Xi'er: ...

Everyone, time is running out, I will take you to the front line. Sylva tore off the disguise talisman attached to her neck, But how to get through the vast army of monsters from the world to the area where the star core is located, it depends on you. It’s a trick!”

But Zishu can no longer carry us with his sword, right? March Qi said anxiously.

Everyone immediately looked at the tall figure at the front.

I can still persevere, but it's just more energy-consuming... Zishu understood that the plot was not about the mother-in-law, and his eyes were cold, Siluwa, where is the front line of the battle?


Hold on, everyone.

Without giving everyone time to react, Zi Shu's handprints suddenly changed, and the originally suspended Chifeng Sword disappeared from its original position and appeared a hundred meters away.

The extremely terrifying shuttle speed made it almost impossible for even Dan Heng to hold his foot firmly, let alone the three women in the middle.

Xing didn't care about anything else and tightly hugged Zi Shu's strong waist to prevent himself from being dragged down by the two people behind him.

The tall body she held in her arms remained motionless. She pressed her cheek against Zi Shu's broad back, feeling full of security.

Players who thought that the CG was about to end and were ready to move freely were confused by the sudden plot changes.

The original plot was just to sneak into the restricted area of ​​the Iron Guard, run around and fight with the Iron Guard in order to cross the bridge. In order to pass the level, you have to have a fierce fight with Jeppard, and then talk about it. Love will do.

But now, there is actually a plot where the world-splitting army threatens the forefront of the front line and the bloody alarm sounds?

Isn’t the change too big?

As Zi Shu once again wielded his sword and shuttled through the sky, the camera went dark and turned to the frontline command position in the restricted area, showing the scene that had happened before.

Jeppard, frowning and observing the map, comes into view, and then an iron guard walks behind Jeppard.

Silver Mane Iron Guard: Sir, Team 56, Team 57, and Team 58 have not found any intruders!

Jeppard didn't even look back: Continue the search, increase the police force——

At this moment, the alarm sound that had been heard once from Zi Shu's perspective sounded again, and the next scene does not need to be described in detail.

The players also understood for the second time how terrifying the so-called Blood Alert was through Iron Guard's words.

Especially after seeing Jeppard's next reaction, many players were shocked by that roar.

Jeppard: Shut up! Do as I say! Under normal circumstances, if you dare to disobey military orders, I will definitely fire you from my position!!!

Even though the character's facial expressions in the plot CG are limited, the anger contained in his tone clearly tells everyone how turbulent his heart is.

It seems that if it is delayed for another second, many more people will die.

[It turns out that Brother Jie already knew that I and his group had sneaked into the restricted area and was issuing an order to search. I didn’t expect the reversal to happen so suddenly...]

[Am I the only one who was frightened by Brother Jie’s tone? Oh my god, at that moment I really thought I was being angrily reprimanded by a real soldier. 】

[You are not alone in front of me. I was playing outside. The whole dormitory was almost scared out of its wits. 】

[The CV teacher is amazing, but I don’t know how good he is in foreign languages. 】

[Waiting for the UP in the barbecue area, the plot of Zi Shuxian is so cool, and it still leaves the suspense of Blood Alert. It will definitely have the effect of intracranial climax in the external network UP. 】

[Not to mention the external network, the internal network is probably very interesting. 】

It is a tradition for some players of Mijia games to have a barbecue while listening to an external anchor chatting about flour. However, most of these players are not distracted for the time being and are deeply immersed in the extremely real plot.

The scene changed again, and countless world-splitting monsters appeared from nowhere, densely packed towards the iron defense line.

Their number was too large, in sharp contrast to the number of Iron Guards. The outermost defense measures were easily torn apart, and the Iron Guards guarding the front line had to temporarily retreat to the high wall.

Gunshots sounded continuously, accompanied by the roar of bombs. The number of world-breaking monsters was so terrifying that they could stack up on top of a high wall.

Soon, the iron guards guarding the top of the high wall had to engage in a desperate and bloody battle with the monsters.

Players were all shocked by the CG, which was far more expressive than expected, and witnessed the Iron Guard retreating steadily and gradually losing ground.

The extremely terrifying World Splitting Legion successfully broke through the outermost wall of life...

The CG perspective returns to the protagonist and his group. High in the air, the six people standing on the red sword look at the fallen high wall below, unusually silent.

