, the price you need to pay will even move Aha~~

Faith? Zi Shu said noncommittally, You may have misunderstood something. It's true that I long for power, but I don't even bother to associate with madmen.

Oh my god...what a pity. Obviously Aha can help you get more tiles...

Aha looked like a young child who was about to graduate but was depressed because his partner was missing out on his relatives.

I can't see that madman knowing that the Order of Joy has also become the Order of Destruction. He was so angry that he wanted to kill Aha, but because he couldn't do it, he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. What a pity!! !”

[Acquire skills: Glory of the Universe (enhanced version)]

Is it possible that people can take back the power they have been given?

Is it possible that Aha will not give Him a chance to take it back?

…you win.

Of course, even though Aha lost a piece of fun, he found a new one. It's not a loss~~

Xiluwa glanced at the book, and plucked the strings with her slender fingers. The extremely aggressive and restless music surged out from the modified special guitar in her hand, and hit the world-splitting element creation head-on. In an instant, a small group of .

...It's not your obligation to help Beloberg, right?

Zi Shu flicked his fingers, and dozens of dark chains covered with unknown runes shot out from his sleeves and robes, locking the world-splitting monster like poisonous snakes.

As you said, no.

Staying and practicing the idea of ​​pioneering is only a small part of the reason. The bigger one is the vague perception of the absurd abnormality——

Not long ago, there seemed to be a fleeting command-level imaginary number reaction, which was so brief that it seemed like an illusion.

Thunder exploded in the sky, and the dense lightning carried strong thunder power and accurately landed on the head of the immobile World Splitting Monster, splitting the blow into black smoke and scattering it.

A large number of imaginary leaf weavers were eliminated with one blow. Xiluwa's pressure suddenly decreased, and the shock in her eyes was undisguised.

Are you aliens so scary? Compared with your thunderous method, my man-made electric energy attack will be blown away to the point where nothing is left...

Zi Shu smiled nonchalantly. This was just the power of the elementary lightning-inducing technique. It could be used by mobs in seconds, but it was not that easy to hurt the BOSS.

Reinforcements have arrived.

Uh, reinforcements?

Shiluva was startled.

95. Call my lord and hear me?

Before she could ask, there were dull footsteps behind her, which sounded quite orderly.

Looking back, two tall figures leading a large number of iron guards were rushing towards this side.

Dunn saw two figures in front of him from a distance. One of them had a very familiar figure, and he could roughly guess who it was without getting closer.

However, when it was finally confirmed that the suspect who broke into the restricted area was his idol, he felt complicated.


Hey, Dunn. Sylva was a little uncomfortable, but still said hello with a smile.

All Iron Guards listen to the order - Dunn shouted in a loud voice, Advance like an iron wall! Be sure to clear out the invading monsters as quickly as possible, and then support the front line!

After hearing Dunn's order, another silver-maned lieutenant wearing the same type of armor as him glanced coldly behind the book and led his troops forward without hesitation.

The lieutenant knew very well that under the threat of a devastating disaster such as the bloody warning, there was no time to deal with the intruders in the restricted area.

Dunn shook the huge shield in his hand to the ground with one arm, gripped the weapon tightly and assumed a fighting posture.


Okay Dunn, there's no need to make such a gesture. If he wants to overthrow Beloberg, he won't stay here to help us. Sylva interrupted him directly. .

Dunn remained unmoved, his eyes becoming more alert.

You are a soldier. You should know what you should do now. Take me to the combat command room quickly. Commander Bronya is nowhere to be seen. Jeppard must need my help. Siluwa spoke very quickly.

Hearing this, a flash of struggle flashed in Dunn's eyes.

Originally his mission was to support the front line, but now stopping was considered disobedience to military orders. It was okay to take Siluva to the command room, but the strange white-haired man next to him...

Enough! If you delay for one more second, more people may die! Zi Shu was not angry and shouted: If you don't trust me, you should at least trust this native Ms. Beloberg.

Dunn's body trembled, he couldn't help but grit his teeth, turned around and ran quickly.

follow me!

Xiluwa breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Zishu, and quickly followed.

As they passed each other, Zi Shu cast several auxiliary spells on the two of them that lasted for two hours to improve their combat power and physical fitness.

I hope we can meet again, and wish you good luck.

Xiluwa paused slightly, then quickly disappeared around the corner of the passage, Thank you, I'll lend you your good words, and we will definitely meet again.

Apart from the sound of the iron guards fighting in the distance, Zishu was the only one standing here alone.

[Tip: Do you want to temporarily exit the main plot visible to the player, Master? 】


[Exited, some of your subsequent actions will be distributed in the subsequent plot text and main character dialogues in the form of extra easter eggs, implying that the resolution of this disaster in the Iron Guard restricted area is related to you. 】

Zi Shu nodded.

Exiting the plot is necessary, commonly known as laying the groundwork. His abilities and origins have not yet been revealed by the players. For the logic of the plot, this is the only option to save people.

Only in this way can it be loved by more players and become stronger.

His face gradually calmed down, and Zi Shu stretched out his hands and began to form seals.

A circle of gray formation emerged with itself as the center, rotating counterclockwise and expanding rapidly. In just a few breaths, it encompassed most of the Iron Guard restricted area, and it still hasn't stopped.

It wasn't until the frontier area of ​​the battle line was covered that the high-speed rotating gray formation stopped expanding and slowly rotated at a weak speed, releasing a regular force.

The moment the Beloberg force is regarded as a friendly unit, a large amount of terrifying negativity can make ordinary people's minds go crazy in an instant. The Quilt Book converts it into a corresponding price by moving the formation, absorbing a certain proportion of it instead of the friendly unit.

Regardless of the physical level, the mental level, as long as it is unpleasant, nothing is left behind.

In the battlefield where they were fighting to the death, those Iron Guards who had been hit by fatal attacks, desperate and unable to close their eyes, soon discovered that the attacks on their bodies did not hurt or itching...

Even in a battlefield where a single distraction could lead to death, many Iron Guards were still stunned.

It's must be the power of Chunhu!

Amber King! The great Amber King Creper is protecting us!

Brothers, kill! Abandon fear and hesitation, with the blessing of Amber King, we will be invincible!

For a moment, the disadvantaged Silver Mane Iron Guards burst into a uniform roar. No one retreated, and they charged heroically to kill the enemy and defend the defense line.

Due to suffering too much, scars began to appear on the surface of Zi Shu's skin. Even if they disappeared in the next second, they still happened.

The best destiny, the only creed——

Selfless and altruistic.

Bear the suffering of all worlds, use the suffering to temper yourself, transform it into stronger power, and then use stronger power to benefit all worlds, bear greater suffering, and the cycle of cause and effect.

So - what about the suffering from the powerful Star God?

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