... Sylva's lips trembled, Is Beloberg really going to die like this...

Zi Shu narrowed his eyes, I can sense the aura carried by the star core from the monster below.

Is it really Cocolia... Sylva's mouth showed a trace of sadness, She is really crazy...

Cheer up, it's not that time yet.

The hesitation in Zi Shu's eyes disappeared and he quickly said:

The plan has changed. I need to find a stronger world-splitting monster to kill first. Just one is enough. I can use the star core aura it carries to locate the source. That way is more efficient than looking for it like a headless fly. Everyone is ready to fight. Are you ready?

Xi'er showed her sickle and said anxiously: Farewell, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, get down quickly!

Zi Shu waved his sleeves, and several illusory talismans of different colors penetrated into everyone's bodies.

Everyone only felt that their bodies were much more agile, their strength was greatly increased, and there were other effects that were helpful in combat.

After doing this, Zi Shu controlled the weapon and dived downwards. After reaching the point where the destructive aura was strongest, he shouted: Jump!

At a height of more than ten meters above the ground, everyone jumped down one after another. With a move of Zi Shu's palm, the huge red front quickly returned to its normal size and was held firmly in his hand.

The character formation interface appeared, and players found a line of text floating in the center of the screen.

[We are about to enter a special difficulty plot, it is recommended to choose the trial character Zi Shu]

[This plot must bring the pioneer. When the pioneer dies, the plot will fail. 】

On the external Twitch live broadcast platform, Sweetily, a virtual anchor with the nickname Niluli, saw this scene, his sweet and pleasant voice full of surprise.

Oh~ Mi Huyou actually prepared a level 50 sub-book for us, which is 10 levels higher than the Clara episode!

Good things to watch to lower blood pressure.jpg

93. Is this the strength a four-star character should have?

Niluli has finalized the lineup and click on the challenge to enter the special plot.

There are many world-splitting creations wandering around the map, the density is much higher than normal, and there are many fallen iron guards around them.

Xi'er's training level is pretty good, her level and light cone haven't dropped, and she can fight fairly easily in the front.

After defeating three waves of world-splitting monsters, according to the mission guide, I came to a dead end at a corner, which triggered a plot dialogue.

Zishu: That is the goal, a quick victory.

Shiluva: Be careful, I know that monster that looks like the Great Guardian of the past, it's very difficult to deal with!

Zi Shu: It's okay. Leave your defense to me. Being attacked by monsters will hurt, but I promise you won't suffer any injuries that will affect the battle.

Xi'er and Xiluwa were stunned for a moment, with a trace of hesitation flashing in their eyes.

But now was not the time to think about the truth or falsehood of Zi Shu's words. They would not have let the monster's attack hit them.

Xi'er: I'll take the lead!

March 7: Hey, wait a minute, let me give you a blessing first——

The content of the character plot and dialogue was urgent. Niluli did not enter the hatred range of the Guardian's Shadow. She very experiencedly cut out Zishu to activate the secret skill, and then replaced others to prepare to activate the monster.

When the mouse pointer was pointed at the monster, he discovered that the guardian shadow was actually as high as level 47. Except for the trial Zi Shu, it surpassed her Xi'er by a full 7 levels.

Xi'er turned invisible and slashed with a scythe to start the battle. As Zishu activated the moving star, the guardian's shadow immediately took action and gave Tingyun in the team a hard blow.

The huge amount of damage caused Niluli's leather-covered head in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room to tilt to the right.

Ah... one hit is more than half the health. This monster does so much damage. Fortunately, Zi Shu can help restore a certain percentage of the health.

Noticing that Tingyun had recovered a lot of energy, he quickly paused the battle and opened the information page to check Zishu's battle information.

Light Cone Level 50 stack 3 morning conversation, clicked on the E skill to move the stars, and was surprised to find an additional bonus copy of 6 star souls marked at the bottom, which restored 2 energy for every 1% of blood lost, up to a maximum of 16 points.

I think Natasha must have lost her virginity... Zishu alone may be able to save the entire team.

Niluli thought about it and decided to create a show effect.

She started auto-battle.

Seeing this scene, the barrage on the right side of the live broadcast room slid rapidly.

【武~I admire your boldness! 】

[You can't use Auto, this monster is obviously very strong, and the AI ​​of automatic combat may cause the team to be destroyed! 】

[Oh my God, when it comes to the automatic battle AI, people can’t help but complain. No matter Natasha or Bai Lu, as long as there is no one in the team with red blood, they will not activate it. Only Jeppard will activate it when he is full of energy. 】

[This is not the case with Zi Shu. I have also used him to activate automatic combat. You may not believe it, but his AI is very smart and will activate it when it needs to be activated, and will not use the E skill continuously. 】

【real? 】

【You will know after you see it. 】

Therefore, in the live broadcast room with almost tens of thousands of people, as time went by, the questioning barrages gradually became less and less, and finally disappeared.

Zishu's automatic AI is really smart and can see more details.

As we all know in Manhunzishu, the E skill lasts for 3 rounds. Normally, when pushing the plot, little attention is paid to combat information. Even if there are occasional battles, they end quickly, and almost no one lasts for a period of time.

Even in the previous battle to save Clara, because there were only two people in the team, it was easy to subconsciously overlook a lot of things.

But this time it was different. The Shadow of the Guardian was as high as level 47. It would take a long time to kill even Niluli's Xi'er, and the team was full.

As the battle line stretched, careful viewers observed Zishu's action logic and skill release and discovered that the E of 1 Soul Zishu lasted for 3 rounds, but that did not include the round when the E skill was used.

Every time it is Zishu's turn to act on the action bar in the upper left corner, the number of rounds of his E skill will be -1, which means——

The count starts after Zishu activates the E skill, which requires three actions. The E formation will not disappear until the fourth round.

In other words, his E with 0 souls actually lasts for 3 rounds, and with 1 soul, it lasts for 4 rounds.

In this battle against the Shadow of the Guardian, Zishu's basic action logic is very fixed. Except for the automatic E when entering the battle, subsequent actions will follow the order of EAAAEAAAE.

During this period, once a teammate's health bar is slowly depleted to the dangerous threshold, the full ultimate move will be activated immediately, pulling the health of teammates other than him to a safe value.

It doesn't matter if he has red blood. The ready talent will be automatically triggered and restore a certain percentage of the lost blood.

On the surface, if you open it up to lower your health bar to below 30% of the kill line, in fact, the talent will be triggered in the next second.

What's even more amazing is that when you lose blood, you can also trigger the energy recovery effect of Shifting Star. Not counting the charging rope, if you open it at full health, you will definitely recover 16+5=21 points of energy.

Just one word: Lai!

By the end of the battle, everyone in the live broadcast room discovered that the health bars of all four members of the team were above 80%, and Natasha had not used her ultimate move even once during the whole process...

True to what Ni Luli said not long ago, Natasha Bai brought it. It is purely a ruthless point-producing machine. Tingyun randomly E every turn, and Xier also E every turn, and there are few times when she can use her combat skills. Points are consumed to 0.

The audience in the live broadcast room was silent.

[Is this really the strength a four-star character should have? 】

[I think it’s a bit of a super model. The reason why it’s not a super model is because in the battle just now, Ting Yun was hit by monster lightning twice and was frightened to the point of bleeding. Zi Shu E was still a super model after receiving increased damage A big problem that cannot be ignored. 】

[I agree, if it weren’t for the fact that 4 souls shared 40% of the damage in those two times, Tingyun would definitely have died. 】

[Zishu too depends on the survivability of his teammates. Too high is not appropriate, and too low is not appropriate. Fighting is always accompanied by risks. 】

Niluli stared at Zingyun's avatar for a few seconds, then opened the character interface.

Hmm... Level 30 Tingyun was beaten to death by the level 47 monster Jihuo... What kind of bicycle do you need?

March 7: We have solved this problem, it is really difficult!

Dan Heng: Don't disturb Zi Shu by talking.

Zi Shu closed his eyes tightly and concentrated on the divination through the breath left after the death of the monster. After a moment, his eyes suddenly opened and he was slightly silent.

Xi'er: The specific location of the star core has not been found?

I have found it, but I also learned some additional information... Zishu murmured.

Xing's pupils turned, and he was keenly aware of something wrong: What is the additional information?

Zishu: Kokolia is trying to implant the voice of the star core into Bronya's mind to complete her brainwashing.

What?! Xier's face was full of disbelief.

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